I'm listening to The Last American Vagabond on Odysee | Denis Rancourt Interview - The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-vr85q-22fb98ca
Very good, Denis - & not one mention of the mythical & irrelevant ‘spike protein’ when talking about vaccine injuries - so refreshing. I agree with your analysis and it is good that you highlighted the little mentioned fact that everyone will have suffered long lasting effects from the trauma inflicted by this military grade assault on people’s lives. For a period I became depressed myself and I now realised this was almost certainly the reason for it, a kind of PTSD reaction. I wish this was addressed more by critical commentators about the event. It would help to create better understanding about the magnitude of this crime against humanity.
Regarding the elderly, t=59.4 it sounds like a coordinated plan to murder a segment of society the which sound like genocide was committed by governments.
One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently 'run the show' in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities. The pension systems are broke. How to make an immediate and large-scale impact on these unfunded liabilities while setting in motion numerous other long sought objectives?
The parasites that sit atop the global financial system have spoken openly about this "problem" for over a decade and do so more brazenly these days.
I think it is impossible to escape the conclusion that part of the Covid tyranny was to eliminate large chunks of the elderly who are on fixed pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners.
How to fix this problem? They would never do that would they? Some people are afraid to face these realities.
The US pension system is projected to be completely broke by 2027. Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don't look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won't do "whatever it takes" to maintain that system and their power is naive.
Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street- Berkshire-Hathaway own the world. Wall St-BIS-Bank of London, IMF etc. move the money. The likes of NATO are the enforcer of such operations at the macro level.
All of what they needed to do was easily accomplished- incentives, coercion and mandatory protocols. And they are continuing to push protocols and incentivize procedures to euthanize as many pensioners as they can.
Although Covid-19 enabled genocide and pension theft of old people, it also stole the pensions, payrolls and benefits from federal government workers who were coerced by fake mandates in Canada. I was one of them.
Superb interview Dr Rancourt. I'm intrigued by your approach of virtually an autopsy of the data as it were.
I am an interventional cardiologist or at least I was until I was furloughed because I refused to take the vaccine over two years ago. Now, as a result of a catch 22 I can no longer do Locum Tenems work or be employed permanently because of the catch 22; interesting how that works. I knew/sensed that the entire COVID-19 phenomenon was a complete and utter misdirection from the very beginning. Needless to say, I was not popular among fellow colleagues. They thought it was crazy.
Add anecdotally speaking I've had several friends and family who have died mysteriously from Turbo Cancer's. This is what they're being called now and for all intense and purposes, I think the appellation of "turbo cancer"is appropriate.
All that we are experiencing vis-à-vis COVID-19 smacks of the same strategy and tactics used for HIV/Aids. One of the common denominators for both of these killing myths was one Anthony Fauci. AZT is very analogous in many ways to the so-called Covid vaccines. The treatment was the killer not the alleged disease entity. There are many heroes in this current fight and you are clearly one of them. Others include but not limited to Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt , Michael Yeadon, Celia Farber, Jon Rappoport, Mark Crispin Miller, Catherine, Austin Fitts and all of the many wonderful scientists and journalists and critical thinkers that she has summoned to her side in theSolari Report.
As repugnant, as the thought is, it would appear there is a movement of foot by the "deep state" which is nothing more than the minions and acolytes of Satan to kill us to damage us to defile us to misdirect us . The deep state is the inscrutable ether/cauldron/cesspool of the machinations of the work at the hand of Satan and evil doers filled with greed, and a lust for power at any cost.
Please continue to fight the good fight. We appreciate you. God bless you and may God and his beloved son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior have mercy on the likes of the the likes of Anthony Fauci and the Bill Gates et al of the world because until and unless they repent, they will surely spend eternity in a fiery lake with their benefactor Satan himself. May God have mercy on all our souls.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
The entire interview is hard core, fact-based discourse which speaks to WHAT HAPPENED. A welcome reprieve from the cartoon, sci-fi lab leak propaganda that is currently ramping up- again.
