I watched this eagerly! Fanbloodytastic! Thanks to you Dr Rancourt! Nobody else seems to have the balls or ability or inclination or stamina to review the data thoroughly! Thank you for your input and I will share it often wherever I can.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

Fantastic stuff Denis.

So much good solid ‘green stuff’ that falsifies core pandemic hypotheses completely.

The DATA and probability assessments from it must be taken on board by any sincere scientist.

I am personally not convinced that the presence of bacteria is anything but a proximal effect rather than a primary cause.

If a house burns you always see firemen round it. But it would be hasty to think they were the cause of the fire damage.

It does appear that no microbe has ever passed any of Koch’s postulates. Is it time to abandon the notion of biological pathogen?

Individual cases of recovery after antibiotics feel convincing but the placebo effect is so powerful. Does the data record really show them as offering other than as the old doctor’s saw goes ‘recovery in a week rather than recovery in 7 days without them’?


I would add that when i first tried to embrace the No Biological Pathogens hypothesis it was very very hard to do so.

It went against core ‘axioms’ that had been woven into me from birth. I can only offer my own personal experience : once I looked with an open mind and the sword of scepticism gleaming in my hands I came to understand that no evidence seems to exist that bacteria attack healthy tissue in vivo.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt


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The issue of antibiotics seeming to improve pneumonia is intriguing. I wonder about anti inflammatory effects maybe .. Ive not concluded. 'Anti virals' seem to have good effects on people quite often also so I wonder what is actually going on there too .

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I’d love to see any evidence. Inflammation is the body healing. Seems crazy to inhibit it.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

New Zealand has also experienced the phenomena of elevated summer deaths in 2022/23 and 2023/24 whereas prepandemic, summer deaths are predictably low. Also if we compare 2020 and 2021 when the borders were closed, thereby eliminating a circulating influenza virus and during which the elderly were locked out of society, there is a distinct spike in ACM around week 18 of 2021 when there was no Covid. The main difference between 2020 and 2021 was the vaccine rollout that began in earmest in April of 2021. 'Formidable' Denis and the team.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

Thank you, Denis and colleagues, for another great piece of work that allows a layman like myself to more easily digest global data relating to the events of the last few years. Unless we understand and learn from the past, we’re destined to move forward in a similar direction.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

Incredible job, well done! Thank you!

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

Prof! Congratulations on this presentation (not to mention the technical achievement of the analysis that you are presenting). Your presentation style is relaxed and engaging. You somehow manage to bring the big picture of your message in simple language and without clutter. For me specifically, you clarified numerous questions, including the reasons for the 'outbreak' of respiratory illness and death (iatrogenic). The world owes you a debt of gratitude for all your work.

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The truth is coming out, slowly but surely. This interview from a Standford surgeon who had a 100 mph awakening, will connect many dots for many people.


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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

Sincerely and appreciatively thank you.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

A pertinent question (we have the right to ask, now that things are getting more and more connected) - if in a shithole country, the other day, medical personnel were arrested in "peacetime" on suspicion of serial murders of over 20 of people admitted to intensive care in two days (by ordering the reduction of vital treatment), how many people were helped to die during the pandemic and since when this custom has been practiced in hospitals....

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

I loled when you said it was a pandemic of the vaccinated! Take that, Jabbin' Joe! I do have a question, though: what is the common cold, in your opinion? A bacterial infection rather than a coronavirus?

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I cannot give a short answer. Our next papers will address such questions even more. For now, I made this reading list:


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As a useful addition I would note that when ive found households of people supposedly sick with cold and flu , i have managed to miraculously cure it by a good dust of the house and an air purifier removing dust and mold, or just getting people out and about with fresher air ... the dust/mold thing in the uk is a huge factor.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Denis Rancourt

If i can add my observations. Carl jung said flu was often caused by central heating drying up the airways. i agree with that observation. ive also noticed how when people feel ill they stay indoors and become affected by house dust and molds to a much greater degree.. fumes from open fires in my case caused my one and only 'lung infection' i would say. There are so many factors including lack of vit D and poor diet .. detox symptoms etc. its hard to locate one particular 'syndrome' if that makes sense. Oddly, as a child I had none of the normal childhood illnesses , so I thought them all to be 'fantasy' . lol.

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Where is the proof coronavirus exists?

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

Your conclusion is spot on. And bone chilling.

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Wow that was clear precise and most impressive. I agree with the analysis and conclusions 100%

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

I like the way you phrased it in your recent posted video: If you want to kill 0.1% of a population, this is how you do it. Also, I couldn't believe what a brat that woman was to you in the debate. She was so defensive. And the guy kept rushing in to defend her.

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Aug 9Liked by Denis Rancourt

Thank you Denis Rancourt. Excellent.

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Aug 8Liked by Denis Rancourt

I haven’t watched year but I am setting aside a quiet place and time! So excited!👏👏👏

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It is disappointing that the otherwise brilliant Denis Rancourt is still harping on about the unproven claim of pathogens causing illness. Old people with previous illnesses always have a history of medication; in addition to toxins from food and the environment, these are toxins that build up and naturally trigger "illnesses" under high stress. Antibiotics kill all helpful bacteria in the body and create the illusion of "healing" in the short term. Has anyone observed the rebound effect of those who have been seemingly saved from pneumonia by antibiotics? I would be interested in these figures. Perhaps some of the excess mortality is at the expense of antibiotics. Harmful effects of antibiotics on nature, animals and water quality are totally ignored.

Unfortunately, this is tunnel vision on the harmfulness of vaccination and measures, and quite rightly so, but also a burning plea in favour of antibiotics. And these are part of the problem with the whole narrative of the virus lie and the evil pathogens.

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Thank you for your amazing & reality based analysis - many knew it , ‘ on the ground ‘ - there was something compelling wrong with most of the ‘ pandemic plan ‘ from the outset - those decision makers have blood on their hands.

Ivermectin being withheld was a huge issue in Australia where I live.

Many ‘ ethical doctors were silenced , as well as politicians seeking these legitimate cures, ridiculed , outcast.

Many here in my country claim that the principle of informed consent was NOT followed ; by a government decision or choice; - thereby disabling the would be ethics of the ‘ once effective ‘ medical profession as a whole.

Many thanks to the entire team for their valued input ; and we hope the contents of this report will instigate a series of rapid changes in direction for our political & medical professionals.

Les Catterwell - Adelaide SA

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