Denis, I agree with everything you wrote with one exception: that the composition of the injections was largely irrelevant.

I accept that I do not know & have never claimed to know how many otherwise healthy people they’ve harmed or killed.

I don’t think it approximates zero. I know a fair amount about drug development and avoiding intentional toxicity. These products do the very opposite, to include numerous aspects and compositions that are expected to result in harms.

Had this not been an objective, albeit potentially secondary to the assault you elegantly described, I can’t rationalise preparing the injections as claimed (and as modified by the realisation that they’re not exactly as claimed).

Injecting physiological saline would have been more predictable, cheaper and more profitable.

I cannot prove that individuals have been harmed (injured, killed or had their fertility compromised) but I think we’d agree with the strongest recommendation not to permit oneself to any further injections.

Best wishes


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Mike, I am paying close attention to your statements. I re-published your recent (superb!) video to X: https://x.com/denisrancourt/status/1867968254368718900

You finally penetrated my thick skull, and I am starting to consider your rational-design argument as being plausible.

My recent articles attempt to explain why the strong temporal associations between vaccine rollouts and massive excess all-cause mortality (17 million) occur, which may not be due to direct vaccine toxicity... But that does not mean that there isn't smaller but nonetheless massive mortality directly from vaccine toxicity. I would guess in the range 20K to 200K immediate and worldwide. This is just immediate mortality, not long-term, and does not count permanent disability (myocarditis, fertility, clot damage, etc.).

You state: "Injecting physiological saline would have been more predictable, cheaper and more profitable."

I don't agree: Such a scam would have been too easy to uncover and prove. Also, they needed adverse effects to prove that it was an active substance, and to help convince folks that "since there is a risk, it must be worth it." Medications must taste bad to be convincing. Also, they knew that direct toxicity fatality risk was probably low enough not to produce immediate massive backlash that cannot be managed.

Of course, I agree that all vaccines should be banned yesterday, if you would go that far.

Also, I think the many published autopsy studies prove that the vaccine toxicity can directly cause death. I always reference those papers.

I would venture that if the vaccines functioned as designed and intended (if transfection and cell factory cartoons were true) then the vaccine would be orders of magnitude more toxic and fatal? In a sense, this proves that their model of the mechanism is false?

Your point about targeting the ovaries is fascinating, and I will need to research that!

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Thank you Dr. Rancourt and Dr. Yeadon.

There are a few key people that I follow that can provide missing or supplementary information regarding the "vaccines".

The first individual is Katherine Watt of Bailiwicks News. The main takeaway from Katherine's work ( She is a paralegal ) is that there is a comprehensive, immoral legal structure in the United States, through the PREP Act and the EAU laws ( Just extended to 2029! ) that enables the killings by countermeasures - NOT vaccines. The program is run by the US DOD through HHS. The United States has verified Katherine's work indirectly through the dismissal of several key cases - including the Brooke Jackson case. There were NO clinical trials because they were not required by the US government.

The second individual is Walter Chesnut, PhD, out of Vermont. Walter has covered, in-depth anything and everything related to the spike protein. The spike protein was designed to damage the human body - full stop. There is nothing positive about the spike protein. Walter has written about the pathways that cause damage and potential solutions for the same.

Finally, Sasha Latypova at Due Diligence And Art Substack has covered the covid fraud from early on. Her perspective as a former pharma executive and knowledge of manufacturing practices sheds considerable light on the fraud.

Covid is a crime against humanity. By Dr. Rancourt's analysis, it is the biggest crime against society ever. Think about it, 4 to 5 times more people have been murdered during the covid years than during the Holocaust; and very few people in the mainstream are aware of it. Covid is actually a eugenics program run in plain sight. The psychological aspects of the plan are horrific.

I was living in Hawaii when covid "broke out" . I was fortunate to read "Masks Don't Work" in April 2020. I tried warning friends and neighbors about the shots and the lies.

Thanks very much for all your great work. Peace to you both.