Of course, removed from YouTube (or so says the embedded preview there). Someone just told me earlier this week: "Get over the covid jab stuff! Everyone has moved on from that long ago!" And I said, Yes everyone who never thought critically about it in the first place has moved on long ago as we were all told to do – but clearly the censorship, the adverse effects, the delayed pathologies all persist without skipping a beat. None of this is over until we have a public truth and reconciliation from the highest offices – hopefully RFK and Jay Bhattacharya facilitate just that. Keep up the excellent work Denis!
AMEN! "Covid" is not over! All of the powers they took hold of, all of the insane "policies" and "rules" are still in place, and the government just extended the "covid" "emergency" again. The engineers of this whole mess are just biding their time until they can do it all again. And they've said as much! People who think we are "past covid" while tiny babies are still being injected with the poisonous "covid" "vaccine"make me sick to my stomach. "Covid" won't be over until the monsters behind it start going to prison and mRMA technology is pulled from the market. Until then, I will continue to speak out.
Very good discussion. Sounds like you might have been reading "Can You Catch a Cold?", or similar. Pathogenic viruses (any variety) definitely don't exist. Total fantasy. Bacteria and other proven germs definitely aren't out to get us though. They "all" (knowing pleomorphysim is a thing with them too) have a purpose to help us maintain our lives by devouring dead and dying tissue, or other matter in us, but sometimes we make the job too hard for them to keep up and it can appear that they are the problem, and after all that is what we have been taught since we could comprehend.. You are a very intelligent man so I have faith your paradigm shift on germs will come soon as you put the time in and am looking forward to then.
Hear, hear! I'm with you, Sue! Glad to see there are more of us out there, we need to grow our numbers. I'm an MD (pathologist) and over the past couple years have realized all of my supposed education and training in microbiology was a lie. But it's been fascinating learning the truth. Unfortunately I'm finding a lot of people can go only so far in waking up - some seem to lack sufficient critical thinking skills, or can't believe the lies could go so deep, or just can't stand to go against the common wisdom/propaganda. Roytas' book on "catching" colds is terrific, as is Mark and Sam Bailey's work (Mark's Farewell to Virology videos and Sam Bailey's substack). I also am hopeful that Rancourt will get to the truth - we need him on our side!
Great to learn there is another health professional who has done the work even though the truth is probably an uncomfortable transition if you are still in the industry.
I had done 3 yrs medical sciences as part of natural therapies study in the early 2000s. I hadn't realised there was a huge problem with germ theory and especially virology until 2020 though. I was pleased I stumbled on Kaufman & Cowan early and had some other good guidance. "What Really Makes You Ill?" book was very helpful.
I'm in NZ and was in touch with Sam Bailey even before she declared herself a terrainist in late 2020. I follow her and Mark's work avidly and have all their books and expect I've read & watched close to 100% of what they've done. I'm retired so put in the time to try and help others with less time.
Mike Stone of ViroLIEgy is also very good. He is working on a book too! I feel Denis is very close to his awakening but I get a bit of reluctance with him. It is a big paradigm shift to make but once you do it it is like "how could I have believed that nonsense all my life".
If you are on Facebook look me up. Same name .39. Have you been able to convert any colleagues?
Thank you thank you thank you Denis for addressing the issue of the fact they are trying to get us to stop taking antibiotics. I have had my suspicions about this for quite a long time now, reinforced since the covid crap with reducing or stopping antibiotics during that time. You are the only person I have heard mentioning this time and again, and now you are also positing that there is a move to reduce our access to antibiotics for economic reasons also. I am so grateful someone is standing up and saying this, finally.
You know, every time myself or my children have had what is said to be a bad throat or in some cases a chest infection the doctor has prescribed in the end antibiotics and the damn thing gets better. But only after we have been made to suffer with it, it gets worse, and then the doctor says oh, now you have a secondary infection which is bacterial do we can give you antibiotics for that. And I have always suspected that if we had been given the antibiotics in the first place it woukd have cleared it up quickly. But I live in England where we have such a nanny state, we can't self medicate easily, and although I would love to stock up on emergency first aid supplies such as antibiotics it is practically impossible. I have some knowledge of herbal remedies but sometimes you need something a bit more powerful.
