In fact, I endorse several more related books, re false pandemics, false pathogens, toxic vaccines... Here is my current list: https://archive.ph/paCoN

Original: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=123&name=2022_10_29_blogpost_recommended_books_critical_of_the_virus_magic_bullet_and_vaccine_theories

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Regarding censorship, they cyber attacked archive.org (the world's main library!), and it has been down for days. https://x.com/denisrancourt/status/1845114166060679539

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"In the two years since the failure of the covid pandemic narrative I (Brandon Smith) have argued that globalist organizations are trying to regroup under a new plan. The evidence suggests that these people suffered a shocking revelation after their attempt to implement perpetual medical tyranny. They’ve realized they don’t have as much control over the flow of information and public discourse as they originally assumed.

Even with full-spectrum censorship using algorithms to bury contrary data, even with the full force of the government partnering with social media to silence dissent, even with the threat of economic exile for anyone refusing to take a steady series of mRNA jabs, they still failed. The truth about covid’s minimal Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) still spread, along with data proving the uselessness of the mandates and lockdowns. There was nothing they could do about it."


Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign…


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What about https://archive.is/ ? Also attacked?

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It's good to have you back, Dr. Rancourt. I'm encountering the same fate as you with my attempts to study this new totalitarian despotism (https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy). Just yesterday, the Commission des droits du Québec rejected my case against Laval University for censoring me and sabotaging my academic accomplishments despite having a trove of documents proving it.

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Good morning Denis Rancourt,

I strongly support the work of you and your team and I commend your integrity, competence and strength of character. Few people can stand up against the deceitful-and-ignorant Cancel Culture.

I independently reached most of the same major conclusions as you regarding Covid-19:

1) No Real Covid-19 Pandemic.

There were no excess deaths (vs previous years) in Alberta to well-past 1July2020. No excess deaths actually means no real pandemic.

2) The pandemic responses were inappropriate, costly and very harmful.

Enormous harm was done to the economy and to individuals, especially children, by the needless, ineffective Lockdowns.

~530,00 Americas were medically-murdered in the USA in 2020 by incompetent late treatment, toxic Remdesivir, and Ventilators.

In Alberta, our physicians practiced early, conventional flu treatment and we had no excess deaths through most of 2020.

3) The Covid-19 "vaccines" were ineffective and highly toxic.

The Covid-19 vaxxed contracted Covid, often several times.

Excess deaths soared after January 2021 when the toxic Covid-9 injections were deployed.

4) Covid-19 vaxx-death toll in the tens of millions, and growing.

Circa Feb2023 you and I (100% independently) published total vaxx-deaths in the countries where there was good data - 13 million to end 2022. You used Israeli and Australian total death data; I used Alberta total deaths. That death toll now exceeds 20 million and is increasing.

5) The Covid-19 Lockdowns-and-"Vaccines" false narrative is supported by Scoundrels and Imbeciles:

-The Scoundrels know they are lying;

- The Imbeciles believe them.


I published my conclusions to ~end2023 here:


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull


Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Alan, pls, contact JJ Couey....he would be interested in talking to you.....



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Keep up the excellent work! At this point, I don’t trust anyone who has not been de-platformed, censored, or fact checked. Either they are lying, or what they’re saying isn’t too important to the global governance agenda. You, sir, are a straight shooter on all topics I’ve seen you publish. Your work is greatly appreciated by the world and by many more than will ever mention it to you. Thank you!

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If there ever was a true global pandemic, we would all be dead by now. There is no way the clown show also know as big pharma could ever create any life saving vaccines or mRNA poisons.

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We have continuous pandemics of rhinovirus, various flues, herpes simplex, etc., and we're not all dead.

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These are endemic diseases. They do not or no longer come and go but are forever in the human population.

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Denis, cheering you on from Michigan, parents from Saskatchewan and Quebec. Your work is exemplary, thank you for it.

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Denis, you will ALWAYS be on my HERO LIST of Freedom fighters, and humanitarians, as well as for your fantastic scientific prowess and forensic detailed analysis.

Even those with basic questioning ability and common sense could see we were being lied to.

Unfortunately with communist controlled media in Canada, Canadians were attacked with immense fear and brainwashed they would die.

As per Dr. Michael Nehl's (super qualified German doctor and scientist) as his book "THE INDOCTRINATED BRAIN", high levels of constant fear literally ERASES the basic memories of life in the hippocampus and amygdala.

Today we can be surrounded by a society that are essentially permanently in a zombie-like state obeying ludicrously more fear porn.

One point is the media like CTV, CBC, GLOBAL and newsprint are owned and controlled by Pharma and their thugs. They are very CULPIBLE for the damage.

Anyway for those of us AWAKE and well versed (thanks to freedom fighters like you Denis) we must remain vigilant because we are at war, against our totalitarian Uniparty in Ottawa and this war of installing communist totalitarian society that are owned by sick billionaire psychopaths is FAR FROM OVER.

Canadian Veteran

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We have been in the story of 1984 for decades....

Orwell wrote that story about his time.

That's how they have been able to call the truth "disinformation".

In 2020, I was banned from medium blogs because I was questioning every hyped up point about COVID. I commented on a few blogs that were spreading the fear porn and within a week I was not allowed to log on anymore.

The funny thing is that they invited me back but as soon as I tried to post something it was blocked. Fk you medium and other lie promoting and truth dissuading propaganda outlets!

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Is the recent censorship because people have been sharing the hell out of your study which proves 17 million "vaccine" deaths?

If so, we should definitely keep posting it and certainly be emailing it to our Members of Parliament like I did on October 3rd, 2024.


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Awesome! Stoked to see you recommending Virus Mania.

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I just noticed that your own homepage is difficult to access here from Denmark. Mayne it is the same for resident Canadians as both countries seem equally occupied by the same evil forces.

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Yes indeed, your work is greatly respected. Here in the UK, far too many are still 'bewildered ' and in denial, including my father, a former Professor of Medecine at a large teaching hospital and with whom I have argued continuously for 4 years. It is to people like yourself Dr Rancourt that I now turn for my hope and sanity as I have lost all trust in the NHS. Humanity owes you and your publishing colleagues for your courage and academic rigour.

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It has become a clown show. They are on the road to destroying medicine as we know it, which is both a good thing and a disturbing thing. If we all do our own research and connect to genuine forms of medicine and healing, of which there are many, we might stand a chance of letting the monolith die its deserved death and having something good rise from the ashes.

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It’s not that simple. We are being poisoned on the daily. This must be corrected in parallel with anything we do with the medical complex.

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I didn't say it was simple. Cleaning up the world of animal agriculture and the poisoning of our soil with toxic chemicals, fertilizers and run-off is all part of the same medical industrial complex as much of medicine.

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I recall reading "Masks Don't Work" in April of 2020. I lived in Kauai, Hawaii at the time. Kauai was the LAST county in America to end mask mandates in late 2022. Absolutely insane compliance to the government narrative.

I tell every person I can about your amazing work, Dr. Rancourt - you are helping the world to slowly open its eyes to the pandemic and virus bullshit. Thanks very much!! Peace.

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Yeah Kauai was terrible. I was surprised and disappointed by the compliance on many levels and in most places…but I thought Kauai locals in particular would have successfully resisted all the bullshit policies.

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The ministry of truth in full swing! Although quite deplorable, it has the benefit of unmasking the fraud with all of the associated tactics to camouflage it. Will it works as hoped by the disingenuous authority, I doubt it. Thanks Denis for exposing it.

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