

One point about antibiotics. I can’t speak for all of the not very many structural types, but some of them are intrinsically anti-inflammatory, independent of their ability to prevent bacterial replication in Petri dishes. It occurred to me when I was in Pfizer that their leading antibiotic might work in its leading indication, acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, by being anti inflammatory.

In practise, more or less impossible for distinguish.

I mention it, because I detected that you were convinced that, because agents termed antibiotics were useful in lung disease, this was pretty much proof of a pathogenic role for bacteria.

I’m only very slightly waggling that stake, because I pretty much agree with you (my remarks notwithstanding).

I think sequencing is going to turn out to be total fraud and nonsense. I already know enough to disregard the argument that “so many independent scientists found the same sequences, so there must be a contagious virus”.

First, I challenge the diversity of the sources. If they use the same machine’s & algorithms, that’s not diversity. And I think they do, or at least the methods & results are not truly independent. They also draw upon common databases and assumptions.

Next, the method used to determine (or is it form?) the “full length sequence” is not scientific. There’s extensive generation of short sequences, assumed to be contiguous, which are then assembled in the most plausible order using clever software. I understand the software makes no progress whatsoever until it’s presented with a potential skeleton, whereupon it assembles the contigs in a way that mimics it, with small variations. I don’t know enough to really understand the shell game that I suspect must be going on here. I have faith that you can get to the bottom of it, if you’ve time and inclination.

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You assume inflammation is a bad thing.

Inflammation is a rather dismissive name doctors give to a highly intelligent process of accelerated healing and waste cleanup, which functions perfectly under the normal conditions of nature (most importantly that the patient is not eating when sick or badly injured; no animal I'm aware of in nature eats when sick or badly injured, unless it's completely out of fat reserves).

Even the supposed "miracle" of penicillin for tuberculosis evaporates once you investigate the horrific sulfa drugs that were used before penicillin. They would kill most of the patients outright.

Switching from a lethal drug to one that rids the patient of the particular features that happen to most worry doctors, and thus convinces them to stop poisoning the patient sooner rather than later, is of course hailed as "wonder drug" when it's more of a way of hacking the psychology of the medical establishment and its broken paradigm.

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I agree about claiming they cured the people they stopped poisoning but how is natural order epistemological?

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My account name? Later I intend to explain the concept of natural order (a.k.a. spontaneous order, emergent order, undesigned order) from first principles, starting with basic epistemology.

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Denis says the following:

"I have little doubt that antibiotics (including ivermectin) can save the lives of many who would probably die otherwise. My collaborators and I studied this in the USA during the Covid period, when antibiotics were systemically denied: here.This shows the potential for run-away germ attacks that can be interrupted or reset by chemical intervention."

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic as I understand it. 

Saying being systematically denied a treatment for a non-existent disease is remarkably obtuse in my view. 

Saying antibiotics being systematically denied in the US led to the deaths of people who could have otherwise been saved ignores a whole host of factors as to why these people died- hospital mass murder and institutional neglect being but two of them.

Antibiotics would have changed nothing.

This is faulty logic and is akin to saying that if they would have given antibiotics to the victims who got a bullet through the head they could have saved some people. This entire line of poor reasoning does not prove anything. If he wants to make that argument he has used a very poor example.

And what the hell is a runaway germ attack?

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You are not taking into account the psychological aspect to all this.

In suggestible people, if they are told they have a viral pneumonia and they are going to die, they may become very scared, and then "consent" to salvage ventilator treatment, or remdesivir treatment, which may kill them.

But if those suggestible people are told "nah, don't worry, you just have a little bacterial pneumonia and we've found it in its initial stages, good for you to come to ER, now take these antibiotics and and this NSAID, and you will be fine in a week or seven days, remember to drink water, maybe chicken soup, and let your body rest for a while" then those people maybe would have survived, no pcr test, no bullshit drugs like pepcid, and maybe the antibiotics are just placebos.

This is besides the point about whether antibiotic drugs do something good or sometehing bad.

People were very mistreated. Due to political motivation. We have forgotten that because we are obsessed about proving to the world (who don't care about us) that the perpetrators know there was no virus (they know there wasn't any, they prepared the whole show in advance and bought everyone!)

My humble opinion is that your points in this comment apply only in relation to the pathological mechanism of whatever disease the victims had, and the pharmacological mechanism of whatever it is antibiotics are supposed to do, but you are not taking into account the immaterial aspects of acute and chronic disease.

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Good point.

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"Antibiotics would have changed nothing."

Welp, here's my anecdote:

December 2019 I contracted a serious chest infection that engaged me rather quickly.

As I have over my life had almost cyclical chest infections ~ once every decade, +/- 2 years.

I received Azithromycin for this latest infection; cleared up in 4 days.

Then 2020 comes along... we know the rest.

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Dr Sam Bailey 'Viruses do NOT exist'

Time to step up to the plate and take The Fast Eddy Challenge

Attention Dr Sam Bailey.

I will give you one more chance to reconsider your theory. Please read this "VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST" was a Psyop - and a Nice Try!

If that does change your mind then I invite you to take the Fast Eddy Challenge.

I went onto the streets last night in search of a herpes infected male prostitute and I found the guy in the photo.

He confirmed that he has regular flareups of genital herpes. I gave him my mobile number and asked him to call me the next time he is in full bloom and I will hook him up with you. I showed him your photo and told him that I would pay him USD500 to have a session of unprotected sex with you.

He was very excited by this prospect and said he’d participate in the Fast Eddy Challenge for free.

This will put your theory to the test Sam. If you are able to complete the session without contracting herpes, then you will win me over and I will come on board with the ‘viruses do not exist’ theory. He probably has HIV as well but given that is also a fake virus, that should be of no concern.

Are you in?


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So you are clearly too lazy to bother reading the peer reviewed and Published contagion studies. Here is a list of every one ever conducted https://x.com/JamieAA_Again/status/1632750105966043139?t=7p1yuqt4rAElb4GPplb5-w&s=19

Over 200k people experimented on with most known supposedly communicable diseases...they all fail... not a single person made sick in 150yrs of trying.

Threatening people online doesn't change this unanimous science and makes your deluded accusation of "PSYoPPPPPP" look like the projection it is.

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Eh, it wasn't a threat good sir. It was more of a crude joke that wasn't so good. Let's not go overboard, shall we?

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Four people in our household. Student 1 with mild flu like symptoms tests + for Covid... a day or say later Student 2 with mild flu like symptoms tests positive for Covid... two days later my wife exhibits mild flu like symptoms tests + for covid... she's sick for 5 days... on the 4th or 5th I start to feel ill and I test + for covid (I take hydroxychloroquine and I start to feel better within hours and within 48 hours I am back on my bike feeling great)

This is how we live - we almost never get sick https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/a-near-fool-proof-cure-for-cancer

Something spread that illness between all of us ...

Do not try to convince me that a circle is a square -- it will not work. Think of me as Spock... I deal in logic. I am neither https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

Now let's move on...

2. Now Igor may himself be an agent of the Ministry of Truth sent to convince us a circle is a square... but I am thinking not... you know why?

Because Sam Bailey BANNED me for posting this on her SS... funny that huh


Very many other substackers provided interesting, informative, insightful, at times, emotional writeups on this topic. This includes A Midwestern Doctor, Steve Kirsch, Stephanie Brail, James Lyons-Weiler, Meryl Nass, Amy Sukwan, and more. (Please let me know who else posted on this topic prior to today, whose post garnered at least 20 comments, and I will add it to my list).

To some people, the insistence that viruses do not exist seemed odd as the no-virus theory contradicts almost every person’s life experience of getting infected with viruses (such as chickenpox) and acquiring immunity. As a tolerant person, I have no problem with people believing in whatever they want, so the debate I started was an opportunity to learn from each other.

Psyop From BoosterShots Substack

About a week ago, I searched duckduckgo for my name just to see what was up and saw something weird that attracted my attention. It was a substack site boostershots.substack.com (archive link).

It turns out that Boostershots was the coordinating site of the psyop and instructed people how to post on forums promoting the no-virus theory. The author(s) even bragged about getting people worked up about it, about my debate, Steve Kirsch etc.

The instructions to followers go on:

therefore, i believe it will be helpful to provide the best plausible explanations for all of the most popular “diseases” from the perspective of terrain theory that new free thinkers could rightfully question or challenge. (and we must honestly admit uncertainty and adhere to the continuous pursuit of truth and the scientific method if we don’t fully understand something yet).

so here’s the idea: i’d like to create a sort of “common sense ‘germ theory’ vs ‘terrain theory’ pamphlet”

the boostershots news team is seeking to hire experienced researchers, editors, graphic designers, and meme lords. we will pay you with vodka, picked herring, and indecision.

while i was only slightly peeved when i discovered that both “level 1 igor chudov” and “level 2 steve kirsch” had revealed themselves as germ believist mercenaries, i was absolutely fucking LIVID when i would later discover that my most admired “level 3” substack hero is pulling the same exact bullshit.

This went on for a while, but it looks like the author abandoned his or her attempts to run this psyop as of Sep 26 2022.

The instructions are highly educational for anyone attempting any psyop.

3. Then of course there is the Litmus Test of all Litmus Tests...

Would you f789 an HIV Herpes infected woman bareback? She doesn't have to be a whore... let's just choose an attractive 25 yr old who just had some bad luck contracted these diseases.

Surely you should be okay with my proposal... why wouldn't you ... contagion does not exist - RIGHT???? You cannot contract HIV or herpes by f789ing a women with both diseases -- RIGHT?

Oddly I never get a taker for that offer... NEVER... which again confirms that Igor is not playing me... this is an attempt to make the feeble minded barnyard animals believe viruses do not exist.

Sorry but I do not qualify. I deal in FACTS.

And those are THE FACTS

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I can't believe you bothered to type out that garbage.

Your anecdotes are worthless..

Try debating the peer reviewed literature provided...

Igor Chudov is a tosser of no value.

Telling people to go fuck people with a supposedly communicable disease is a threat of harm and is a criminal offence...

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Fast Eddy has a slow mind.

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Go on Jamie. Good, I can feel your anger.

Eddy is defenseless. Squeal on him. Rat him out to the thought police with all of your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete. Ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa!

After all, the law is the law, and Comrade Starmer may even give you a medal for reporting such a heinous criminal offence.

Telling a fellow commentator that someone smarter than you is "a tosser" may still be legal—although don't quote me on that; it's so hard to keep up these days—and it does wonders for a 12-year-old schoolboy's cred, but I'm afraid it doesn't quite cut it as scientific argument. For instance, I can't remember Einstein ever declaring "quantum theory is invalid because Neils Bohr is a smeg head." Proper scientists very seldom take this particular track, because it can seriously lower their own status and credibility.

It should have been easy for a smart chap like you to have dismissed Eddy's silliness and swatted him like an irritating mosquito with facts and logic as your weapons, but I would have to rate your present attempt as an epic fail.

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I swatted him a long time ago…

I am letting him know I have seen plenty of people get perma banned for making threats online.

I tell it like it is… Cheers.

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Try trying logic.

But I thought it was not communicable - because viruses do not exist.

So how is it communicated from one person to another? Is the tooth fairy involved? Maybe Santa Claus?

And how did Covid pass among every single person in our household?

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You seem extremely thick so I am not going to waste much time.

YOU believe in communicable disease therefore you intend it to be a threat of harm on others. A criminal offence.

I know that Viruses do not exist and contagion is a myth because of the 100 documented studies above and conducting the largest control studies experiment I'm conjunction with many 20yr accredited MicroBiologists.

You have no "logic"... you are just a tosspot delving into to sophistry to feed an over inflated ego. Cheers.

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All due respect, you're needlessly opening yourself up to a bit of an attack here. The high-cycle PCR tests often used to "diagnose" covid were bogus, aimed at pumping up the prevalence to feed the panic and thus demand for the "vaccine," recall. I do think Covid was a novel bug, and quite real, but let's not forget also how cases of the flu just happened to cease to exist when Covid came around (before the vaccines), and that rates of all cause mortality, as well as the average age of death, didn't move "at the height of the pandemic." Those are troubling data. Since the "vaccines," on the other hand, average age of death has decreased, while all cause mortality has spiked. "Things that make you go hmmmm" and all that.

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As for peer reviewed literature particularly that involving medical science... I still have a massive pile of peer reviewed literature stating that the covid vaccines are Safe and Effective... and that Covid is causing heart attacks/blood clots/neuro damage/cancer etc...

When I get through all of those PEER REVIEWED studies... I will get to yours.


This is where I am coming from https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production

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Great… you might wanna keep your opinions to yourself until you have even started reading about the subject you are attempting to berate… otherwise you might come across as a bit of a twat.

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Haven't you heard? Our friends in California have decriminalized that, for....reasons. What a paradise, that land of fruits and nuts.

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Jamie - here you go https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL

I am currently holding court on the Goto Islands in Japan ... in a hut on the coast of the big island... I'll watch for the black rendition chopper ... I promise not to resist...

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Try looking at EMF intoxication. When did they switch on 5G in your area?

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One of many studies attesting a clear EMG / 5G link as mimicking claimed "covid" symptoms. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8580522/ Lockdowns magically did not apply to 5G Tower installers for some reason, often working at night to erect such towers, with fraudulent safety certification and fraud 5G companies on Companies House.

There also appears to have been a link to 2019 Flu Shots in Wuhan and Lombardi https://corbettreport.com/is-there-a-flu-shot-covid-link-qfc-068/

Which I think its possible was a repeat use of 2016 Flu shots in UK which caused massive excess deaths (they blamed a blunder of which "strain" in the jabs, on higher Flu incidence by "failed protection"), which happily saved UK GOV 28 BILLION on Pensions. https://archive.ph/symxG "Flu jab blunder brought unexpected benefits for Britain’s pension black hole" - Telegraph article. Was the 2016 Flu Shots a "TEST RUN" of killer jabs?