Anyway, I practically shouted out loud for joy when I heard you talking about antibiotics Denis. You really never disappoint. Again, thank you xx
Such a great interview/conversation. Thanks for the confirmation on the decrease in antibiotic use during the plandemic. I remember reading about the Spanish Flu and if antibiotics had been discovered at that time, many people would have survived the bacterial pneumonia present in a lot of the population. I have never heard Ivermectin being described as an antimicrobial or antibiotic before, but it makes sense. The huge elephant in the room is the individual and collective trauma that is behind most dis-ease and your description of the plandemic trauma and I believe the continuing trauma is spot on. During a phone appointment with my GP in the summer of 2020, I said that I thought people were dying of fear and she agreed. Fear is such a powerful weapon and the powers that shouldn't be are masters of innoculating the public with fear. Thank you for all your work.
(apart from "nasty bacteria making decisions" perhaps!)
The irrelevance you assign to the narratives that become officially applied & normalised may be true looking backwards, but the nature of the psyop is to trigger the redistribution of conflict, pain and loss under a dominant narrative or imposed framework of ideas that shape the political+economic 'post-war' period or 'after the Shock Event by which such restructures are effected.
IE: The 'justification' for war crimes is invested in the belief that the winner makes the history. This applies no less to 'soft war' such as a financial+corporate capture under weaponising systems as controls in place of relational service.
The self-reinforcing war on communication is the vested lie or self-illusion that runs as a sense of self-protection or self-boosting status relative to a purge.
Rene Girard saw the build up of conflict in persons social groups and societies triggered the 'scapegoating' mechanism. Unhealed debts and conflicts are not really escaped but redistributed within an ever contracting or depleting consciousness of participation.
IE: A game of pass the parcel (of blame-penalty) runs within musical chairs.
Thus I see the underlying driver is fear of pain of loss packed in guilting narratives - that is the assignment of Cause or responsibility AWAY from self, by projection or casting out to 'externally displaced solutions'. Where responsibility is assigned to guilt-conflict, pain generates a split mind or self-protective masking against exposure to reliving trauma.
In this sense 'they know not what they do' for they 'see' only as the mask dictates in their name.
Existential survival is posited to the body and by extension to the world as conceived and perceived to be. Yet by definition runs as existential threat - else such an imposition on and use of the body and world would be seen as an accumulation of defences or countermeasures set against exposure. Pre-emptive 'immunisation' or 'insurance' against risk set into normalised or tacitly operating contractual frameworks of mutual societies.
Risk thus becomes the leverage by which to shape and leverage narrative definitions and the corporate capture of science and media is the primary weapon to shape the regulatory framing along with a mindshare of marketed management solutions.
But the insider elitism of those who have such levers of control determines risk to its own possession OF its control as primary, while outsourcing the cost or penalty of persisting in such behaviour to a mainstreamed mind-capture as threat-based credits to set against pain of withdrawing permitted rights to social inclusion.
I suspect that the damage and shock of recognition of betrayal is intended to be shaped to a 'post covid order' of bio-tech management. I don't accept that biotech framed biology is valid science, but that human guilt and fear can be progressively mapped to its arbitrary and shifting dogmas as a more secure defence against feared and demonised Communication or transparency to life.
The terror symbols have to be reset over and again against a true awakening presence.
Can't wait to listen! Ryan is an excellent interviewer. I have the audio only version safely downloaded and in my Q. We must always remember to go to people's own sites and never rely on any of these tech platforms. We used to do that back in the day.
To watch this interview now that YouTube has removed it...
For all the working video links go to the main TLAV website linked in the post.
For the discussed research go to the CORRELATION website linked in the post, and also my posts here on substack!
I'm listening to The Last American Vagabond on Odysee | Denis Rancourt Interview - The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-vr85q-22fb98ca
This is another good TLAV show.
I have been watching / listening to this on Podbean. Podbean doesn't appear to censor interviews or anything really, which is why I use it.