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I have read and reread this article many times to understand it. Having followed all the nuances of covid from the start, I now agree that I don't need more information.

I will never forget or forgive what was done to humans during the scamdemic years. My husband was terribly injured by the shots and may not recover.

My world view now is that those of us who can, in any way that we can, must continue to speak out so that the consciousness of society reaches a certain tipping point so that the whole of society understands the scam of the 'pandemic' and all vaccines. This is the sometimes known as the hundreth monkey concept.

Or, history will repeat itself.

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New abstract and published at figshare:

Rancourt, Denis G (2024). Opinion: What the declared pandemic was and was not. figshare. Preprint. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.28077833.v1

The declared COVID-19 pandemic was not what we are generally told by all sides. The immunology, clinical and virology narratives are largely disconnected from objective reality ascertained from mortality statistics and socioeconomic factors. No excess mortality would have occurred in the absence of the largescale coordinated institutional assault. The same basic mechanism has probably caused all epidemics and pandemics in history and causes the seasonal winter excesses in all-cause mortality: mass environmental or societal assault —> fatal self-infections (destabilized gut-respiratory-skin microbiomes, and parasite invasions) of the weak, sick and elderly.

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I am still Bitter. Those that went along say "I should move on", no effing way. We are standing in front of bullies that have pushed us until they thought they might get hurt, so they stopped, we have lost ground and they are giving nothing back. When They think we are lulled back into our easy lazy lives they will strike again, quicker and more viciously than the last time.

So we Must hold them up to accountability. The French revolutionaries had the right idea, make an example of the worst and make the others fear the people, for awhile anyway.

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No one will ever tell me to move on over this Gigantic malfeasance & medical ‘ Health Regulation’ Fraud ....

Second point - the William Bay case here in my country, AUSTRALIA has affixed acpermanent stain on the ‘ so called health regulators ‘ , who were willing , nigh collaborating with world Pharma and their massive lies & dishonesty.

The good news is , an extremely powerful legal precedent has been set about doctors and informed consent.

No one on the planet is happier with this affirmation than my friend, Elizabeth Hart - who has been screaming about this from day 1 of the scam-demic.

* Denis & Mike Y -;; please let me know via comment on here if you would like details of Billy Bays findings & case notes ; ...& I will forward them to you .

The Bay case just could become the precedent in this ‘ litigious world we live in - and I do hope the law text books have a chapter on informed consent - In-alienable , and , Un-alienable rights :- that’ would make Billy Bay’s , ( and mine ) , dream come true.

Thanks again for such quality posts & data , Denis

Les Kraft , is Les Catterwell

Adelaide - South Australia

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Criminal charges must be laid by federal government workers under Section 504 of the

Criminal Code of Canada against their directors for crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using SMART (AI) nanotechnology biosensors embedded in masks, tests and jabs for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code. There is no statute of limitations on indictable (felony) crimes in Canada. Using Section 504 enables regular Canadians to lay private informations (criminal charges) by excluding complicit cowards in policing.

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Dec 14Edited

I compartmentalise despising my family and most of the people I see, because I know 90%+ just went along so there's a good chance any individual is the same, even if they might be ok, noone talks about it, I reckon many suspect something, but can't go there, what I've witnessed since just adds to it, the denial, I'm sickened to my core and I don't think it'll ever leave me, maybe it's just the way we are, with different inputs it'd just be on the other foot path perhaps, but yeah, bitter doesn't cover it for me lol

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Attorney Reiner Fuellmich is imprisoned in Germany with no valid cause. He is in total isolation and has been denied visiting rights...including from his family. He literally wears chains and shackles to his absurd court "hearings".....What did he do? He spoke out against the "pandemic" fraud and engaged highly qualified experts to back him up. He made a series of videos ICIC now scrubbed from the internet. He must be freed now.

Are the Germans reverting to their "old" nazi Klaus Schwabian ways?

You be the judge...