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Or in an equivalent observational study you could fellate him yourself and save 500.

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That won't prove my point... there needs to be genital to genital contact with him... or at least a swap of his sores that gets rubbed on your genitals

I am also offering a former Ms Universe who has HIV and herpes.... why are you so reluctant to answer?

Viruses don't exist - right?

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The thing is ... I know contagion exists...cuz I am not a moron... therefore I'll take a pass and instead led him roger you from the back....

MD = Pharma Water Boy

Get an honest job

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Wow! I commend your creativity even though this kind of experiment would hopefully fails all of our ethic board review! Besides, to be scientifically relevant, you would have to replicate it with enough people, including subjects whose terrain is weakened by diverse conditions to make them less immune competent. Because we all know that the manifestation of herpes infection reoccured when the carriers are stressed and somewhat immune compromised. And like it or not, herpes is forever!

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How would you tell the difference between herpes being forever and someone simply not having any repeat flare up (which some mainstream estimates say only 30% of people ever do), and herpes just not being forever?

The only answer you'll ever be able to provide is the "virus" sticks around, which is circular reasoning in this context because we are arguing whether pathogenic "viruses" are even a thing.

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Shes married, you twit.

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Why don't you have sex with the male prostitute and see if you get herpes? Your "challenge" is moronic and pathetic because you don't have any skin in the game. Seriously, prove her wrong by doing the challenge yourself. Video it for evidence.

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You do realize you have made a fool of yourself?

Let me help you .... I am quite certain if I bang a woman with a full blown herpes infection bareback... that I will contract herpes... so no thanks.

But anyone who thinks otherwise.... can walk the walk.


Ya'll are being 1984'ed with this 'viruses and contagion' don't exist. You have been suckered.... https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/viruses-do-not-exist-was-a-psyop

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And look how angry you get when I demonstrate you are wrong.... it's so easy to be right https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/wanna-be-right-all-of-the-time/

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“One point about antibiotics. I can’t speak for all of the not very many structural types, but some of them are intrinsically anti-inflammatory, independent of their ability to prevent bacterial replication in Petri dishes. It occurred to me when I was in Pfizer that their leading antibiotic might work in its leading indication, acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, by being anti inflammatory.”

Interesting point.

Do you know the mechanism of the anti-inflammatory action by antibiotics independent of prevention of bacterial replication? How is the anti-inflammatory action determined exactly in Petri dishes?

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Thanks Dennis and Mike Y.

You may find this presentation on parasites by Dan Roytas of interest.


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Exactly, it's a well-known fact that many antibiotics reduce inflammation. It's been known for a long time that they can help greatly with chronic diseases that are supposedly completely unrelated to infections, i.e. autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and so on. Inflammation is present in most diseases, in my opinion because it is a result of poisoning which is the root cause of most diseases (while stress can make everything much worse, of course). And vaccines are sadly *designed* to cause inflammation by including toxic adjuvants like aluminium, mercury, nanoparticles etc. because science is convinced that inflammation is good, supposedly being an "immune response" to germs.

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Inflammation IS good, but not because it's an "immune" response but rather a healing and cleaning response. Suppressing inflammation always means slowing healing and cleaning or making it more shallow.

The RICE protocol for injuries is a way to get fast but shallow recovery as it convinces the body to do a bandaid job. New injuries are common after this. Rest is the only part that makes sense.

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I agree completely that it's good as a healing/cleaning response. I just don't think it's good to try to achieve it by injecting or ingesting harmful substances :)

Personally I'm not at all convinced that antibiotics are good, at least in the long run, because they decrease inflammation. Corticosteroids (i.e. stress hormones) do that too, but we all know they can be very harmful. I think a large proportion of modern therapies are based on provoking a stress reponse, which relieves symptoms temporarily, but does harm in the long run. And it's not only mainstream medicine therapies that are based on a stress response, but also alternative methods like the Wim Hoff method and so on.

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Agreed, though tangentially the Wif Hof method -- whatever Wim Hof and his backers actually claim about it -- is geared toward getting people to relax in the cold and not have it actually be stressful in the sense of cortisol secretion, etc.

The key to the whole thing is that relaxing in the cold, the Tumo breathing, sex (which isn't part of the method), and several other activities cause a release of, loosely speaking, "adrenaline but not cortisol," which are normally coupled.

That is, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system responses are said to be separate but in situations like these you can actually take half of one and half of the other, undoing the "civilizational split," as I call it. You can basically get relaxed excitement, and this can go far in unwinding our modern-world stress patterns. This is why some people experience real, lasting remission in things like arthritis with it -- but it's not due to simply blitzing yourself with a daily cold-shower freakout.

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Let's talk about synthetic biology, nanotechnology biosensors, plasmonics, quantum dots, microfluidics, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band).


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I agree Denis, germ theory needs some serious reappraisal, but there are some foundations.

I’m a microbiologist by training and I have done research on antibiotic resistance for my PhD thesis. I have grown and studied the effect of bacteriophages and examined them using a number of methods, including electron microscopy. I then did a 3 years postdoc working on DNA tumor viruses, focusing on mouse polyomavirus. I have constructed the first adenoviral vector expressing polyoma tumor antigens to study their biology. I have subsequently generated dozens of adenoviral vectors expressing genes from various viruses mostly for vaccine application.

Bottom line, viruses do exist and can cause diseases. This depends on a number of factors, the most important being the terrain and the dose of exposure to the viruses. Now are all vaccines work, hell no. Can some work? It really depends on their composition and their route of administration.

My experience is that the majority of vaccines don’t work as advertised and a lot of them do more harm than good. Why? Because of our ignorance of the host/pathogens relationship in which the microbiome plays a crucial role. Also because of our ignorance of how the immune system works to protect us from disease-inducing infections, and cancers. Not to mention the delicate balance that prevent the triggering of auto-immune diseases. In brief, we are so ignorant of the proper functioning of the immune system that our vaccination protocols are, at best sub-optimal, when they are not blatantly deleterious. We are playing apprentice sorcerer and are pushing vaccination as a magic intervention.

The tragedy in all of that is that the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect the public are not doing their work rigorously enough on solid scientific and technological basis.

Can vaccination be a viable option? In theory yes, but in practice most of the times we simply don’t know enough to make it work as intended.

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Does is not strike you as odd that we have no technique and not even a claim of any technique, at least until 2023, of viewing any pathogenic "virus" in human tissue or fluids using an electron microscope (i.e., without cell culture)? I'm wondering what your answer is to that. (Even if there's some recent technology I'm not aware of that claims to do this, that would still not answer why this view that "pathogenic viruses definitely exist" was held before that.)

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If you haven't already come across JJ Couey I think you'd enjoy his latest explorations into the history of the biology we were all taught and the mythologies that have developed, especially around DNA/RNA GeneTech and he thoroughly exposes the transfection baloney and the vaccine schedule in America. He even tried to bridge the Virus/No Virus camps until he realised it was another ruse to get us all arguing, like the Zoonotic/Lab Leak debates. https://stream.gigaohm.bio/c/gigaohm_biological/videos

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"He even tried to bridge the Virus/No Virus camps until he realised it was another ruse to get us all arguing,...."

It's the easiest thing in the world to do with people whose beliefs are deeply rooted. From my perspective the issue isn't about whether or not viruses exist, it's about how people are so easily led by authority figures in either camp. This phenomenon extends to all walks of life and all subjects of a controversial nature. No one is immune from it. We're all infected to one degree or another by what Alfred Korzybski called 'Belief Systems.'

The antidote is to stop questioning the beliefs of others and turn the question on yourself. Why do I believe the things I believe? Where did I get this or that idea from and how well founded is it? It's actually one of hardest thing we can do, especially for people whose careers are heavily invested in a particular paradigm. Thomas Kuhn wrote about this in 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' but you need Korzybski's work on General Semantics to really get a handle on the problem.

In simple terms, the problem is not rooted in our intellectual capacity but in our instinctual response to uncertainty. Critical thinking (Reason) is a fairly recent phenomenon compared to millions of years of biological evolution. The Scientific Method is even more recent. That we're unconsciously dragging the last 2 million years of human evolution along with us in everything we do goes completely unnoticed by most people, which of course is characteristic of instinctive behaviour which happens at an unconscious level.

This is my field of study (epistemology and general semantics) and trust me, the current controversies surrounding the pandemic, viruses and vaccines are a very rich source of data. I've made more progress in understanding what motivates us in the last 3-4 years than in the previous 30.

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I share your fascination with this process; I even started my own epistemological deep dive as an attempt to find some ground. I come at it from a background in somatic psychotherapy: each new human being reiterates to some extent the journey from embodied pre-verbal knowing to semantic believing, and so intellectually gravitates to the philosophies that match early conclusions about the way the world is. What most intrigues me is the apparent "through-the-looking-glass" reversal from my own climate-activist-for-the-greater-gooder stance to rubbing shoulders with previously shunned libertarians! Two key triggers: mandated injections woke me up to my own previous Leftie-authoritarian tendencies, and the discovery that the same academic who taught me how to "debunk climate deniers" was now busily prebunking (cognitively inoculating) "misinformation about the vaccines". Have you come across these guys? https://researchmgt.monash.edu/ws/portalfiles/portal/344861133/338159045_oa.pdf.

At some point the intellectual fascination rubber meets the road and one has to decide: am I going to work for the authoritarian regime by pulling cognitive strings, or am I going to fight for human freedom and try to educate people about PsyOps?

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I'm not familiar with the paper you mentioned, but I have another name for "inoculation theory." I call it brainwashing. Similar to neurolinguistic and predictive programming the aim is to persuade people to adopt a belief system which is apriori assumed to be correct. Ideology basically. No science there.

What I hear you saying is you broke free of the Matrix and congratulations on that. Few people do. Of course in doing so you enter a new Matrix, but at least you're aware of that, which makes all the difference.

"am I going to work for the authoritarian regime by pulling cognitive strings, or am I going to fight for human freedom and try to educate people about PsyOps? "

Mark Twain (or whoever said it) nailed it when he wrote: “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Good luck.

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A belief is a delusion that obscures the truth.

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I don't care about "bridging camps". Diplomacy has no place in science. I want to just discover the truth, or at least falsify unsupported hypotheses. Thanks

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You misunderstand - perhaps you have not listened to Couey? He is all about science, not diplomacy. In fact, he would have to be one the most undiplomatic scientists in the heterodox community LOL!

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Vaccines work very well. Just not for what they say they are.

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Viruses do exist - and we encounter them continuously ... why are we all not sick all of the time?

I suspect this is why:



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You are a fucking virus.

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When do we organize the Fast Eddy Challenge for you?


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"Bottom line, viruses do exist and can cause diseases." I would not say bottom line as such, they possibly exist in plants, but they have not been shown to exist in humans even after eating plants which may be diseased?

Born in Langenargen (Germany), the marine biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka studied at the University of Koblenz, obtained his PhD in 1989 with a thesis on virus infection in seaweed, his main discovery was precisely the isolation of the Ectocarpus silicosus virus.

At the time I was still a student who had had the opportunity to work in a laboratory and using his findings on nucleic acid discovered a structure in a seaweed that I mistakenly defined as "a harmless virus". In reality, as I will explain in detail later, this structure was what is now called a "giant virus", which is really nothing more than a minispore similar to bacterial phages, which are also phages. So, what I isolated was actually a "giant virus" but I classified it as a "harmless virus.” present in seaweed

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No proof of any virus in plants either. Sam Bailey did some excellent research on the "tobacco mosaic virus" and made a video. Interestingly they could not find an English translation of the original Russian paper. It looks like nobody read it until the Baileys dismantled it. It confirmed that plant virology is also not a biological science. Just propaganda for the vaccine industrial complex.

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I love and respect these guys, as well. The first wave of thinkers always has to wave the flag just a bit too hard, and that's what I think is going on here.

A good example is what Dr Cowan says about sepsis: It's not the bacteria in your blood that is damaging, but the waste products they generate. To be honest, that's probably true but when you say "it's not the bacteria that are harming you, it's their poop", the distinction can put the clinical outcome at risk... If you have sepsis, get IV antibiotics and kill the things that are pooping in your blood. Rebuild your microbiome when you're not at risk of imminent death.

I'm very much a terrain guy but I reserve the right to nuke bugs, lol.

Unrelated to my comment, this is the tightest take-down of PCR's shortcomings I've ever read, Denis:

"I remain highly suspicious of a wet chemical method (PCR) that relies on controlled thermal degradation to amplify a molecular fragment a kazillion times, which could not otherwise be detected. And I remain skeptical that thus obtained genome sequences are particularly relevant to biology. That’s me."

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I like your comment. Thanks.

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Lol. Back atcha.

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"Dr Cowan says about sepsis: It's not the bacteria in your blood that is damaging, but the waste products they generate."

I haven't heard him say anything like that. Maybe he did a long time ago, but I think his view today is that sepsis is a condition of extreme toxicity, and that that condition is not caused by bacteria (nor their waste products).

It's hardly a stretch to conclude that someone being given all manner of antibiotics over and over and of increasing toxicity, as well as many other toxic drugs in a stressful and sun-less hospital, while being fed starch, soy protein and seed oils through an enteric feeding tube -- which is the typical sepsis case -- is going to be pretty darn toxic.

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I have heard Dr. Cowan say something CLOSE to this. It was more like the waste products or breakdown products can also cause SYMPTOMS, but he never said it was the bacteria or the waste products were THE problem. Why is that particular strain of bacteria and or their waste products present in the first place? It is the body's perfect response to tissue death or damage. I believe this is what Dr. Cowan has said (not verbatim), and still believes.

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That's a further clarification, yes. And he said it recently. On a webinar sometime this year.

We're still left with the reality that allopathy's death-dealing ways are... very occasionally... clinically useful.

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I agree with your view.

In fact, I think antibiotics should be sold without prescription.

As well as many other products. Some of which are dangerous. But I'm of the opinion that people should learn to manage risk by the means of practice.