Very good, Denis - & not one mention of the mythical & irrelevant ‘spike protein’ when talking about vaccine injuries - so refreshing. I agree with your analysis and it is good that you highlighted the little mentioned fact that everyone will have suffered long lasting effects from the trauma inflicted by this military grade assault on people’s lives. For a period I became depressed myself and I now realised this was almost certainly the reason for it, a kind of PTSD reaction. I wish this was addressed more by critical commentators about the event. It would help to create better understanding about the magnitude of this crime against humanity.
Yes Denis gives a greater understanding, but the question is how do we stop the criminals, they seem to have every door locked.
If enough people do not comply then they cannot succeed.
We must try to spread awareness as much as possible about what has been
going on.
Regarding the elderly, t=59.4 it sounds like a coordinated plan to murder a segment of society the which sound like genocide was committed by governments.
One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently 'run the show' in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities. The pension systems are broke. How to make an immediate and large-scale impact on these unfunded liabilities while setting in motion numerous other long sought objectives?
The parasites that sit atop the global financial system have spoken openly about this "problem" for over a decade and do so more brazenly these days.
I think it is impossible to escape the conclusion that part of the Covid tyranny was to eliminate large chunks of the elderly who are on fixed pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners.
How to fix this problem? They would never do that would they? Some people are afraid to face these realities.
The US pension system is projected to be completely broke by 2027. Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don't look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won't do "whatever it takes" to maintain that system and their power is naive.
Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street- Berkshire-Hathaway own the world. Wall St-BIS-Bank of London, IMF etc. move the money. The likes of NATO are the enforcer of such operations at the macro level.
All of what they needed to do was easily accomplished- incentives, coercion and mandatory protocols. And they are continuing to push protocols and incentivize procedures to euthanize as many pensioners as they can.
This comment is directly over the target.
Although Covid-19 enabled genocide and pension theft of old people, it also stole the pensions, payrolls and benefits from federal government workers who were coerced by fake mandates in Canada. I was one of them.
Superb interview Dr Rancourt. I'm intrigued by your approach of virtually an autopsy of the data as it were.
I am an interventional cardiologist or at least I was until I was furloughed because I refused to take the vaccine over two years ago. Now, as a result of a catch 22 I can no longer do Locum Tenems work or be employed permanently because of the catch 22; interesting how that works. I knew/sensed that the entire COVID-19 phenomenon was a complete and utter misdirection from the very beginning. Needless to say, I was not popular among fellow colleagues. They thought it was crazy.
Add anecdotally speaking I've had several friends and family who have died mysteriously from Turbo Cancer's. This is what they're being called now and for all intense and purposes, I think the appellation of "turbo cancer"is appropriate.
All that we are experiencing vis-à-vis COVID-19 smacks of the same strategy and tactics used for HIV/Aids. One of the common denominators for both of these killing myths was one Anthony Fauci. AZT is very analogous in many ways to the so-called Covid vaccines. The treatment was the killer not the alleged disease entity. There are many heroes in this current fight and you are clearly one of them. Others include but not limited to Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt , Michael Yeadon, Celia Farber, Jon Rappoport, Mark Crispin Miller, Catherine, Austin Fitts and all of the many wonderful scientists and journalists and critical thinkers that she has summoned to her side in theSolari Report.
As repugnant, as the thought is, it would appear there is a movement of foot by the "deep state" which is nothing more than the minions and acolytes of Satan to kill us to damage us to defile us to misdirect us . The deep state is the inscrutable ether/cauldron/cesspool of the machinations of the work at the hand of Satan and evil doers filled with greed, and a lust for power at any cost.
Please continue to fight the good fight. We appreciate you. God bless you and may God and his beloved son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior have mercy on the likes of the the likes of Anthony Fauci and the Bill Gates et al of the world because until and unless they repent, they will surely spend eternity in a fiery lake with their benefactor Satan himself. May God have mercy on all our souls.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Yes, yes, and yes. Thank you for your comment and for standing firm!
Same here Aloe
The entire interview is hard core, fact-based discourse which speaks to WHAT HAPPENED. A welcome reprieve from the cartoon, sci-fi lab leak propaganda that is currently ramping up- again.
The last half hour is mint.