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My husband is "vaccine injured" since his two "covid injections"...they are not vaccines. He has Guillaine Barre syndrome and has trouble walking. I refused these shots and was dismayed when "injectors" showed up at the door of our apartment...in our retirement community in NC. Since that time we have had to attend the funerals of numerous "vaccinated" friends and acquaintances...

I threatened lawsuits....I know it's a joke...but still... I hope and pine for justice. I always knew when the European doctors--Heiko Schonung et al... were being arrested and charged that this was coming here as well. Irish Prof. Dolores Cahill a previously highly regarded immunologist has been arrested and then released. She suffered damage while under arrest. All the scientists who studied this product-- Sucharit Bhakdi et al... did know these were toxic and damaging substances. I despise the medical "professionals" in my family for their silence and compliance.

Why are we so like those little ratlike creatures who follow each other over cliffs?

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Sorry to hear about your husband, hope he can get some rehab

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Thanks....I am sure there are millions like him. Somehow he degenerated quite rapidly after his two "vaccines"....The good news...he did not go in for the third round and is working hard to restore his coordination etc. We have recently moved to Florida and feel very fortunate as our daughter who lives here has taken us in for now....Florida has remained above the fray as there were no lockdowns, mandates or directives to encourage these murderous injections. We continue to look for help from "alternative" medicine etc. I wonder if the covid death cult will help to bring medical tyranny to a well deserved end? ...We can still hope.

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I've got into kettlebell and clubbells training over the last few years, the heavy clubbells have a 'lighter' version with its own history ( all interconnected of course), called 'indian clubs'....

Anyway the guy I got some programs off has a family history of rehab, knows guys that he helped from spinal issues, yadda yadda..

There does seem to be something good about rotational work ( crossing over the central body line ) that lends to recovery...

That's all, could be an avenue, all the best to your husband

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Thanks...this is something he has not yet looked into. We will check it out...

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The wholesale loss of values, signing on to self-delusion and shapeshifting. Sold out. Massively. Very valid, don’t let yourself ever be silenced into ‘social correctness’.

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Yeah, that's a cop-out to be fair, angry at others, there's clearly so many isolated, need a refocus

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They are "good Germans" - exactly the same behaviors as the majority of German citizens in WW2.



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Nope, author has a long way yet to go to find truth. Gotta love the quote from the socialist/communist stirring the pot. More of a limited hangout this article. But sure: we find mostly the same mass psychologic warfare mechanics applied today as then, and socialism is again in the wings. Why not, it worked so well.

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Unfortunately the French revolutionaries were part of the same group that orchestrated covid, as were - even more unfortunately - many of our own founding fathers.

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Dec 13
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I guess you are one of the "move on" trolls. Good luck with that

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In May 2021 husband fell on the bathroom floor, and it became obvious that he needed some sutures.

He was transported by ambulance to a Maine local hospital, and was administered a fake PCR test and declared to have fake covid.

He was "locked up" for 9 days in a newly covid unit until I could figure out how to advocate for him since NO visitors were allowed.

Hospital staff had full control of the situation.

I eventually wrote a 15 page document citing all the laws violated and sent it to the Maine AG. the local, county sheriff, and our representative all to no avail.

NO one cared.

I will write a book about this episode and forget about going to court.

Two lawyers have already declined to take the case.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician).

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Yes, that is extreme violence! I have heard this kind of testimony from others also.

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Hello! Fellow Mainer here—looking to connect with other Mainers in this insanity. ❤️

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Trying to imagine what that must have been like is difficult, but at best "devastating".

I am on the Bandwagon of "we the good people MUST unite & begin to demand justice".

People like Denis and Mike are an inspiration (certainly to me) & it is my sincere hope that People of your Ilk and Denis and Mike will be the "Leaders of our activity".

My thoughts are with you.

https://www.theWILLlofAustralians.com.au https://www.theWILLofAmericans.com

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Thank you!

When it happened surprisingly, I had to focus on what I "had" as opposed to what I "didn't have" so I could prevent fear from controlling me.

When he didn't call me to take him home, I had to call the hospital to find out why.

NO one was courteous to call me.