On the other hand, most drugs are useless and too expensive. Even if there was no control of access to drugs by prescription, most drugs would not be bought voluntarily by people. Which is another way to say that the best way to really learn which drugs work and which don't is by removing the limits on experimentation.

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There is way more commenting than thinking since social media. I grew up in the opposite circumstances, not much occasion to comment. In person discussions ruled for testing ideas.

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I agree, but somehow I guess your readers have been thinking, most probably for years now to come to their conclusions.

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Great Post.

I have read most of the books in your list.

I am fairly confused on the matter.

I have read their is no evidence of viruses and transmission etc.

My N=1 anecdote.

I stopped for a hitchhiker a few years ago in Tasmania around 2017.

As we were driving along he started this weird chest based cough...he claimed it was from "smoking pot"...

That night I developed the same cough as well as feeling awful.

The 2 people I was staying with developed the same nasty cough(and feeling awful)

Pretending I am not hallucinating/lying about the incident....many others have reported similar sequences..

1/Something..was transmitted..


2/It was all coincidence.. and nothing was..yet we all mirrored the same symptoms...

Which is more probable?

As an aside...whatever that cough thing was..lasted at least 2 weeks and was much worse than the 2 bouts of "covid" or whatever the latest "thing" now days is ...

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I'm sorry but your argument doesn't hold any water. How can you possibly know that you got the cough from a germ that came from that guy in the car? And that those other people then got the cough from you? What if, say, there was "something in the air" those days that caused all of you to get this cough?

A while ago I read a very interesting book New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection by Mike Baillie. Baillie was a scientist who argued that Black Death was caused by a fallout from a comet badly contaminating the atmosphere with all kinds of nasty stuff. This fallout did not just cause disease in men and animals, but also dimmed the sunlight and caused crops to fail and trees not to grow well in that period, which Baillie documented by studying tree rings (he was a dendrochronologist).

Let me also share my own anecdote. I am a cat breeder and we have kittens every year. Sometimes it happens that the kittens get ill - they get diarrhea and feel unwell, and it's always many kittens or all at once that get this issue. I would be told by pretty much anyone that this is caused by a germ being transmitted from one kitten to the others when they groom each other, share food bowls etc. At first I entertained this possibility myself, until I spoke with other breeders who are living many miles away from my hometown and who told me that at the exact same time when my kittens got ill, their kittens all got ill as well with exactly the same symptoms. This story repeated several times with different breeders, so I'm pretty sure by now that it's not a coincidence.

I now prefer to explain the "kitten disease" as something that comes from "something in the air", possibly a contamination of the atmosphere that can happen for whatever reason (earthquakes and volcanos can also contaminate the atmosphere, for instance). Why else would kittens living 30 miles apart all get the same issue at exactly the same time?

I think the germ explanation can in pretty much all instances be replaced by a toxicity explanation. Even people who visited the same event and then got ill - how can they possibly know that it was a virus or bacteria that made them ill? How can they prove it was not something toxic in the air, the food or the water that was shared at the event? It's really very simple - they cannot prove it!

I can also see from experience that colds (well, I guess I should now say COVID-19 since that seems to be all people get nowadays, with flu and old-fashioned colds pretty much a thing of the past) appear en masse in populations whenever there is a sudden temperature drop. The name "cold" therefore seems quite appropriate to me.

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Because saying an argument doesn't hold water is not a refutation.

I have Baillies book.

I have read mostly everything on the subject but keep lecturing.

Yes..parsimony suggests something was exchanged.

But U want to include "something from space"? That got me...the guy I picked up...a guy that just hopped off the plane from the UK and a Tasmanian?



Good luck with that..

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It's just simple logic. If you don't get it, I can't help you :)

OK, let's give it another try.

Are you claiming that a guy who just hopped from a plane from the UK immediatelly got ill with the same disease you had? Viral infections supposedly have an incubation period of a few days, so that doesn't make sense. If he got ill a few days upon arrival, he could just as well have been exposed to the same environmental factors you were exposed to in the mean time, right?

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I can find an HIV herpes infected male prostitute for you if that's your preference.

Oh look - here's your boy https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/dr-sam-bailey-viruses-do-not-exist

Walk the walk... time and place... bareback...

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Ok great. Are you in for this? I can arrange it?


It amazes me how when I put that in front of a no virus person ... they never agree... cuz this? https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/viruses-do-not-exist-was-a-psyop

Hey you don't even have to hook up ... we can swap his festering sores and rub that on your cooochy... surely you'd be agreeable to that since VIRUSES INCLUDING HERPES VIRUS... DOES NOT EXIST.

Walk the Walk.. or shut up

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Just look at Dr's Stefan Lanka case in court to understand something because you seem to be very out of touch.

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But are you willing to have bareback sex with a diseased prostitute of my choosing ... to prove viruses do not exist?

If you prefer not to mount up what we can do is take a genital swap of the hookers festering cooch... and rub that on your pecker.



If no.. the you are accepting the fact that viruses do exist... that contagion does exist.

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"But are you willing to have bareback sex with a diseased prostitute of my choosing ... to prove viruses do not exist?"

Depends. Is she hot?

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She's a herpes HIV infected scrawny drug addict. Not that it matters cuz it's free and there is no way you will catch any of her diseases cuz viruses do not exist

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Oh buzz off, Fast Eddy. Go "do your own research" of the kind you're trying to pimp off on other people here. If you can't add to a reasonable discussion then just scroll on by.

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I am trying to do my own research ... I am looking for volunteers who believe viruses do not exist... to have unprotected sex with a whore ...who is infected with HIV and herpes.... to see if they contract those diseases.

How about if I pay you $500?

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The Comet theory you mention is almost certainly the cause of Black Death. Whilst not in the books detail you mention, this old forum thread covers just such, from a wide range of sources. https://stolenhistory.net/threads/the-great-pestilence-and-its-disguised-origins.6310/ The Younger Drayas period land, leaves a global layer of toxic crap from the impact/trail of the Comet, which did indeed blanket the land and blacken the sky of the Dark Ages, leading to great famines and health plagues.

This is a reoccurring theme throughout recorded history, of mass wipe outs of civilisations/plagues and deluges, of yes Biblical proportions/earthquakes/volcanoes etc all causing such things, and usually, preceded by Comet sightings, like recently!

The trail of comets into our atmosphere, can leave huge levels of methane and acetylene too, which can ignite the entire skies in raging infernos, laying waste to forests and cities in 30 mile high walls of flame and worse in mere minutes. True WRATHS OF HEAVEN.

Halloween/Samhain/Day of Dead/Festival of Dead etc are all really tales and remembrances, of such events globally. Warning stories really, as is Revelations and myriad other religions versions of same stories from far older. So Witches brooms are really Comets, brushing away the old for the new, in "Great Resets" of civilisations. JackOlantern Pumpkins are Fireballs from the sky, during the Taurid Stream of Asteroid belts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taurids (halloween fireballs are mentioned), which appear to emanate from Pleiades 7 sister stars, in the Shoulder of Taurus constellation, as depicted by Mithras slaying the bull (also symbolic of End of Taurian Age, as was Moses of Aries dismay of remaining Bull Worshippers Golden Calf).

Paris Olympics was VERY heavy on symbolism of Comets Impacts and Taurus, Earthquakes, Rivers of Lava, Sequanna Goddess of the Sein riding Pale Horse as Death (suggestive of Tsunamis), towards Pachamama (Fat DJ Lesbian lady) the Earthquake Goddess. All the dancers on the boats on Mason checker board, are enveloped in Black Goo, then lava as they die. There is lots more.

The whole mocking of The Last Supper and the LGBTQ stuff, was a cover to enrage people, so they did not notice the real meaning of the Ritual, which is about pending impacts resetting society. The "Elites" know the cycles of these events. Which is why they are all building bunkers!!

You should familiarise with Randall Carlsons take on things here as a starter: The Mysterious Origins of Halloween https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucn175R8WgY&ab_channel=AfterSkool

I can explain far more of the symbolism if your open to such later but you have to grasp the basics of the Classics Symbolisms, such as Phaetons Chariot story of the Sun Crashing to Earth, due to the Leonids Asteroid Belt really!


Phaeton https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/369295238174819723/ (notice the Lion as the Impact).

The Leonids are the other of the two streams of major ones of concern, associated with the Comet Enke.

We are currently in a very interesting planetary alignment as of October 24th, called the Maya 4 Square, where the 4 Gas Giants have formed a Square last seen in 79 AD, when Mt Vesuvius blew and wiped out Pompeii. It changes the magnetic field of Earth. Dec 6th we have the Shepherds Cross alignment occur, where all other Planets are on the opposite side to us, in a cross formation. Their gravities combined, acting as a TRACTOR BEAM, pulling objects behind us, towards us, with NO COVER from any of them! All whilst the Taurids continue beyond this week and other ones, join them for around 4 months. So we are in interesting times potentially!

Your information on Cat Breeders simultaneous sicknesses observed, was interesting and would indeed suggest a common environmental trigger, and not a systematic spread from a Patient Zero scenario. Same with "CONvid 19" scam. There was no patient zero spread radially and no viruses would stop illogically, in single towns like NYC, or not dare cross borders! It's bunkum! So other environmental triggers are likely in non coNvid incidents.

Obviously with coNvid, nothing actually occurred at all, bar a fake PCR testdemic, MSM hysteria and a wide range of iatrogenic medical murder protocols, to usher in the LETHAL WEAPON gene jabs. There was no excess death as Dr Rancourt and myriad others have so well shown.

For people to dismiss Comets, or Volcano fall out etc as a "nothing burger" is most UNWISE though. Many prior civilisations vanished from just such events, be it in cataclysms of water/fire, or from toxic conditions thereafter.

We have had many Earthquakes lately, whose fallout has not even touched down yet too, such as TONGA. We have 14% extra water in the air from such. Hence the recent massive floods wiping out Valencia, NC/TN USA and more. Sure some of that is being souped up it would seem too with geo-engineering but some of it, is natural, and we also have the Grand Solar Minimum we entered in theory in 2020.

In addition the Covid Scam, was launched just after the 2019/20 Winter Solstice, which was the Grand Conjunction alignment of Planets, that hailed the Mayan Calendars End. Not 2012 but 2020, as we lost 8 years in Julian/Gregorian Calendar changes! Uncanny timing to then launch the Covid Scam. THEY KNOW these cycles, WE DONT!

The London 2012 Olympics, clearly showed the CoNvid Scam in great detail, and 5G rollout, Lockdowns, Dancing Tik Tok headed Nightingale Hospital Nurses, Elbow Bumps, Chinese Ladies, Children being state Nannied, risen up to death etc https://www.bitchute.com/video/uULlZCsFIa2x/

As did the Rio Olympics after it, with Spiky Ball Monsters and Boat sailing atop a mountain of dead bodies with sailors waving giant needle like swords! (yes syringes).

(cant locate a relevant clip right now but you'll find them if you look).

Now we had 8 years warning from Londons, how much time until Paris Symbolism perhaps occurs for real?

Namaste & Inlak'ech

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I go with coincidence, potentially made more likely by the possibility that you thought “I might catch something from this guy”.

I lean this way because there’s a rich literature of attempts to transmit such acute illnesses and they never succeeded.

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No, he's presented us with a false dichotomy. I don't believe in coincidences any more than I believe in germ theory.

Don't we live in an electric universe? Couldn't disease have an electrical cause(s)?

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Disease has an electric cause, yes. Electric space filaments disturb the Earth's magnetic field which causes disruption of an electromagnetic regulatory system


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You don't know what the term means.

I presented two scenarios

1/something was transmitted


Coughs are caused by "electrical causes"????


1/from person to person

2/by chance all of us got hit.

So we just ignore the proximity in cars and hotel rooms.

Yeah ok


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read The Invisible Rainbow. And then "Can You Catch a Cold" by Daniel Roytas

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There are Three scenarios though.

1. You caught it from a transmissible pathogen (this can be disregarded given unanimous failed contagion studies of the past 150yrs).

2. Coincidence in timing of symptoms.

3. You are sharing the same Terrain.

All of the elements of Terrain Fact (not theory lol) are involved in "germ theory" wrapped in the (non existent) Immune system. All of the things in your environment that the germ theory says "weakens your immune system" are the things provoking a DETOX, which are perceived as symptoms of disease.

Once you understand the simple mechanism of Environmental toxins IN = Environmental Toxins out and those timings MAY be "triggered" by changes in your environment (like seasonal changes that can be seen in flora and fauna kingdoms((hibernation, leaf drop, malting etc etc)) .... "patterns" of disease start to make a lot more sense.

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Or, you believed you would get sick...so your body delivered.

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correct the nocebo effect is a big one.

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We can see the effects of something and rule out many things which it cannot be long before we discover what it absolutely is. Gravity is one such natural phenomenon. We see its effects as clear as day but still have almost no understanding of how it works. We have math that can describe the effects of gravity and make predictions about it but we have not identified the actual mechanism.

People who claim that nothing can be transmitted in order to cause illness among people proffer claims such as "an imbalance" with zero experimental data showing how to cause such an imbalance purposefully. The no-transmission people are operating in a faith-based space and I believe they do so because they do not like how dishonest the pro-transmission people have become. This is completely understandable to me. Pharma uses the ideas and science around transmission for profit and for control of people. They are disturbed individuals just as people who used Einstein's brilliance to create weapons of war.

Non-transmission people have to stop being lazy and resorting to "no it isn't" and "shut up you are imagining it" talking points to avoid accepting the fact that they are not doing any real science to advance a positive, provable, alternative theory. Things like monkeypox, visible and undeniable illnesses spread among extremely narrow cohorts are extremely difficult to explain without transmission. There really is no starting point for alternative explanations of something that specific.

The most likely explanation for illness is transmission of a pathogen and the most likely frequency for how often this occurs is orders of magnitude less than what those who stand to profit from it claim.