Is there a transcript?
Of course, removed from YouTube (or so says the embedded preview there). Someone just told me earlier this week: "Get over the covid jab stuff! Everyone has moved on from that long ago!" And I said, Yes everyone who never thought critically about it in the first place has moved on long ago as we were all told to do – but clearly the censorship, the adverse effects, the delayed pathologies all persist without skipping a beat. None of this is over until we have a public truth and reconciliation from the highest offices – hopefully RFK and Jay Bhattacharya facilitate just that. Keep up the excellent work Denis!
AMEN! "Covid" is not over! All of the powers they took hold of, all of the insane "policies" and "rules" are still in place, and the government just extended the "covid" "emergency" again. The engineers of this whole mess are just biding their time until they can do it all again. And they've said as much! People who think we are "past covid" while tiny babies are still being injected with the poisonous "covid" "vaccine"make me sick to my stomach. "Covid" won't be over until the monsters behind it start going to prison and mRMA technology is pulled from the market. Until then, I will continue to speak out.
Very good discussion. Sounds like you might have been reading "Can You Catch a Cold?", or similar. Pathogenic viruses (any variety) definitely don't exist. Total fantasy. Bacteria and other proven germs definitely aren't out to get us though. They "all" (knowing pleomorphysim is a thing with them too) have a purpose to help us maintain our lives by devouring dead and dying tissue, or other matter in us, but sometimes we make the job too hard for them to keep up and it can appear that they are the problem, and after all that is what we have been taught since we could comprehend.. You are a very intelligent man so I have faith your paradigm shift on germs will come soon as you put the time in and am looking forward to then.
Hear, hear! I'm with you, Sue! Glad to see there are more of us out there, we need to grow our numbers. I'm an MD (pathologist) and over the past couple years have realized all of my supposed education and training in microbiology was a lie. But it's been fascinating learning the truth. Unfortunately I'm finding a lot of people can go only so far in waking up - some seem to lack sufficient critical thinking skills, or can't believe the lies could go so deep, or just can't stand to go against the common wisdom/propaganda. Roytas' book on "catching" colds is terrific, as is Mark and Sam Bailey's work (Mark's Farewell to Virology videos and Sam Bailey's substack). I also am hopeful that Rancourt will get to the truth - we need him on our side!
Great to learn there is another health professional who has done the work even though the truth is probably an uncomfortable transition if you are still in the industry.
I had done 3 yrs medical sciences as part of natural therapies study in the early 2000s. I hadn't realised there was a huge problem with germ theory and especially virology until 2020 though. I was pleased I stumbled on Kaufman & Cowan early and had some other good guidance. "What Really Makes You Ill?" book was very helpful.
I'm in NZ and was in touch with Sam Bailey even before she declared herself a terrainist in late 2020. I follow her and Mark's work avidly and have all their books and expect I've read & watched close to 100% of what they've done. I'm retired so put in the time to try and help others with less time.
Mike Stone of ViroLIEgy is also very good. He is working on a book too! I feel Denis is very close to his awakening but I get a bit of reluctance with him. It is a big paradigm shift to make but once you do it it is like "how could I have believed that nonsense all my life".
If you are on Facebook look me up. Same name .39. Have you been able to convert any colleagues?
Thank you thank you thank you Denis for addressing the issue of the fact they are trying to get us to stop taking antibiotics. I have had my suspicions about this for quite a long time now, reinforced since the covid crap with reducing or stopping antibiotics during that time. You are the only person I have heard mentioning this time and again, and now you are also positing that there is a move to reduce our access to antibiotics for economic reasons also. I am so grateful someone is standing up and saying this, finally.
You know, every time myself or my children have had what is said to be a bad throat or in some cases a chest infection the doctor has prescribed in the end antibiotics and the damn thing gets better. But only after we have been made to suffer with it, it gets worse, and then the doctor says oh, now you have a secondary infection which is bacterial do we can give you antibiotics for that. And I have always suspected that if we had been given the antibiotics in the first place it woukd have cleared it up quickly. But I live in England where we have such a nanny state, we can't self medicate easily, and although I would love to stock up on emergency first aid supplies such as antibiotics it is practically impossible. I have some knowledge of herbal remedies but sometimes you need something a bit more powerful.