Whenever I went to the hospital, I was met with hostility (surrounded by security guard), and the staff continued to refuse letting me see him - strict policy of no visitors allowed.

It was high risk behavior to enter the hospital as I could have been accused of being a domestic terrorist, harassment, threatening, etc and off the jail I would go.

I used caution at all times while there.

On the 9th day, I told a member of the staff that they must follow the laws just like I did when I worked in hospitals.

They finally released him that day.

In my 15 page document as above-mentioned, I accused the hospital of kidnapping, human trafficking, and body snatching. I sent the hospital a copy of that document. They weren't happy with my accusation.

I will present more details when I write my book about this kidnap episode.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Keep following Denis (and Mike, and me for that matter).

Good luck with your book.

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Lise is a "legal" immigrant living in Maine as she is Canadian born from the suburbs of the Province of Quebec.

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Great post.

Have you ever thought about promoting the output from the Scottish Covid Inquiry?

Given your platform and your expertise it seems a good way to reinforce exactly what we observed against what is now on public record…. In Scotland… not anywhere else I don’t think, especially in such graphic detail?

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OK, I see it now here: https://www.covid19inquiry.scot/

I registered for their updates.

I will promote it on X.

I will look at more of their content when I have time.


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Great to get your take on this, many thanks Tess.

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Convince me. Use clear speech with content. One paragraph.

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The Scottish Covid Inquiry gives everyone a direct view with precise details from multiple parties who come at it from various perspectives. The testimony tells people exactly what happened in one place of the world during this time and how it happened.

The ghastly stories presented throughout that inquiry were not unique to Scotland and the only reason we have such intimate details from Scotland is that to date they are the only nation to launch an honest inquiry into what was happening inside the nursing homes during the Covid-19 crisis.

Go here:


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Great work, Scottland! Happening in Canada as well: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/

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Apologies I was in a hurry. The Scottish Covid Inquiry might be worthy of your time.

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Denis you are a great Canadian thanks for this article

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Very well put and thoroughly convincing. This was and continues to be a gigantic crime (it is ongoing), it is hardly possible for an individual to comprehend the scale of the damage from it. It will repeat if it is not addressed thoroughly in society and the satanic forces (yes this is what they are) behind it all are neutralised by whatever action is required.

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Denis Rancourt's brillant and revealing investigation tallies with many of the statistical findings of a courageous french statistician that no doubt he's aware of, Pierre Chaillot.

His considerable efforts remove the multiple layered veil of deceit and in your face LIES about the C-19 'Catalysing Event' and United States of America Defense Department-led GLOBAL Military Exercise😱😷💉💀💀.

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I am growing tired of the bitter the taste in my mouth; my anger is eating at my liver. I totally agree with your stance, Denis, with your invitation to not let go. I am also afraid that it will kill me…

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It's not that kind of anger. It's an anger of participation.

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What I did myself so as to avoid mere passive resistance...I invested several hundred dollars...Yes that is a lot for a retired teacher...into buying well documented books by known researchers--Dr. McCullough, Breggins... Edward Dowd...Doctors4Covidethics Sucharit Bhakdi etc...and I sent them to friends I knew to be quite literate and who used to have critical thinking abilities....lawyers, teachers, etc....The postage alone was daunting...I have not heard back from any of my former friends...We live in another state now, so I do not see them either.

Oh well. At least I tried. Now at the very least, they cannot claim that no one told them and that they did not know--as was done in the previous mass genocide ....

Will it matter?

Only to me I suppose.

If I stop one person from "vaccinating" their helpless children or elderly parents...it would be worth it...

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Paint me a picture of what you imagine?

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Perhaps this story of the dark night from Australia will resonate? https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/morning-has-broken-like-the-first

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If I understand you correctly, the number of adverse events due to COVID shots themselves is in itself not enough to account for the 17 million deaths you believe are attributed to the COVID vaccination campaign. I believe you previously said that the bulk of vax associated deaths are in the elderly. So perhaps the elderly are more vulnerable to the measures used in, and surrounding, the administration of the shots than younger people. So that is why that age group has a higher number of deaths post covid vaccine. Whereas younger people may be less susceptible to these measures and thus die in lesser numbers post vaccine. Of course, the younger cohort can still be injured and die from the inherent dangers of the COVID shots such as from immune attack of transfected cells, DNA integration and production of aberrant proteins due to ribosomal frame shifting to name a few.