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Monomorphism was the cornerstone of developments in 20th-century medical research and treatments. Refusal by the mainstream to examine fairly, much less accept, the demonstrated facts of pleomorphism-that 'viruses' and bacteria (and also yeast and fungi) are evolutions from the microforms can rapidly change their form (evolve and "devolve") in vivo, one becoming dependent upon conditions in the inner terrain (environment); that blood and tissues are not necessarily sterile; and that there are no specific diseases , but only specific disease conditions-was the foundation of a latter-day.

"The term "virus" is the Latin word for poison, and gives us insight into the immediate cause of disease symptoms-poisons: mycotoxins, endotoxins, exotoxins, and toxins from environmental sources (many of which are primary or secondary mycotoxins). Orthodox medicine is well aware that it is bacterial toxins more than the bacteria themselves (they feed inus), that cause the symptoms referred to as infectious disease. Little if any emphasis is placed on this fine but important distinction. Always, the germ is emphasized."

Virus or Toxin?

Regarding the early period of virus isolation, a question is whether the unseen entities isolated in filtered fluids were accompanied by the waste products (mycotoxins) of fermentation by yeast and fungus of cellular elements, such as DNA. If virus filtrates are injected into a host to prove virulence, it is almost certain that easily filterable molecular toxins will be introduced as well. Could Dr. Stanley's "pure crystals of tobacco mosaic virus" have been crystallized toxins? If so, they would certainly be highly symptogenic, as are exotoxins at the intermediate stage of the cycle, for example. However, it is not proof of anything that you can create illness by poison injection, except proof of that tautological fact.

"The Living Matrix When we consider the ultimate nature of life and living systems, the key characteristic - indeed the defining characteristic - is the demonstration of intelligent behavior. Therefore we can say that life exhibits intelligence. Now, keeping this in mind, we take into consideration some of the most advanced cosmological models, in which the Universe is described as ultimately holographic and fractal - and we can begin to understand how such complex nanobiological machinery could be engendered, using a more accurate model than what was available to Darwin when he formulated his theory of blind evolution through random mutagenesis. In the holofractal model of cosmology, information is encoded in the quantum structure of spacetime.

This information is encoded at the most fundamental level, in the quantum vacuum harmonic oscillators, or planck pixels, that comprise the very fabric of the spacetime manifold itself. As the saying goes - "it from bit", meaning that all parameters of physical processes are encoded digitally (discretely) as information topologically on holographic spacetime surface horizon membranes. Furthermore, within this model the Universe is not only holographic, in which the smallest unit of a system recapitulates the whole, but also fractal, in which it is self-similar across scales. When the fractal Mandelbrot set was first discovered, it was described as "God's fingerprint".

We are all very familiar with fractal systems as they are displayed by almost all living processes and structures - suggesting that fractal processes are integral to the morphogenetic field of the living biological system.

However, the fractal arrangement of the Universe can be seen from the largest scales to the smallest - Now we can begin to define what is meant by the statement - "living processes do not come from non-living processes".

Because in a holofractal universe, the macromolecular arrangement and behavior of matter demonstrated in biological life forms is recapitulated through all scales, even if we choose not to recognize it as such. Thus, what is termed to be living is not simply something that looks like an organic life form - but something that is inherently intelligent and demonstrates a clear ordering of action and behavior.

When considering the information transduction processes occurring from the smallest scales to the largest, it is important to point out that biological life forms fall right in the equiposition between the Planck-scale and the cosmological-scale: There are 30 orders of magnitude on either side of the living biological system, meaning that there is an entire universe within the living organism at the same magnitude as that outside the living biological entity. Poised at this equiposition, living biological systems are the key intermediary in the communication of information between these extreme scales. Now considering this holonomic fractal model, there are living processes all the way from the harmonic oscillations of the quantum vacuum to the large-scale Universe, and given that all physical processes are the result of underlying information transmission, permutation, and encoding, there is an intelligence engendered within all physical processes.

When considering the intricate and intimate matrix that extends through all scales and spacetime dimensions, the synergetic effect of these information transduction processes, of which life is literally central to, could potentially engender a unified intelligence, perhaps great enough to reach back across that spacetime manifold to orchestrate the design and emergence of biological life - an expression of living systems that would ultimately display higher-order sentience by that design."

Mechanisms not yet fully understood and accepted by the 'knowledge society', however elegantly described here by William Brown, Resonance Science Foundation. It's a similar rat-story.

It is My holistic approach to (our) universe (terrain) and biology.

The Origin of Mass and the Nature of Gravity can elevate mankind to a higher level. As my friend William Brown says "This groundbreaking newly published Unified Physics paper, "The Origin of Mass and the Nature of Gravity" combines quantum mechanics, vacuum energy, and the structure of particles, particularly the proton, as the foundation for creation."

Ruth Gordon you say that; "we see its effects as clear as day but still have almost no understanding of how it works. We have math that can describe the effects of gravity and make predictions about it but we have not identified the actual mechanism." I encourage you to read this paper: https://zenodo.org/records/8381115

Gå For Friheden I Kærlighed Til Biologien

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As follow up to Ruth Gordon's comment, your first paragraph was the perfect addition. The bizarre refusal by orthodox biologists to acknowledge the quite obvious and persistent capacity of organisms to change shape, location and purpose inside of a 'host' is the greatest non sequitur in all of science's wandering away from it's own mission - to investigate the world around us ... as it really is.

Part of the fallout from this refusal is the equally bizarre 'taxonomical warfare' which has allowed for obfuscation of easily observable phenomena - like 'PLEOMORPHISM' - so that a barrage of alternate terms for one single (dynamic)process allows 'treatment' to fall into stasis, and the whole field to fall into a state of 'medieval-like' ignorance of dynamic "live" systems which, in contrast to the fantasies of their 'micro-scopic' journeys, require no 'human agency' at all.

Thus, the so-called 'biome' within us exists as a space of synergistic interplays between such a vast array of 'lifeforms' that - whichever name one chooses to use in order to 'identify' them - carry on about their business as part of a tight-knit community... of predators, prey, role reversals, dramatic escalations, temporary ententes, and untold numbers of other interactions which 'biologists' have only just begun to record - let alone understand.

The rest of your comment delves into territory which I'm not sure is necessary for the purposes of understanding what goes into the 'multi-cultural melange' which our bodies represent. In regards to which - I think that the 'no-virus' people are at least right in so far as - yes, we have the ability to 'sense' our 'selves' in the "sense" of being able to act as 'control & command' of that 'community of diverse interests' interacting within us. And perhaps even 'balance' those powers in the manner that leads to 'good health.'

Sounds more like the role of a diplomat, than the 'chemical/mechanical' adjudicator all these science-heavy philosophers with the 'quantum' and 'micro' fixations would have us believe to be our 'identity.'

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You say, "Things like monkeypox, visible and undeniable illnesses spread among extremely narrow cohorts are extremely difficult to explain without transmission." But, is "monkeypox" really a distinct illness, or is it a label given to a fairly generic set of symptoms when they're expressed in a particular population?

I haven't kept up with the monkeypox narrative, but when it first appeared in the media, the photos shared showed everything from one zit on an arm to a few blisters or pustules, to an area of rash. I would not have thought those photos were showing the same thing at all. I don't know what other symptoms went with those skin flares, but it just didn't look like something specific to me.

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If you look up images of monkeypox you can indeed see that they appear in different places on the skin. However, the point I am making is regarding transmission. Homosexual men who are connected through sexual encounter end up with the pox on the same areas of the body, namely the anus. How would this be explained logically without transmission of what we call a virus, an infectious particle? And how might those who come into contact with the person through a handshake or sharing the air not get it. Or, if they do, not on the anus?

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I can think of any number of reasons someone might get sores on the anus, especially when participating in anal intercourse. And is this actually the main symptom? I do understand why the major media photos would be of other body parts, but nothing else that I've read has said the sores are mainly on or around the anus.

As for contracting the same illness by shaking hands, is there any actual evidence of that?

To me it sounds like just another demonization of gay men, like with HIV/AIDS. The problem never was gay sex, it was a particular lifestyle of using inhaled recreational drugs, malnourishment, sleep deprivation, etc. The "test" made others without those risk factors think that they were in mortal danger, which had its own nocebo effect, on top of AZT, the hugely toxic drug that was the initial (Fauci promoted) "treatment" for HIV/AIDS.

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Ruth Gordon, your comment is a very welcome suggestion as to the only way out of the interminable squabbling into which the vaccine-skeptical seem prone to fall into.

That people will take up entrenched positions - and then confuse their defense of those positions via what amounts to philosophical speculations they mistake for 'scientifically verified' experiment - seems to go generally unchallenged in these debates. Thank you for doing so. That said, your statement -

"Things like monkeypox, visible and undeniable illnesses spread among extremely narrow cohorts are extremely difficult to explain without transmission. There really is no starting point for alternative explanations of something that specific"

has no clear break away from the syndrome which you described. The advent of consciously cultivated, lab-created 'designer diseases' puts many things back 'on the table' which orthodoxies of all kinds would like to leave out. A build up of pre-conceptions married to stasis/self-interest/careerism in 'science' does not create a suitable situation for claims that 'we've moved past certain antiquated ideas about how diseases spread' no matter how much the consensus opinion would like to believe it so.

Indeed, so many ideas from the past, relegated to obscurity, assigned to past paradigms, or ridiculed as 'anti-scientific' very probably are going to need to be retrieved from cold storage, in order to restart the engines of a modality of enquiry called "science" which have seized up due to 'lubrication issues' caused by low quality imagination and failure to look past the most 'convenient' explanations.

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The fact that you first grease the skids with a compliment and then launch into a word-salad diatribe makes me essentially want to tell you to get off my lawn. Your post is a bunch of nonsense. If you cannot say it simply then you probably have nothing of note to say. Try again. Stake a position.

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So, fulsome praise, and nothing but is your 'stated position' as I understand it.

Seems part n parcel of exactly what I was addressing in that comment - the complete inability to find the means of breaking out of interminable squabbles' and the invitation to join in, which your reply seems to consist of.

Sorry, I don't have enough 'stake' in the matter to join that rancid replacement for reasoned debate & exchange of opinion. If my "salad" sticks in your gorge, perhaps you'd best find another 'culinary companion' with whom to pursue your fractious disposition.

Bon appétit!

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You did not engage in a discussion. You simply did what most establishment types do these days and misrepresent and re-frame any dissenting opinion often, especially in this case, demonstrating that you haven't even understood the point the other side has made.

For those following along and have a sticky scroll wheel, here is my thesis statement that Dr. Dissent has tried to re-frame into "you are too disagreeable to be reasoned with". (Yes, two can plan that game):

"People who claim that nothing can be transmitted in order to cause illness among people proffer claims such as "an imbalance" with zero experimental data showing how to cause such an imbalance purposefully."

Now ask yourselves, dear reader, why someone would get so bent out of shape at such a simple prima facia statement.

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Some people are more suggestionable than others, but there are situations in life when one is more susceptible to delude oneself.

I've noticed that many people hate the nocebo concept. They take it as an insult. As if they were called weak or crazy. It's not that at all. Our minds play tricks on us all the time. It's part of the normal operation of the human experience. Sometimes, we believe our mind better than reality. "Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" said Groucho Marx one time.

Every form of comedy is us believing our mind better than reality. For a short span of time. A controlled delusion, which can be understood as practice.

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Your guessing my mind set.

And ur argument is actually negated when I expand on the event.

Your welcome!

In actual fact...I thought he had a "bong cough" and not cough induced

From ..sigh...space viruses.."viruses" "bacterial" etc

I did not think he had anything transmittable.

Bang goes my mind set.

Bang goes the two friends mind sets

All a coincidence...


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Drt Yeadon, don't you remember the epidemic of cervical cancer in the 1980s?

As a consequence of the sexual revolution of the sixties, sexually transmitted diseases became more common in the general population.

We had young women in their early twenties diagnosed with stage three cancers. And their partners were infected with the human papilloma virus and needed to be treated too. As transmission perpetuated itself some strains of the HPV virus were particularly virulent and could progress to cancerous cells within six months of infection.

Screening and better sexual education have curtailed the spread of this deadly (for women) disease. There is no question that this was transmissible and until the association with the HPV virus was made, treating doctors were traumatised by the early deaths in young women they witnessed.

You seem to have moved from "respiratory viruses are not transmissible" to all diseases are not transmissible" This makes no sense.

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You are not denying sick humans can affect the healthy people, right?

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Bono has caused many cases of continuous vomiting. Is that what you mean?

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Yes, Tomas, don't worry, it's a joke.

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OMG! Rog you crack me up! 😂😂😂

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I believe healthy humans take on the sickness for lots of different reasons. I am a registered massage therapist and am very susceptible to the nocebo effect. If I am not careful, I can take on someone Headache, knee pain or flu like symptoms. It doesn’t just go away with a good sleep either. I may need to see the chiropractor or get an acupuncture treatment to set it right.

The placebo/nocebo effect are more powerful than we have been allowed to believe.

Read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book called Placebo.

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Anyone who believes sick humans don't spread disease... I've got a freebie for them https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/dr-sam-bailey-viruses-do-not-exist

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They are...

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Right. This is where the most bang for the buck is.


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Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz 👇


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I've done it several times (re: herpes) and nothing happened. I've even licked floors of dirty marketplaces, handrails of train stations, etc. I eat raw meat of various kinds every day.

But there are a number of problems with these challenges as proofs, assuming we're not just talking about a private demonstration for a trusted friend:

1) A public demonstration for, say, "HIV" or "Ebola," has legal consequences. The person may be forcible quarantined, tested, injected, etc. If you are deemed "HIV positive" -- and yes the test administrators do take whether you say you were exposed heavily into account and it says to do so in the HIV diagnosis field manuals -- you can then be charged with things like Assault with a Deadly Weapon for spitting on someone (yes this actually happened in the USA) -- and of course you have to disclose to all your sexual partners in many jurisdictions.