Anyway, I practically shouted out loud for joy when I heard you talking about antibiotics Denis. You really never disappoint. Again, thank you xx
Love your comment! Cheers.
Yikes! As I was watching the video at 7am Mountain time 12/28/2024 YouTube removed it and it is now unavailable to watch!
Removed by YouTube. Here's a link to the interview on Bitchute.
We will syndicate on the Daily News on Wednesday!
Such a great interview/conversation. Thanks for the confirmation on the decrease in antibiotic use during the plandemic. I remember reading about the Spanish Flu and if antibiotics had been discovered at that time, many people would have survived the bacterial pneumonia present in a lot of the population. I have never heard Ivermectin being described as an antimicrobial or antibiotic before, but it makes sense. The huge elephant in the room is the individual and collective trauma that is behind most dis-ease and your description of the plandemic trauma and I believe the continuing trauma is spot on. During a phone appointment with my GP in the summer of 2020, I said that I thought people were dying of fear and she agreed. Fear is such a powerful weapon and the powers that shouldn't be are masters of innoculating the public with fear. Thank you for all your work.
Merci beaucoup.
In appreciation of your witness to sanity...
(apart from "nasty bacteria making decisions" perhaps!)
The irrelevance you assign to the narratives that become officially applied & normalised may be true looking backwards, but the nature of the psyop is to trigger the redistribution of conflict, pain and loss under a dominant narrative or imposed framework of ideas that shape the political+economic 'post-war' period or 'after the Shock Event by which such restructures are effected.
IE: The 'justification' for war crimes is invested in the belief that the winner makes the history. This applies no less to 'soft war' such as a financial+corporate capture under weaponising systems as controls in place of relational service.
The self-reinforcing war on communication is the vested lie or self-illusion that runs as a sense of self-protection or self-boosting status relative to a purge.
Rene Girard saw the build up of conflict in persons social groups and societies triggered the 'scapegoating' mechanism. Unhealed debts and conflicts are not really escaped but redistributed within an ever contracting or depleting consciousness of participation.
IE: A game of pass the parcel (of blame-penalty) runs within musical chairs.
Thus I see the underlying driver is fear of pain of loss packed in guilting narratives - that is the assignment of Cause or responsibility AWAY from self, by projection or casting out to 'externally displaced solutions'. Where responsibility is assigned to guilt-conflict, pain generates a split mind or self-protective masking against exposure to reliving trauma.
In this sense 'they know not what they do' for they 'see' only as the mask dictates in their name.
Existential survival is posited to the body and by extension to the world as conceived and perceived to be. Yet by definition runs as existential threat - else such an imposition on and use of the body and world would be seen as an accumulation of defences or countermeasures set against exposure. Pre-emptive 'immunisation' or 'insurance' against risk set into normalised or tacitly operating contractual frameworks of mutual societies.
Risk thus becomes the leverage by which to shape and leverage narrative definitions and the corporate capture of science and media is the primary weapon to shape the regulatory framing along with a mindshare of marketed management solutions.
But the insider elitism of those who have such levers of control determines risk to its own possession OF its control as primary, while outsourcing the cost or penalty of persisting in such behaviour to a mainstreamed mind-capture as threat-based credits to set against pain of withdrawing permitted rights to social inclusion.
I suspect that the damage and shock of recognition of betrayal is intended to be shaped to a 'post covid order' of bio-tech management. I don't accept that biotech framed biology is valid science, but that human guilt and fear can be progressively mapped to its arbitrary and shifting dogmas as a more secure defence against feared and demonised Communication or transparency to life.
The terror symbols have to be reset over and again against a true awakening presence.
Vested darkness fears the light.
I have a question which is one is already “vaccinated” under coercion what would be best and well validated means of detoxification?
Can't wait to listen! Ryan is an excellent interviewer. I have the audio only version safely downloaded and in my Q. We must always remember to go to people's own sites and never rely on any of these tech platforms. We used to do that back in the day.