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Yup, you really should read my recent articles.

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And I wonder... what are these young people going to be dealing with 10, 20, 30 years down the road? What is this garage really doing to babies who are being injected with it? We may never know because like with everything else, they will explain the adverse effects away because, "it couldn't have been the 'vaccine' because they got that 30 years ago."

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For those authorities ‘taking good care of you’ the bottom line are simple economics: https://www.cmaj.ca/content/189/3/E101

The elderly pose a huge drain on the healthcare as well as the old age pension coffers. The kill-box really is in this square.

“ RESULTS: Medical assistance in dying could reduce annual health care spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $138.8 million, exceeding the $1.5–$14.8 million in direct costs associated with its implementation. … Health care costs increase substantially among patients nearing the end of life, accounting for a disproportionate amount of health care spending. For example, in Manitoba, more than 20% of health care costs are attributable to patients within the 6 months before dying, despite their representing only 1% of the population.”

These 2017 projections were made using premature death estimates between 1 week to 1 month. Where are these savings if the elderly passed on 12 months before natural death?

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I have followed and respected you for some time now Denis, and thank you for the amazing info you have made available. I follow many People globally, Dr Robert Malone, RFK Jnr, Steve Kirsch and many more. My "ask" of them, and I hereby ask of you the following. "We know these were crimes". "We know much of who the Criminals are". "We know there has been widespread corruption". "We know the destruction that has been caused to "Mankind" generally".


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I have extensively worked in the legal system, if that is what you mean?

I continue to work hard on such cases.

Many lawyers and litigants are already doing many lawsuits.

You should spell out what you are proposing, and give an example.

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I take your point and apologise for not making it clear Denis. I only seek a comment (or tacit agreement) from you and others (some of whom I have mentioned) to give an indication that if I rose up and began the "fight back", eg ask the questions, "why is Anthony Fauci still walking around"? "why is Bourla still enjoying his multi million dollar salary" (not to mention dividends) "why is it acceptable for the Prime Minister of Britain to state "I would rather be in Davos than Whitehall" why is there not a MUCH LOUDER cry in regards to the amazing work YOU have done? The people are afraid! If you look at my response to Laura below I hope it will create a clearer image. If need be, my email is admin@thewillofAustralians.com.au

You are a "stand out" on a Global scale Denis and I offer my personal thanks for what you have done.

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All institutions including the judicial system is corrupted or muted.

I’ve found no exceptions anywhere in the world these past 4.5 years.

So that’s why, I think. Most individuals follow the cues of those around them.

The tiny numbers who think for themselves cannot ever break through the posture of mainstream media never to platform real truth tellers like Denis Rancourt.

Those who own & operate the major “social media” networks are likewise complicit or muted, even Twitter, which is no less censored than under it was under previous ownership. The same voices who were wiped out before are still subject to shadow banning now.

I try to reach new people every day but I’ve no means to ensure that. The perpetrators have awesome power. Only awakened people in bulk can really stop them.

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Right. This is why it needs to come in by way of getting involved locally and taking our local governments back. This is exactly how they were subverted. By grant-funded small but networked NFP ‘stakeholders’ sliding into council chairs and passing resolutions. Then they agitated against ‘hate-speech’ and impolite citizenry, needing security from anyone opposed to their agenda, regardless of presentation. Within just a few years we see bureaucratic barriers implemented ‘for their safety’ progressively shielding officials from direct contact with their constituents. And our voices replaced by ‘stakeholders’ carrying the ‘United’, ‘Alliance’, ‘Resilience’ brands. We, the people, are on the verge of being shut out and silenced by a carousel of paid actors.