2) Even if the demonstrator doesn't then "test positive" or have any symptoms, it is easily dismissed by saying, "He must've had a good immune system." (Isn't unfalsifiability wonderful?)

3) Herpes and "Ebola" in particular seem to be very serious detoxes and Terrain Theory holds that pustules of poxes, etc. contain toxins so it's not exactly a great idea to be touching them.

This is all assuming the sexual partner in question is even attractive to the demonstrator in the first place.

Also, Robert Willner became blood brothers with a known "HIV" patient on national television in the 1980s and had no symptoms nor did he ever "test positive." Others have done this as well, but he did it right there on TV so you'd think if anything was going to have an impact, that would. The video is still on YouTube.

People just underestimate how all-consuming paradigms are. Alternative evidence is not just swept under the rug, it is swept under the rug in a completely systematic and encompassing way.

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Can you recount the times when you were with someone who was sick (for example someone at work who had the flu or you were on buses and trains where any number of people had some kind of illness) and nothing happened to you?

I'm guessing that those instances vastly outnumber your one anecdote.

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Ever experienced that thing where someone yawns and that makes you yawn? Or someone scratches an itch and you follow suit? Or someone tells you a story about insects and you feel like insects are crawling on your skin?

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That sounds like a false dichotomy to me.

Couldn't it all be electrical, caused by a disturbance/interference in the biofields of the people concerned?

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I keep finding information that also leads me to this possibility. We are beings of light, energy and magnetism so it stands to reason that an imbalance there will lead to illness.

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Another that doesn't understand the term

That fits into my first scenario

Your welcome

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The mind plays a vital role in contagion, it's similar to the placebo effect.

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3 years ago... there were 4 of us -- two kids we sponsored from a 3rd world ghetto to attend school -- me .. my wife.

Kid 1 feels sick tests + for the Vid... a couple of days later Kid 2 comes down with the same thing and a + test... then my wife tests + Vid... all 3 of them sick ... nothing major ... kids cleared in 3-4 days...

Finally I get the Vid + test... I take hydroxychloroquine and I am feeling better by the evening ... fully recovered in a couple of days.

SOMETHING was spread between all of us... call it a Virus... call it a XYCABC... call it whatever... but this indicates contagion.

If Sam Bailey is so confident then surely she'll take the challenge...

Oh I only made ONE post on Sam's SS ... it was this https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/viruses-do-not-exist-was-a-psyop

I went back to post The Challenge only to find I was banned.


I have my suspicions about anyone who is pushing the viruses do not exist thing... will I get banned from here?

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Anything that interferes with the cash flow will get you banned from the cult.

You didn't know that?

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No that doesn't indicate contagion though. Sadly.

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Oh right so why did everyone in the house come down with Covid?

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For all you know you have mold in the house, or all ate something. Who knows. A bunch of people in a house getting sick doesn't imply contagion.

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Wow. Clown world.

You seem to have not read my post ... it was roughly a week between person 1 testing positive for Covid ... and me... it was not food poisoning..

I am surrounded by https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

Are you willing to take the Fast Eddy Challenge? https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/dr-sam-bailey-viruses-do-not-exist

Surely you would be ok with this -- given viruses don't exist... HIV and herpes don't exist and are not contagious


Clown f789ing world ... filled with clowns

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Wow. Clown world. You believe in the shitty COVID tests. Amazing. "Our tests (that can test positive on ???) all tested positive as we rebreathed the same particles floating around in the air in our same house."

You've gotta start thinking. And you have failed to do so. A bunch of people in a house all getting sick within X time of each other is not proof of contagion. If contagion happened, then people who work in places like grocery stores or hospitals, would "get it" multiple times per year with approaching 100% certainty - plus their family members. This clearly doesn't happen.

Nothing about your story is any different from medical case literature on people having outbreaks of chicken pox and shingles (or identical symptoms) due to, for example, arsenic poisoning of their food or water supply.

So next time try to think.

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If you're challenging the "viruses don't exist" line of thinking, by recounting your experiences and your interpretations of them, I would hope that wouldn't get you banned from anywhere. But if it were my substack, I would certainly ask you to cease and desist your pimping BS, and if you persisted, THAT would definitely get you banned.

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Dec 31
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My definition of pimping is regardless of payment. You may cease and desist. Thank you.

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I had a similar experience but with Covid. Early in 2021, my husband was exposed on a Tuesday at work. We weren't concerned because we don't get sick. We had a friend spend the night at our house on Thursday night but told him we might have been exposed. He didn't care because he didn't think any of us would get sick. He left on Friday morning to drive 800 miles home. That night, to our surprise, my husband didn't feel well and had a fever and chills. I still didn't think I'd get sick but woke up on Saturday feeling tired. By Saturday afternoon, I felt sick. It wasn't horrible. We still walked our dogs their two mile walk but needed a nap and didn't feel great. Our friend started with symptoms on Sunday. His wife and kids at home, a few days later. They didn't know he was sick because he was trying to keep it a secret so his wife wouldn't get angry at him for stopping by our house.

This is not coincidence or the nocebo effect as some would suggest. Terrain does make a difference, which is why me and my husband were less sick than many people early on with Covid, but now we've learned that this virus was engineered to be more attracted to human cells. I was surprised that we actually got sick but glad to have gotten natural immunity early.

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The big secret is that flu symptoms are simply the body cleaning itself of all sorts of waste. They're extremely effective at this, but the process is harrowing and inconvenient, so it makes perfect sense that the body is very sensitive about the exact timing of these intensive cleanings. The best indicator that "now is a good time" is when others "in your tribe" (family, coworker, friend, classmate) are also doing it. Same with yawning and throwing up, by the way!

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It was about bacterial infection, not viruses. Read the definition of those first. Read carefully what Dr Bailey is saying. Read or listen what Dr Stefan Lanka is saying

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The one that argued that TB was caused by "dirty air"

Me thinks not

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So "dirty air" is not a thing? Ever been to Beijing? India? And it sure as heck was a problem in the tenements during the industrial revolution.

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All subject to similar electromagnetic disturbances


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Mike Williams, think of a "contagion claim" – "transmission" with an example as I see it. When we send up space stations and the astronauts stay in a weightless state, their biology changes, e.g. bone structure and carrying capacity, because the underlying "gravity" of The Living Matrix changes.

In a holo-fractal universe, the macromolecular arrangement and behaviour of matter demonstrated in biological life forms are recapitulated through all scales, even if we choose not to recognize them as such. Thus, what is termed to be living is not simply something that looks like an organic life form but something that is inherently intelligent and demonstrates a clear ordering of action and behaviour.

When considering the intricate and intimate matrix that extends through all scales and space-time dimensions, the synergistic effect of these information transduction processes, to which life is literally central, could potentially create a unified intelligence, perhaps large enough to reach back across space-time a manifold to orchestrate the design and the emergence of biological life - an expression of living systems that would ultimately show higher order feeling by this design.

Have those who present the hypotheses about the "contagion claim" taken this energy into account?

See example "The sound of Gravity"


Or here https://spacefed.com/

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Opinion and logical fallacies with zero valid scientific evidence to back them up... how compelling and original.

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You must be speaking about your fallacies based of on unfounded assumptions?

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Ackkkkshually, fallacies in general need no unfounded premises. Anyone can create fallacies with perfectly valid assumptions. And also give a perfectly valid reasoning using totally wrong and even fraudulent data. All of which leads to a correct conclusion that happens to be wrong. SAD!

If we could discover truth and lies *only* with language, there would be no need for anything else, don't you agree?

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How do you find the truth? You assume the other side must be wrong without any evidence?

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In my own opinion, and I don't speak for anyone else, logic is superior to empirical evidence. (Yes, I realize I'm going against the grain.)

In natural sciences, we presuppose logic. There is only one logic. There are different styles of logical analysis, but the foundation of all logic was put in writing by Aristotle long ago. When you make an argument that uses empirical observation, this observation has to obey the rules of logic. (Yes, I know the 20th century was mostly dedicated to destroying logic. That's part of the story of how why we got globalism.)

We don't assume that the other side is wrong. We assume that the party making the positive claim must provide evidence for that claim. Otherwise, they are asking for us to believe what they say without evidence. Which is not fair. At least, not fair in science.

We don't allow inversion of the burden of proof.

The evidence you bring for the claim that this type of bacteria causes stomach ulcers, for example, has to be examined in two ways: empirically, and logically. If we find that the bacteria cause ulcers in some cases but not in other cases, logic tells us there is something else going on. A hidden variable. If the bacteria never causes stomach ulcers alone, then it's the bacteria has a public relations problem, but we have no logical problem with that. We are all specists here, the last allowable form of bigotry in the Free World.

Now, if you claim that we just assume our mental programming from high school as true and we build our intellectual lives on that, and then we just dismiss any empirical evidence that shows up which contradicts our deeply ingrained beliefs, then I would say you are doing logic and science a great disservice. You are actually supposed to do as everyone else, endorse logical positivism and avoid all forms of metaphysical arguments, from the start. You are supposed to pretend that only falsification of hypotheses is a valid method of induction. Therefore, no one could ever prove that a germ causes anything. At best, you can disprove it causes something, sometimes.

But this is irrational. Scientists do not want that the same germ to be causing an infectious disease only on red-hair males of ages between 10 and 30 during the Summer in a high mountain climate. How could a virus be so picky with its victims? Scientists are given the fool's errand to show that one germ causes just one disease in all people, regardless of circumstances. A prima facie impossibility, and I'm sure you would concede at least that.

What epidemiologists do is to gather data, even wrong data, even fraudulent data, simmer it very well in the small burner, invent a credible story with that stock and then count the days until it is shown to be false. But it is impossible to run a global business with that, it's too pessimistic and honest. To run a global business, you need actors who practice pseudoscience, like shoving a foot long stick or else you are not allowed to ride a tram, or terrorize the public about exponential growth in curves of mortality, or journalists and finance gurus who immanentize analogies.

And most people cannot tell apart an actor from a scientist. We live in a world of appearances and opinions. People who engage in scientific research and reasoning want to escape that, right?

If you want the truth about germs causing disease in healthy organisms (humans, pine trees, sea turtles, amoebas...) do this: renounce Karl Popper and all his pomps, and prove with valid evidence that invisible germs can enter a body and wreak havoc. If you don't prove it, we are well justified to operate as if germ theory is completely false. Not necessarily the truth, but a more reasonable proposition to live by, all things considered.

And by doing this we remain able to listen to other people coming with new evidence, potentially true. You guys who see pathogens everywhere have a lot of problems to listen to other people because of your emotional overreaction. Just go back to basic cold reason and show, using the scientific method, that one pathogenic germ causes disease. But don't feel bad if you cannot, because we are actually debating a category mistake. (Which is the risk of renouncing metaphysics altogether.)

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"If we find that the bacteria cause ulcers in some cases but not in other cases, logic tells us there is something else going on."

If vaccines do cause death and destruction in some cases but not in other cases, vaccines cannot be the cause in the other person's body that became severely disabled after the shot . Logic tells us something else must be going on.


That logic is genious! Thank you

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I think you miss the point I try to make.

The problem is that germ theory is flawed because they search only one cause: a bacterium, for example. In reality, there is a chain of causes and effects. The strict claim that one germ will cause one disease when it invades a healthy body is a very weird claim. How could anyone provide evidence for it, ever?

The example you mention about vaccines is also weird. It's a very interesting question to answer why some people become very ill after an injection with an antigen, why others become much less ill, and why others appear to not have any problem? There is no way to isolate the supposed antigen (one or many) as the independent variable. There is something else going on.

One hypothesis is the ADE effect (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement). Another hypothesis is the anaphylactic reaction. These are lines of research. They have been opened because logical analysis tells us that more refinement is needed.

And this means that, in the case of infection by any kind of germ, it may be wrong to say it is pathogenic, and other lines of research should be investigated. But they don't, because there is a wall that blocks the path. Don't you see it?

In the case of vaccines, it means it's a bad technology that shouldn't be used, because it's relative risk is unknown because no one can know what those things actually do. Vaccines are not natural but the so called infections are natural phenomena. Bacteria replicate, vaccines do not replicate. Bacteria produce toxins, vaccines do not produce toxins, rather they have toxins, but those are not supposed to multiply. They are very different. Not comparable. You example could have been better.

I have found that the empiricists often make very dogmatic claims because they disdain logic. You need more logic in your life, my friend.

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Sir,, you have single-handedly exonerated the poison pushers!

What a feat!

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The poison pushers have 1000 tricks to escape the action of the Courts of Justice. They would not have started this genocidal campaign if they didn't have prepared many escape routes. Realize there is no improvisation here.

Lawyers do what I'm doing here, before trials. They check if an argument may work. The prosecution is supposed to prove their claims. What counter arguments are the defense attorneys going to do? What if the Court is biased to the side of the defendant? These questions are not trivial.

Have you watched that long video from 2018, of Stanley Plotkin being grilled by a lawyer, Aaron Siri, who is searching an opening to attack? It's a very important video.

Here it is, in three parts:





"Transcript of videotaped deposition of Stanley A. Plotkin, M.D. New Hope, Pennsylvania. January 11, 2018. State of Michigan in the Circuit Court for the County of Oakland Family Division. Lori Matheson f/k/a Lori Ann Schmitt, Plaintiff vs. Michael Schmitt, Defendant. Case No. 2015-831539-DM"

There is a highlights video somewhere on the internet. Watching that short clip will save you much grief.


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I've been asked about my thoughts on this article elsewhere, and as I am included in the image accompanying the article, I will share my response here.

"It’s unfortunate that intelligent people continue to interpret the effects of drugs (e.g., antibiotics and ivermectin) as proof of a cause. Just because these drugs seem effective in some cases does not mean that germs were the cause of the illness. This reasoning is logically fallacious. It’s disappointing that Denis cannot see this."