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I bellieve with all my heart Dr Yeadon, that the likes of your good self hold the secret to The People's Fight Back. (I have followed you (like Millions of others) since the beginning and have Enormous respect and Admiration for you as a person and your Courage (which stands as a testiment to all of us). I invite a dialogue between us in the interests of the above, It would make me Very proud. admin@thewillofaustralians.com.au

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It isn’t up to Denis to seek justice. Look through history, it is not until the people awaken and rise up together that this tyranny will end. When the masses stand up in non-compliance they no longer have power over us.

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Exactly. Also, 'they' pretty much own the courts, make laws, change the goal posts at will.

People, especially in the West, have to snap out of the illusion that some Fukuyamesque end of history has been achieved, an eternal paradise. They have to realize that they're under attack, form opposition, and fight for their rights and freedoms. It remains to be seen how, but this is a broad societal if not civilizational issue that can't be resolved with one lawsuit or a set of criminal charges against a few malevolent assholes. It's hugely bigger than that.

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Amen! I grow weary of friends and others I know asking, "what can we do?" I usually have to say, "um... stop playing along with everything you claim to disagree with!!!!" We have the power, but for whatever reason, people seem to not be willing to use that power. It's astonishing. If a majority of the populace would learn the word NO, much of the madness in our society would end almost overnight.

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Convenience and fear of social policing. Individualism will lose under the boot of collectivism until people master their fear and speak their mind in the face of their peer’s socialist huddling. It takes practice and carries harsh penalties of social branding, until individualists are ready to bond for security and strength of voice. This is not done by voting. Bureaucracy is captured. It is done by taking back local governments, one by one.

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With all due respect Laura, I have devoted much of my life to seeking to motivate "The People of the World" to unite and have "the Pendulum" swing back in favor of We The People. I site several of my web sites for you :-

https://theWILLofAustralians.com.au OR https://www.theWILLofAmericans.com

so I say to you Laura, I agree at the end of the day it WILL BE (and MUST be) THE PEOPLE, but due to very understandable reasons, IT WILL ONLY HAPPEN IF HIGH PROFILE, RESPECTED, SKILLED AND COURAGEOUS PEOPLE stand to lead us. Again I say Denis has ALL of these features and (in my MOST respectful opinion) The World is Waiting for these People to LEAD US. I am set up to facilitate it, Auto responders, web hosting etc etc.

As a last comment (If I may Laura) many otherwise brave people are still CAUTIOUS because of the damage that has been done by/to "ordinary people" who stood up, but were (literally in Many cases) Destroyed by the Elite.

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Interesting point. Will the people on their own realize how they're being had and revolt or does there need to be a leader who will lead the way?

Probably a combination of both.

How did people learn to exercise their collective power against exploitative capitalists and install the welfare state/social democracy? Well, guys were going around pubs and places and educating workers about basic economics, the need to join forces, etc. Plus, there were leading figures who worked on bringing about change.

The same is needed now. From where I'm standing, we're at the stage where the vast majority of people don't even realize what's going on, how they're being effed over. That has to change first for any leader to have any success.

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Yes, with one added problem: the vast majority of people don't WANT TO realize what's going on. They have made up their mind that they can’t face the truth. We have learned this the hard way. If the Aware can’t get on their feet and continue cowering, they will be drug even closer to the edge.

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Dec 15Edited
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In many ways we’ve been here before, and yes history repeats itself. Some of the witnesses are still among the living. ‘Primitive’ cultures have important rituals transitioning children into adulthood. The shift into responsibility for self and tribe is understood. The lines are blurred to near invisibility in the western world, and the majority never make that step - needing to be cared for for life by an authority that replaces their parents. Safe-keeping in all daily affairs is high on the list, with a scaffolding of rules and regulations providing demanded protection. This is the very shackles used for their enslavement and they don’t mind the ring in the nose neither. The more wrappers of rope, the more it feels like protection. And the parasitic psychopaths happily oblige, laughing.