For more on why the germ hypothesis has been repeatedly falsified, please see these articles:


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Thank you for responding Mike.

You state: "It’s unfortunate that intelligent people continue to interpret the effects of drugs (e.g., antibiotics and ivermectin) as proof of a cause. Just because these drugs seem effective in some cases does not mean that germs were the cause of the illness. This reasoning is logically fallacious. It’s disappointing that Denis cannot see this."

Please consider that you may have misinterpreted my words.

I do not conclude that germs cause disease on the basis that chemicals can perturb the respiratory tract microbiome in a way that is temporarily beneficial to the host.

In fact, my entire recent work is about how germs are not a primary cause of death, where I carefully define "primary" versus "associated" causes of death. For example, see our 500+ page report "Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions".

Your characterization of my meaning in this short essay is incorrect.

Nonetheless, I enjoy your Viroliegy content very much.

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is scientific discussion as it should be.

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In the paper figs 38a and 38b show a striking correspondence between antibiotic prescriptions and life expectancy, with higher prescription rates corresponding to lower life expectancy.

This is not proof that antibiotics work or that they work as described. It is not proof that an infection is caused by a microorganism.

From the paper: "Given the similarity in state-wise distributions of life expectancy at birth (Figure 38a) and antibiotic prescriptions (Figure 38b), it is not unreasonable to conclude that a dominant cause of death limiting life expectancy, in the USA in the pre-COVID-era, is bacterial infection, the most common fatal such infection being bacterial pneumonia."

The paper therefore explicitly concludes a cause and not even from diagnosed symptoms but from the treatment given!

This might seem reasonable if patients were only prescribed these drugs after being diagnosed with an infection and if hospital procedures are uniform across the states, however..

From the paper "On presentation to the hospital bacterial co-infections are rare, while empiric antibiotic use is abundant."

Empiric antibiotic use is where the antibiotics are administered even before symptoms have appeared! Now if there is in fact a correspondence between drug use and infection then which is the cause and which is the effect?

If anybody has a short proof of the effectiveness or otherwise of antibiotics then I and many other others would genuinely like to see it as it is one of the topics in the book "What really makes you ill" that is not completely resolved. The authors are of the opinion, if I recall correctly, that they may just about work but by giving a sharp toxic shock to the system which then stimulates the endocrine system into stepping up.


Elsewhere in the paper there is repeated reference to 'viral respiratory infections' and 'immune response' and these concepts are used to support the main argument.

From the paper: "Ordinary psychological stress is known to be a dominant factor in making an individual susceptible to viral respiratory disease symptomatic infection, and to increase the severity of the infection (Cohen et al., 1991)."

The Cohen paper put droplets up people's noses. This has nothing to so with 'viral respiratory infection' and makes the assumption of virus existence without ever demonstrating such.

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Good, now read this one


which is the paper I was referring to, in which primary and associated causes of death are discerned.

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This was not the paper referred to but I tried reading it. There is very little in there about antibiotics but it refers to Rancourt et al 2021a a lot. I looked at this paper and it just has the same charts and argument as the first paper I looked at, so I have gone around a circle.

We do have "In the words of Ginsburg and Klugman (2020): 'Most bacterial pneumonias caught early enough can be safely and effectively treated with antibiotics'"

So I looked up that paper and it simply states this without any evidence at all.

There is the assumption throughout that pneumonia is caused by bacteria and that it can cause a pandemic meaning that it is transmissible. I did not see any evidence for this. The claim of the germ theorists is that the flesh dies prior to the bacterial proliferation and not because of it, this claim is not ruled out.

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Well, too bad you did not see what I tried to communicate.

Also, a surge in pneumonia that can be treated does not imply transmission as the main mechanism of the surge.

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Eh, still due reason for concern, however 🤷‍♂️. Especially when you're an old fogy like me (in the eyes of any teenager).

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“ I do not conclude that germs cause disease on the basis that chemicals can perturb the respiratory tract microbiome in a way that is temporarily beneficial to the host.”:

This statement is a bit vague. But do you have an alternative explanation for the family of 10 our of which 8 get flu-like symptoms within few days?

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That statement is not vague.

Rancourt does not have to provide any alternative explanation to any phenomenon in order to say what he has said.

And your question is unrelated. Stone and Rancourt are talking about antibiotics and bacterial disease. And Rancourt has explained that Stone misinterprets what he said.

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You are probably not familiar with Stones’ view on antibiotics… are you?

Once you do, it should be clearer…

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I think I'm familiar with Stone's opinion on antibiotics in general: they are too dangerous and cause more damage.

Maybe he's right, and I'm wrong in thinking that there are situations where the risks of using some types of antibiotics are very small and the possible benefit of reducing the convalescence period is worth taking them.

I don't know enough. But this is besides the point.

Your question of the other day was misguided.

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You deny the anti-inflammatory effects of antibiotics? Or, you not sure?

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I’d like to remind about our exchange of ideas where you conceded you would not take antibiotics under any circumstances.

Have your views change since then?

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You don’t have to look hard to find laboratory experiments showing viral transmission resulting in a distinct pathology, like cold sores.


That study is a great example, using a strict control group.

Viruses absolutely exist, and are involved in causing many disease processes.

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I have to counter this comment too. Not long ago I delved deep into certain cat diseases like FIV and FELV (I'm a cat breeder who is fluent in science). I did that by studying dozens of scientific studies examining these diseases, and boy was in for a surprise.

Let me tell you what I learned.

First of all, one can easily find studies that at first glance seem very thorough, blinded, controlled and so on, that seem to clearly show that a certain disease is very transmissible and very deadly.

However, when one looks at the the totality of the studies combined with real-world experience, a completely different picture emerges. First of all, one can also easily find dozens of well-done lab studies that show that the same disease is either not very transmissible or not very deadly at all. In other words, some lab studies found effect while many others could not. And what's worse, studies that examined cats in real-life conditions got different results to the lab studies - so different that one would think they didn't even study the same disease! And most importantly, real-life experience of hundreds of cat breeders found that the lab results were indeed completely and utterly flawed - the disease is neither deadly nor transmissible. See FIV, known also as "cat AIDS", as a great example of this: https://www.fivcats.com/

Now it's officially admitted that FIV is actually pretty benign, despite the first (lab) studies showing it to be extremely deadly. A recent study looking at cats in real-life conditions found that it's also not transmissible, despite some lab studies showing it to be highly transmissible. Why? I don't know, perhaps the scientists who made the initial studies are complete frauds who worked for people who just wanted to cash in on a new disease. Or perhaps they didn't deliberately lie, but just designed the studies wrong, for example by using some toxic, unnatural stuff. I don't even care at this point, however, the fact remains that their "findings" have caused tremendous harm to cats.

To sum up, I simply don't trust any particular study anymore, especially if it's a laboratory study. The study you shared falls in the latter category.

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I often wonder if our pets also can make us sick. (most likely)

Therefore, post CoronaPrank, can the vaccines given to our pets also infect its owners? I am saying this viv a vis the 'spike proteins' of CoVid death jabs?

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"perhaps the scientists who made the initial studies are complete frauds who worked for people who just wanted to cash in on a new disease." & "I don't even care at this point, however, the fact remains that their "findings" have caused tremendous harm to cats." Are the most likely answer you realised yes. FIV is no doubt a fraud or trivial and the real scaremongering is to hock Pet jabs/Drugs which are the real damaging agent.

If a feral born cat is not up to date on all its Vets schedule of jabs, do you think it gives a damn? Is it dead? Nope, doing just fine being a cat thanks. Eating wild organic food, even rats, with no ill effect whatsoever. Far healthier than any branded cat food fed cat and may, all weathers permitting, and no accidents with cars per say, lead a long happy wild life.

No pets need ANY of the Vet jabs. Its just poison snakeoil for BIG MONEY!

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Agree. That we can know how a virus enters our being, how (which cell surface markers) it enters a cell, we can map out the molecular and genetic sequence of the antigenic regions of the virus. We can create vaccines and monoclonal antibodies that can have high affinity with the epitopes of those antigens, we can predict new variants that will evade previously neutralizing antibodies, etc, etc… All pointing to the existence of something external that is potentially pathogenic to us.

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Literally none of the things you said have ever been witnessed happening in any human or animal. It's all petri dish experiments with laughably poor controls.

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I agree.

It can be debated whether or not viral infections are “causal” in disease, or if it’s immunological / environmental variables.

But to deny their existence is foolish.

Ask a virus denier what biological variable causes cold sores, you’ll never get a straight answer.

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"Ask a virus denier what biological variable causes cold sores, you’ll never get a straight answer."

The form of your argument is, "There is a mystery that you don't know the answer to, so therefore my explanation of the mystery is the answer."

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FWIW I’m not a virus denier I’m a seeker of proof of the existence of of viruses. I’m quite open to proof of their existence.

From a non virus denier, for me cold sores were cured by vitamin B, your mileage may vary.

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What causes cold sores?

Please provide scientific proof of your theory.

Have a look at the study I posted as well.

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I think you are inverting the burden of proof here.

I want to ask, have you ever tried to provide that link to Mike Stone, for example?

He's a humble thinker, he won't troll you at all if you want to have a debate on cold sores.

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I claim no theory, just reporting my experience

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For all you know the same thing that can cause weird blisters that scab over and look a lot like chicken pox:

A purported virus

Arsenic poisoning

A niacin deficiency

A thiamine deficiency


Or perhaps something else.

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Is this meant to be sarcasm? The "study" you linked put a toxic cell culture stew into the cut up lips of rats and found various damage resulted, diagnosed after they were euthanized by suffocation. What a revelation.

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Virology studies are laughable aren't they? Just petty animal sadists really, maiming animals in bizarre ways that don't remotely mimic nature, with toxic brews of crap, sometimes injected into their brains, and then exclaiming VOILA a new virus!

Then pouring the same toxic brew, into a supercomputer and asking it to stitch together a hypothetical outer shell with proteins to bind to a given receptor, plus some kind of code inside, that can create another made up protein, that they'd love to have a function, that would be damaging to a target animal/human organ system!

Supercomputer says "With all this soup of smashed up DNA from multiple animals and Stains and Antibiotics, I can make you the freaking Taj Mahal if you like, sure!"

So it spits out 3 million possible combinations of outershell with binders, inner protein code for something nasty and Virologists pick their favourite one!

It's a freaking joke! Virology is a FARCE!

Their next step of course is to design a test PCR primer to look for the mythical Farce they just created and picked.

Of course, here the TRICK, is chose a primer sequence (not the whole gene sequence), but a primer sequence that is NON SPECIFIC to the Mythical Farce.

So they ensure, that the primer is found in absolutely EVERYTHING else in nature! That way you can always get a GOLD Positive result, if ya crank up the Cycle Thresholds enough! Voila a TESTDEMIC is born!

Now simply scare the public via MSM, about some new disease which can "cause" a list of common ailments, everyone has, all the time. Simples!

Like an Itchy Nose, perhaps some Dandruff, Trouble Sleeping, a pain in your knee, bit of a tickly throat, to a full blown cough occasionally, vomiting, bad guts, sneezing, cant taste your bland food from crap cookery and junk food, lethargy from being a lazy bastard, sleeping too much, not enough, yada yada! Usual stuff. But chuck in a few SCARY ONES, like blindness, coma and DEATH! Just for good measure.

Make up the RECEPTOR BINDING story, endless replication, Transmission through Air, Water, Food, Touch, anything you like, even anal sex with Koala Bears! Matters not! Public will buy into any old claptrap MSM tells it to!

Run a few primer MSM scares.....wait a while...then BLAM smother the MSM with real OUTBREAK stories, in some location no one lives in really, or gives a flying hoot about! But....mention someone visited there recently and took a plane to a DENSELY POPULATED AREA and ....TESTED POSITIVE!!

Sit back and LAUGH, as the Public HYSTERIA and PANIC seizes their tiny little minds! All now CLAMOURING for some salvation!

Have some knobhead paid for actor of a Dr on TV, thats never treated a real patient in their life and whom everyone at medical School hated, or some FRAUD in a White Coat lab stooge, RE-ASSURE the public, that MASS TESTING STOCKPILES WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA!! GO GET TESTED EVERYONE...WE MUST BEAT THE "ANAL KOALA FLU EPIDEMIC" BEFORE IT SPREADS GLOBALLY!!! ARRRRGGHHHH YOUR ALL GONNA DIE UNLESS YOU TEST TEST AND DOUBLE TEST!! Suckers!!

Like Zombies, they'll all MASS TEST and you pick which City you don't like, to CRANK UP THE CYCLE THRESHOLD on!

LOCK EM DOWN BOYZ!! Call in the GOONS IN SWAT GEAR to give a good kicking to anyone that SEES THE RUSE!!


Give em all a SUGAR PLACEBO PILL for a few days and tell them they are now TESTING NEGATIVE (down cycle the CT count) and it was "Touch & Go there for a minute mate..."Anal Koala Flu" nearly killed you, and would have, if it weren't for NEW WONDER DRUG "ANALEZE"!!"

Now rake in millions on the FAKE TESTS and the FAKE DRUG, that was probably some failed R&D on a prior project you're trying to recoup losses over!

Or...if you're feeling really NASTY.....

Do all the above steps.....CON the GULLIBLE that they are POSTIVE, get em in a Hospital behind closed doors and instead of "ANALEZE", give them something REALLY DEADLY INSTEAD and watch em SLOWLY DIE, from the TOXIC DRUG (probably a priorly BANNED ONE you've got warehouses full of, you cant do anything with! Just RELABEL IT (they'll never know), and BUMP EM ALL OFF, with the so called CURE!

Easy Peazey!!

That is literally Virology and Pharma Scam summed up!

It's a total RACKET that a 5yr old could see through!

If you wanna add a few CGI images of SPOOKY SHAPED THINGS to slap on the MSM News. Or some blurry TEM images of something ODD LOOKING and stick some arrows pointing at it saying "VOILA here is the ISOLATED ANAL KOALA FLU virus" or some other bollox, then knock yerself out. Matters not. Whilst PRO and ANTI Scientists fiercely debate the whole scam of codswallop, the general public wont give a flying hoot either way, as either TERRIFIED, or couldn't care less and too busy on NETFLIX or XBOX!

When it gets dull, roll out the endless SCARIANTS and use up other old stockpiles of crappy drugs, or other new toxic ones.

When it's got really dull....... Ensure everyone tests NEGATIVE and announce the SCAMDEMIC is over, thanks to ANALEZE or whatever baloney the Wonder Drug was.

Then RINSE REPEAT the same SCAM over and over and over! Just with a new PC INVENTED SCAM VIRUS and a new fake drug! The zombies will lap it up everytime, or they'll be DEAD and you've managed to CULL a fair few of the dozy bleeders with each scam. Whilst getting stinking filthy rich, making perhaps a literal killing!

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And they did it all to redistribute the wealth UPWARDS, BASED ON THE SHEEP TRAINING THE MASSES CHOSE TO BELIEVE.

This CoronaPrank was the world's most lucrative, single event of Rackteering.

Cancer Industry is the longest running medical racket.

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Oh for sure Cancer is a huge racket. THey know endless reasons for cancer and endless real cures, rather than toxic chemo/radio therapies only the strongest will survive. Its worth too much money though. Something a million per person in Cancer Treatments. They wont even offer their new Cancer Gene Therapies that are individually tailored and cost 500,000 for a one shot cure. As they'd lose 1.5million in normal Cancer treatments pay off. So they are literally killing you on purpose for more cash.

Vaccines have been a racket from outset, with the Smallpox shots so hailed, being a massacre everywhere they went. All vaccines are poisons and no preventative for anything claimed, most of which does not even exist, as had myriad other real causes all along. These evil bastards really do all need locking up, as they are utterly insane killers., the ones that know its a scam. The rest are the usual brainwashed idiots accepting mainstream medical teachings at face value as Gospel Dogma. Everything needs a total overhaul.

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Epic comment, Sir.

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One of the main complaints the no-virus group has with such studies is this:

"2.1. Virus, cells, and mice

Plaque-purified isolates of HSV-1 strain McKrae were provided by Dr. Nigel Fraser, University of Pennsylvania, who originally obtained the strain from Dr. Steven Wechsler, University of California, Irvine (Watson et al., 2012)."

The 'virus', HSV-1, in this case, is 'provided' for use in the study. It is then found at the end of the study. But nowhere is there any conclusive evidence that the 'virus' exists in the first place. It is declared, not proven to exist. "We used a virus strain in our study, therefore viruses exist."

For an expert's take on this the essay by Mark Bailey gives the best argument against the methods used to 'prove' the existence of viruses:


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I know you’re probably a bot or part of some type of psychological operation, but I’ll respond for the hell of it.

Millions of people around the world can anecdotally report that something inside herpetic blisters is contagious, and whatever contagion this is, it produces a distinct pathology.

A large body of medical literature correlates these anecdotal reports directly.

The study I provided has three groups of mice - untreated, treated with the “toxic cell culture”, and treated with the “toxic cell culture” that also allegedly contains an isolated virus, HSV 1.

Guess which group produces those characteristic herpetic blisters?

An independent biological variable was introduced to produce those herpetic blisters, if it’s not a virus, then what is it?

If the virus hasn’t been proven to exist, what are the odds that experiments like this could take place and produce the same results consistently?

Why didn’t the untreated mice form these blisters, or how about the treated mice with the “toxic self culture” alone?

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Thank-you for your reply. Yes, we all have anecdotal evidence of contagion and viruses and many ask, 'well, if it is not a virus, what is it?'

It took me about six months of reading and listening to be able to accept the no-virus camp as valid, as it seems initially to be absurd, due to our upbringing. Their arguments go into all these points you raise. And, of course it must be said that their position is not that there are no viruses, (although, this seems clear) rather that the virus hypothesis, that there is a pathogenic particle that can be transmitted between living cells, has never been scientifically demonstrated. It is not an easy thing to change long held views, for some, it is impossible. The 'virus' is a tenacious bastard! Regards, john

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"that also allegedly contains an isolated virus, HSV 1" Okay, so in the 3rd Control they have added the above.

However, what else is in the HSV-1 sample? As it cannot be purely an "isolated HSV-1" only can it? Because Virologists do not isolate such. They always claim they cannot do a purified VIRUS only, with nothing else. Or we all, would not be having this discussion. So within the "added HSV-1 alleged isolated containing sample" added to the 3rd Control groups "Toxic Cell Culture" used on 2nd Control group, what else is in that addition? As per usual, it MUST be a further cell culture toxic brew of other things. So we need to know the exact contents, as something else in that mix claimed to contain HSV-1, MIGHT be the real causal agent. They tell us they always need a cell culture of any virus, as they cannot exist outside of a cell culture properly isolated. So the 3rd Controls added HSV-1 MUST BE in some other brew. Does the paper list the ingredients of the HSV-1 brew?

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This seminal book outlines the fraud on the work of Luis Pasteur (think a late 19th century Anthony Fauci), the godfather of germ theory, whose scientific nemesis, Antoine Bechamp, spent much more time in the lab preforming actual research: https://www.amazon.com/Bechamp-Pasteur-Chapter-History-Biology/dp/1467900125

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Bechamp was right and actually did some scientific work on the subject, unlike Pasteur.

'Germs' - what are they? Pleomorphic bacteria and spores exist. What then is a 'virus' and how does RNA without a shell 'fly' and infect you? Why would a shot of poison in your arm, full of foreign tissues, proteins, chemical and 'adjuvants', protect you against a respiratory 'attack'?

If someone can show me the 'cowpox' variola 'virus' which supposedly passes from the cow to the human generating 'smallpox' and how it goes from human to human, then maybe I too, will believe.

The whole industry is a fraud and a mafia.

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Excellent post Denis and I look forward to reading your take down of PCR.

I also appreciate the very well thought out discussions and replies that a good post such as this produces.

I am not a scientist, although I am a health care practitioner with more years of experience than I care to admit. I have also studied Classical Chinese Medicine which requires the ability to suspend one's belief in the Western Medicine Paradigm while doing so.

This whole "virus/no virus" argument strikes me as an unnecessary false choice binary that has been imposed on us to further "divide and conquer" those against the Plandemic and resultant mass poisoning.

I agree whole heartedly that the so-called current virus isolation techniques are hinkey and I think this has been aptly demonstrated by Stephen Lanka's experiments. I asked a prominent Canadian Prof of Immunology to explain current "isolation" techniques and was most dissatisfied with his "we don't use Koch's postulates anymore" answer. I've read many of the books Denis has listed in my search for understanding and have been left with more questions than answers and the sense that an awful lot of "Science" in the past (Pasteur) was just as corrupt and financially motivated as today (Fauci).

I'm aware of the studies regarding contagion eg. Spanish Flu and think Sam Bailey's video about the other toxins was very interesting and compelling. But I still have doubts about certain things.

Here are some examples from my personal life.

My late mother got "Covid" in April 2022 while in a retirement home. I was allowed to visit her 2-3 days in a row (it's a bit of a blur) and I ended up getting sick and testing positive for "Covid". Was I stressed? You betcha, and run down so no surprise I got sick whether or not it was due to a "germ".

This past August my husband and I visited out daughter a few hours away and returned the next day by train. I started getting a tickle/cough which progressed to fever and cold like symptoms, followed within a couple of days by my husband. I had been under some stress but had slept horribly for a couple of nights and felt very rundown. My husband and I had been exposed to the same environment/food etc.. Did we both "catch" something or were we both stressed? or did my husband get sick because he expected to because I was?

Also in 2022 a few months after my "Covid" my husband and son both got sick at the same time with exactly the same symptoms of severe sore throat and fever as well as testing positive for "Covid". I didn't although I was very stressed due to a pending move and my mother's declining health. So why didn't I get sick too? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Getting back to my original point about a false binary, why is it not possible for people to consider that illness can be "both and", that opportunistic infections can occur when our immune system/health/terrain is low due to stress/lack of sleep/poor diet as well as at other times being due to the body's need to "detox"? And perhaps some flu like illnesses are not "contagious" under the vast majority of circumstances but other illnesses (chicken pox!) are?

Classical Chinese Medicine teaches that we become ill due to lack of balance in the energy of the body and that can come from internal factors like extreme emotions (stress), poor diet and lifestyle AS WELL AS external "pathogens" (interpreted then as excessive climatic factors such as Heat, Cold, Wind etc.) and that illness occurs when either the internal/external pathogenic factor is very strong or when the body is very weak. That this system of medicine has existed for centuries is proof that it works.

I think that our biggest problem is HUBRIS. We don't know all the answers despite being very clever monkeys and saying things like "The Science™ is settled". Collegial debate, experimentation free from biased financing and an open mind are what we need and not close minded statements and ad hominem attacks.

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>Getting back to my original point about a false binary, why is it not possible for people to consider that illness can be "both and", that opportunistic infections can occur when our immune system/health/terrain is low due to stress/lack of sleep/poor diet

Germ theory is already "both and"; Terrain theory is characterized by it being only the terrain that matters for someone's actual baseline of health.

However, a different "both and" IS true: virology is a total pseudoscience {and also} contagion can still be a thing. Contagion of detoxes. That is to say, if I am detoxing now and it is very helpful but also very inconvenient, then if my family member's body also is waiting for the right time to detox, what better time is there?

Especially if you imagine nomadic tribes. It would be a really bad system if everyone had to wait around for everyone to detox at random times rather than getting it all done in a single week.

Contagion makes a lot more sense when you realize that flus and poxes are detoxes. Harrowing, inconvenient, but highly beneficial detoxes. Thus they need to get done but the timing is sensitive. Same thing with yawns and throwing up. In fact, I noticed in high school that I could somewhat control when I got sick by "leaning into it" mentally. If I acted not sick, I could usually skip out on any marginal flu. Your mind is easily influenced by those around you, and your mind also influences your body easily when the body is looking for an ideal timing like this, for these reasons.

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Ok that sounds reasonable . Do you have any stats/studies to support your position?

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I've never found any contagion studies that actually resulted in symptoms being passed between people (through a natural means), except this one that involved having the group of sick people socialize for 8 hours a day with the group of well people, for like a week. I don't have the link anymore, though.

I've been in studies like that myself and I developed quite a camaraderie with the other people in the study that only lasted 5 days, so it strikes me that that would make sense: they become something your body views as your tribe so then their influence could rub off on you mentally.

But I should note that there's no need to really support my position, because there's no evidence that really supports the mainstream position in the first place. I'm just offering a different model for thinking about it that may make these flu and pox transmission anecdotes we all have less mysterious.

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Personally, I don’t think that when I’ve been given antibiotics and then felt better in a short space of time it’s always just been coincidental.

Every time I’ve had a ‘cold’ and someone else I’ve interacted with also had a ‘cold’, I feel this is coincidental. Also that only happened on a tiny number of times I’ve interacted with people that have had the ‘cold’. The vast majority of the time I’ve been completely fine after an interaction with a person with ‘cold’ symptoms.

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Denis Rancourt has written in multiple articles in the past (see his website) that the single most causal factor in illness is STRESS (and this is well founded in the scientific literature). While not any kind of germ, stress is kinda catching...(I know as my wife tells me that my stress, makes her feel stressed out. After major deadlines of big projects, I often get a cold.)

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I agree with you & your experiences,

Were you aware that antibiotics can have additional properties beyond their ability to prevent the replication of certain bacteria?

I remain curious about the implications of this, which is called polypharmacy.

It’s surprisingly common that drugs do more than one thing.

I add this to caution against the deduction that “antibiotics made no better, therefore bacteria made me sick”.

The observation is consistent with that possibility but it’s not the only possibility with which it’s consistent.

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We should be clear, Dr. Yeadon, that the proper form of Terrain Theory doesn't claim that there are no symptoms that are bacterially mediated.

The claim is that the body uses bacteria to do "dirty but necessary jobs," such as consuming excess sugar or processing certain toxins that they are much faster at processing than our bodies are.

More central than the idea that "germs don't cause disease" is that in most cases "the symptoms ARE the healing." Germs are part of how the body intelligently creates symptoms to cleanse and heal. (Not all symptoms are of this nature; for example, numbness from a severed nerve is not an example of the body cleaning or healing, but rather a sign of damage. Pain is a signal from the body to avoid using or stressing a certain part of the body, etc., so that it can heal more effectively.)

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I remember reading that azythromycin (z-pac) also had antiviral properties in addition to being an antibiotic. I’m beyond confused about the virus debate & will let smarter people hash it out, but my point is that it was observed to have additional advantages beyond fighting bacterial infections. The powers that be made a point to disparage & prevent the early & successful COVID protocol of hydroxychloroquine, z-pac & zinc. They know more than they’re saying.

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I have an anecdote involving antibiotics and the Covid event.

My 70 year old mother in law came down with cold symptoms in 2021, she took the at home test that claims to detect Covid, it produced 2 lines, which is claimed means a person has Covid. She wasn’t very ill, just a normal ‘cold’.

I phoned her GP and told him.about this, I really just wanted to hear first hand what the GPs were doing.

The GP told me there was nothing that could be done, it’s a virus not bacterial etc.

She recovered in a few days, it was no big deal.

Here is the interesting bit, several times since then, when the Covid panic had decreased, my wife has phoned the GP when both her parents have had ‘colds’ and the same GP has prescribed them antibiotics over the phone, one time he prescribed them to both my in-laws when only one of them had a ‘cold’, no mentions about it is probably a virus and antibiotics won’t work etc.

The GP is acting in a completely different way when given the same account of symptoms, the only thing that changes was in the latter episodes the claimed Covid test didn’t come into it.

I know the GP a little, I don’t think he is a bad guy. I think the penny must have dropped at some point and he went from denying antibiotics to giving them out like sweets.