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You're right Paul, I have "Put my head up" just here in Australia and got a number of Thousands "come on board", but your point is exactly right, the worrying factor is, most people either dont have a clue, or "don't want to know". THATS why I believe either I need, or a "suitable" person needs the "Profile" I mentioned above.

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Brilliant and succinct analysis of our current state of affairs… Bravo! Thank you for sharing your insights and amazing work seeking the truth. 🙏🏻

I agree that free speech is the key for justice to prevail and that individual responsibility and accountability for actions must be restored for society to recover from the ongoing deepening crisis.

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Cool, but I did not say free speech was "the key". I see it as simply a necessary part in a constant battle against corruption and exploitation.

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Apologies for not being precise and accurate in my wording. IMO, free speech is the most fundamental requirement to encourage more people to engage in truth seeking. A small courageous minority will continue to speak out even if there is no free speech protection and they are willing to take the risk of punishment from those in power. However, I think that societal improvements are more likely if more people engage in the free exchange and consideration of ideas.

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Official efforts to curb free speech, to censor social media, to disseminate propaganda through legacy media, to generally control the flow of information in the public space are bad, but much worse is self-censorship, groupthink, conformism, head-stuck-in-the-sand refusal to face reality, mass formation, fear (of realizing that reality is not what's being presented as one) on the part of the people.

Ban on free speech imposed by the powers that be is much easier overcome than if self-imposed, which is generally the case. My better half has a bar where a lot of people come and go. It's tragic to see what they're talking about - the world is on fire and they keep yapping about inconsequential bullshit.

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"Details of toxic ingredients in the injection products are largely irrelevant (in the big picture)"

Far from being irrelevant, details of toxic ingredients some 3 billion people were injected with, are a crucial part of the big picture. Possibly the biggest part.

"Biolab leaks and patents are irrelevant. Engineered versus natural presumed pathogen is irrelevant."

Again, most certainly relevant parts of a big picture that shows pre-planning and intent to cause harm. Additionally, understanding that biolabs exist to cause intentional harm to our citizens versus to address foreign biological warfare as is officially stated, is necessary to not only hold people accountable but to create change.

I agree that getting bogged down in minutia is pointless. But the points above are hardly that; they're key to igniting the righteous indignation necessary to ensuring that justice is done and repeat occurrences are impossible.

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Go for it.

But also consider that you may not have completely understood my post.

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Enlighten me then. Perhaps I'm not the only one.

And ... go for what?

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Precise and right on the 🎯!

What was covid? The most visible attacked they did on us since black plague probly, im putting out ww1 and ww2 cause these were country vs country murder theater compare to covid and bulbonic plague who are perceivable as : them elite vs us people. Them with power vs us without power. I totaly agree to not learn more fakery, but in the same times lots amongst us needs to learn the reality. And we are back at propaganda war and how well there plan is made. Funny thing is they use us to their plans as they infiltrate inside our sphere… while few of us infiltrated their sphere and manage to use an elite vs another elite for the people sake. Hard to find exemple where we did achieve that feats they constantly do on us.

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really cool what the tech guy video biologist made with games. awesome. what i fear tho is that when we see we are unlimited like gods…we tend to think of ourselves as gods. and we’re back in the loop. Technology always was a two side sharp blade to be wary of and use only in good means.

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Indeed, Dr. Hotez has a range of old and new viruses in mind that he could soon use on the population. He said so very conveniently. If RFK Jr. becomes the next US Health Minister, let's hope this situation can be mitigated. If the next Canadian elections are held in October 2025, maybe we won't have to deal with any p[l]andemics. There are some glimpses of hope. But not much.[https://winteroak.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/the-single-global-mafia-cudenec.pdf?] [https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/on-shannon-joy-show-december-5?] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD5gtM1A990] [https://rumble.com/v5xul8n-assisted-dying-today.-forced-dying-tomorrow-david-icke.html?start=142] [https://winteroak.org.uk/2024/12/13/gordon-brown-and-the-single-global-mafia/] [https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/covid-dissenter-doctor-william-bay?]

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