I’m not making any claims about treatments that work or don’t work here, I think it’s interesting though how the GPs behaviour changes so much over a short period of time.

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This David, "The GP told me there was nothing that could be done, it’s a virus not bacterial" is prior to "CoNvid", the NORMAL way that ALL GP's dealt with any so called virus!

They always just said "it's viral, no antibiotics will work, just rest up a few days, plenty of fluids, perhaps chicken soup and you'll be right as rain soon enough. There is a LOT of IT GOING AROUND at the moment!".

That was it, for all viruses "causing" cold like symptoms. No hysteria, no testing, no drugs, nothing!

This is why it was obvious covid was a total scam from outset. As the MASS HYSTERIA was insane and they flipped medical "science" on its head in an obvious scam.

This time however, denial of anti-biotics was a MAJOR KILLER! As the stupid fake PCR tests claimed it was "Viral Covid" and "Antibiotics don't work for Viruses" was again a stuck to dogma, and of course, people actually had Bacterial Pneumonia, from MASKING all the sodding time! So they DIED!!

Masking killed the majority of people, as did VAP Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia, denied antibiotics as "Covid is Viral". This is fully admitted in many journals.

Clever mass murder technique, easily passed off as a "Covid Death" with/of. VERY EVIL and BY DESIGN.

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Well, chest X-Rays clearly contradict your assumptions. The replication of bacteria and progression in the lungs is soon to be followed by inflammation and not the other way around… Do you have the evidence for your claim?

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Thomas, a chest x-ray may show a lot of mucus, but the bacteria do not produce mucus.

Neither necessary nor sufficient.

If you do an experiment to isolate the candidate bacterium and give it to the same disease develops in the lungs... that would be better than the chest x-ray argument.

This type of experiment has been attempted and it's a failure. That's why I stopped believing that bacteria caused those diseases. Maybe I shouldn't have started to believe in the first place.

I really thought the doctors had proof. But no. They have a guess, and a Himalayas range worth of journals and textbooks that repeat aggressively the same guess, portraying it as a validated concept. I'm open to evidence for this. Most people are.

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I’m sorry? Can you read chest X-rays?

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How about Dr. Josep Jornet's lecture on nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things?


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Antibiotics will of course make you stop experiencing certain bacterial symptoms. No one disputes that. The question is whether that's a good idea or not. Just because bacterially mediated symptoms are inconvenient and unpleasant doesn't mean they are harmful. Candida, for example, causes odors but also eats excess sugar. The alternative might be diabetes, for example.

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I want to get rid of my Candida. Bad /

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You'll want to get rid of your body's need to outsource work to the candida crew, by cutting down on sugar and starch (fresh fruit is good but not dried fruit) and making other diet and lifestyle changes, or by looking into extended fasting on water. See Loren Lockman's channel on YouTube for info about that, read some Herbert Shelton's old books, or ask around in ancestral diet communities (primal, fruitarian, carnivore, etc.). More sun, more exercise -- you know, the kitchen sink.

The condition where the body wants to hire the candida crew is very curable but it takes radical change to diet and lifestyle and most people will never do radical change.

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I just corrected "biomes" to "microbiomes". Thank you readers.

Biome is the ecology version of the concept whereas microbiome is for microbes in a biological environment.

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I’m with you, there are so many other plausible explanations for illness other than viruses. I am currently reading ‘what really makes you ill?’ By Dawn Lester and David Parker.

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I think the first two people in alt media who interviewed Dawn Lester and David Parker were Greg Carlwood from The Higherside Chats and Crrow777, who are both flat earthers: sars2.net/novirus.html#Dawn_Lester_and_David_Parker.

Someone wrote this about their book in June 2020: "I checked on Amazon who is actually buying that book and giving it 5 star reviews (87% out of the 61 reviews). Most of them seem to be proud listeners of Crrow777."

I believe the first four people in alt media who interviewed Andrew Kaufman were James True, Crrow777, Richie From Boston, and Secrets of Saturn, who are all flat earthers.

James True also called himself Kaufman's "lead writer", and he livestreamed Kaufman's first presentation that went viral. The Powerpoint slides of the presentation were hosted on his website which might indicate that he wrote the slides. In April 2020 he tweeted: "My Dr. Kaufman vid has been seen over 200k times in 5 days. I am employing myself, one editor, and one producer and we could use a video editor for maximum effect." He also tweeted: "I have emptied my patreon account on editors, publishing, and pushing Dr Kaufman's video."

James True has posted many tweets like this about how great Lucifer is: "Satan is the fall of man. Lucifer is the rise. King James didn't want people to rise. The Golden Dawn is why we are all here. It is the goal of the Great Work... 'A world of Philosopher Kings where sovereignty is known in the heart instead of on paper.'" He has also said that lying to people is good because it teaches them discernment, and for example he wrote: "exactly. Masons believe lying is good for the people. They seek to bring an age of enlightenment. They lie to bring Lucifer." He also tweeted: "If no one lied, no one would discern. Lies open our discernment. Parents lie to their child to open their discernment."

In 2023 when Andrew Kaufman was a speaker at a flat earth conference called Mount Meru Summit, he said that the earth was flat himself. For example during the Q&A session at the end when someone asked Kaufman when he realized that the earth wasn't a sphere, he answered: "It was the line of sight experiments that really pushed me over the edge. I mean, once I saw that and knew it was true and understood it, I really, you know, didn't need anything further."

In March 2020, around half of more of the biggest names in alt media who had started to say that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist were flat earthers or people who have at some point said that they believe in flat earth, including Allegedly Dave, Amandha Vollmer, Andrew Kaufman, Barnabas Nagy, Crrow777, David Weiss, James True, Jason Lindgren, Jeran Campanella, Karen B, Max Igan, Owen Benjamin, Paul on the Plane, Richie from Boston, RussianVids, Sofia Smallstorm, Steve Falconer, The Daily Plane, and Tom Barnett.

So if flat earth is a psyop then what does it say about the no-virus movement that it's so closely linked to the flat earth movement?

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Interesting conspiracy theory you have there...

How about you just debunk the claims in their own right rather than the logical fallacy of relating them to completely unrelated claims on the shape of the earth?

Anyway, feel free to give your rebuttal on the unanimous findings by the independent and accredited CRO that carried out this work showing that no "virus" has ever been isolated.


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I think user "henjin" used to go by abother name. Same obsessions. I think he got banned from many substacks, including Sasha's.

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Yes he is a familiar troll.... knee deep in the Gene Sequencing nonsense.

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Jamie Andrews is correct there to call out the apples and oranges of raising Flat Earth viewpoints to discredit no-virus. I might be an expert dentist or not, and disagree that Fluoride is a good thing for teeth, despite a "consensus" Dentistry view that it is beneficial. My thinking on that topic is irrelevant to me being adamant that Burger King is better than McDonalds.

Earths shape debate has raged since time began and continues. Has nothing to do with Virology being right or wrong.

The Satan/Lucifer quotes you raise, are a little eyebrow raising however. So I take that on board. However Gnostics would view Satan as the Monad and Yahweh (Ba'al/Molech with same wife Asherah as Yahweh, making them interchangeable as Taurian age Sun Gods, which Moses of Aries Age was angered to find them still worshipping) as DEMIURGE. Lucifer is only within the more modern KJV version and one Ethopian version if memory serves, which is derived from the KJV. It is not within all other Bibles and is mentioned only twice I think. Lucifer is also Venus as Morning Star, and can be also a fallen angel in form of Comet/Asteroid Impacts, where Christianity may have incorporated Mayan and Aztec Asteroid Fallen Gods into Christianity in allegory. Lucifer can also be merely the Light Bearer as Phosphorus light emitting properties, 1st synthesised from human urine. So it all could mean many things.

As for a Mt Meru Flat Earth Conference Dr Kaufman spoke at being some kind of discrediting, well Meru ideas and of a central magnetic rock or tree, feature within all old religions, including references within the Bible itself, in various passages of Genesis, Isiah and in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch at least. Norse, Vedic, Hindhu, Bhuddist etc etc all bothered to speak of such central tower and division of 4 rivers flowing to earth.

Seems rather odd to me, that all those cultures would waste all that time, in intricate detail of rich religious, mythological, philosophical views over millennia, to craft such rich tapestry, if it's just a load of old tosh. Replaced in an instant by modern "science".

Did they all copy each other, or copy the 1st persons homework, thinking it sounded good but was really BS baffling brains? Did they even meet each other as cultures to have copied it from, or have had it passed to each other? Did they independently come up with such, Psy-op or not?

As I say, seems a lot of time for them all to waste if it's just nonsense and not say, at least of some allegorical deep meaning. This mere 9 minute clip on such topic, sums it up rather well: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CDGaBoxGTOVq

Sure it's of course coming from some "Flat Earther", so perhaps you would not even view it.

I am neither Flat nor Glober btw, as I care not particularly. I merely am open to such debates and information and find it interesting.

Closest thing to any Flat Earth Map proof I have come across are the rather odd Plasma Moon theories, where some posit in rather detailed mapping, flipped like a mirror, that the Moon is showing us our own known Earth in intricate detail, upon a mere 1/3rd of the Moons surface. The 2nd half of this short clip demonstrates this theory, along with how that would explain time zones, season, ages of precession and more, if it were the case for real. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pRIMzCT3s4g4 (around 6min mark onwards, and towards end the far more detailed Clockwork Clocks prior cultures had, that were precise measuring tools of the celestial bodies. Quite impressive for some supposed cavemen cultures not up to speed on Modern "Science").

It's all irrelevant however, to Terrain/Virus discussion though. Beyond the fact that if it does prove that Virology is a lie, which is looking more and more likely by the day, then what else have we possibly been lied to about?

I'm open to finding out.

Namaste & Inlak'ech

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I remember reading in a deep dive New Yorker article about micro- organisms ( back when the NYer was worth reading) a microbe biologist say something llike he hates the idea that is repeatedly touted about good & bad bacteria. There is no such thing as bad bacteria there is merely bacteria in the wrong place.

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Bacteria from the colon do not belong in the blood, right?

Perhaps there are some exceptions to that, but generally true.

The singular bacterium who is accused of causing meningitis lives surprisingly close to the brain, in the throat. They claim that those bacteria are part of the microbiome of the human throat. How do those bacteria reach the brain and spinal cord three layers of meninges? Do they really provoke that inflammation, or are there other causes involved?

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During "convid" it was claimed Sars-Cov2 of legend was causing the anosmia via damage to the olfactory nerve, and using such to reach the brain. In dentistry I have never heard of dental nerves of the Mandibular or Maxillary branches, and several others ever transmitting a dental Pulpitis infection to the brain. Perhaps such is in journals somewhere, but I've never heard such from anyone in many years of practice with high level dental specialists.

Only mechanism I can think of otherwise, is similar to Aluminium from vaccines being carried by macrophages to the brain, as per the work of Prof Chris Exley Mr Aluminium. But normal bacteria would unlikely to be carried that way, as would be dead on engulfing, so even if a macrophage then encountered rogue free Alu, and went there, after consuming said "bacteria" it would make no difference.

So yes it's puzzling how it could get there against protections in theory designed to not allow such. So something else would have to be wrong first to compromise those protections.

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Have read all of the comments below and not one, unless I missed it, mentions the effect of emotions. If you don't think they have an effect on your entire being and the creation of physical symptoms, you need to start researching. Start with Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert.

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Or perhaps more accurately, stress verses social social support systems?

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It would be great to hear a discussion between Denis and Mark Bailey to thresh out some of these subtleties which Denis raises.

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please bring JJ Couey to this discussion as well!

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Please don't bring him near this discussion.

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Why? A comment like this, verging on nastiness, requires an explanation. I'll explain why I think Couey would be a valuable contributor to this conversation: he has studied this virus/no virus issue extensively, has a PhD in biological science with a research background in neuroscience cell culture and transfection, has a plausible hypothesis involving exosomes and transfection explaining why most of virology methodology is indeed suspect, and how the logical conclusion of no evidence for a novel contagious pathogen in Covid begs the question of how the death spikes were generated.

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In the UK at least the Death Spikes perfectly correlate with the prescribing curves of Matt Hancocks Midazolam+Fentanyl/other Opiates curves by about 3 days. They apparently match identically. Same I think in France via Clonezapam according to Pierre Chaillot https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/interviews/pierre-chaillot-im-coming-out-no-virus/

Ventilator murders, HCQ overdoses in Recovery Trials to discredit such to obtain E.U.A for jabs, rather than there being a Covid that HCQ/IVM aided. Those two drugs probably would help any so called Respiratory Condition Influenza Like Illnesses, just had not been used for such before. Not that I think influenza even exists as anything transmissable anymore.

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yep, I don't think JJ would disagree with these explanations. That's why I think he'd have some valuable input. He does keep wondering why the no-virus supporters don't take the next logical step and call out the murdering. Thanks for sharing this link to Pierre Chaillot's interview, I'm glad to see that the cull of the elderly was revealed in France too.

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Here's a potential UK forerunner or tester of the covid shots perhaps! Check it out, "UK GOV makes FLU JAB BLUNDER which on the bright side SAVES 28 BILLION in PENSIONS BLACKHOLE!!" 2016 Telegraph article: https://archive.ph/symxG (blaming using the "WRONG STRAIN" leading to massive excess deaths!

Now the odd thing is in 2019 Flu shots were pushed real hard in two main places....have a guess? Yup WUHAN and LOMBARDI Italy!


Was this the reason for people faking or really dropping down dead in Wuhan for the cameras?

The 2019 Flu Shots also apparently appeared to give an "increased susceptibility to "Covid", according to some studies that CHD cite here, along with a DoD Pentagon Study that found a 36% RISE in Covid among super fit soldiers: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/flu-misinformation-and-coronavirus-fears-my-letter-to-dr-sanjay-gupta/

So did they perhaps pre-test the Covid mRNA shots in guise of Flu shots in 2019?

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