Here is a 4-minute clip from the interview.


👉Pharma is a protection racket, the underlying technology can be garbage, it doesn't matter

👉Scientists manage the mind-invading Trojan-Horse narrative

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Right on the money.

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Thank you Denis Rancourt.

You are forever a hero to me and millions.

This nightmare will never be over until we hold those responsible accountable.

Blessings and stay strong in 2025.

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It's the placebo effect in reverse. The mind can decide your fate, and that was some A-grade fear porn being dished out....I'm still seeing people driving alone in cars wearing masks. Imagine what's going on in their heads in order for them to do something so irrational? 🙄😟😳

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Kinetic war injuries look like scars and missing limbs. Psychological war injuries look like masks on faces.

It's hard for me to find compassion for those who's minds are so weak they fall for deceitful propaganda campaigns. But when I remind myself that it's been a real, legit, military-level PsyOps attack I find it easier to view the mask wearers as war casualties like disabled and disfigured Iraq and Afghanistan veterans carry long after the fighting ends. How I find compassion.

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Most people used to have a belief system of some kind. Whether in God, Buddha, Islam or reincarnation, all major religions taught to not be afraid of death or the unknown. "Covid" uncovered just how far we've fallen away from beliefs that kept society sane and able to endure for thousands of years. I'm afraid we're going to keep seeing this irrational fear madness as long as people are choosing a psychotropic drug over dealing with life and learning to manage mentally. It's sad, but expected that most of the people who complied with utter insanity for 2 years or longer will be the same ones who will comply during the next "crisis" as well. The fear of "covid" will never end for a huge portion of the population.

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The response to the pandemic is primarily IMO driven by economic fear. The average worker has to do whatever is needed to survive, i.e. manufacture the shot, administer the shot, take the shot, etc. Profits for the wealthy down to survival for the poorest. Consequences be dammed.

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The Nocebo Effect is used liberally in "Modern/Allopathic Medicine" . . . and it was one of the primary movers of the operation. Add to that the George Floyd event and all those t-shirts worn by rioters across the country with "I Can't Breathe" during the Summer of 2020 and the nocebo effect was gassed up for the fearful masses.

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They must fear everything. So sad.

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Thank you, Mr. Rancourt, for speaking boldly and succinctly. This is one of the better interviews I have heard in the last 5 years. Your work is much appreciated.

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Very well articulated, I can't agree more.

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I loved the interview this morning and I watched it on Rumble. I only watch Rumble channels and Odysee channels. I gave up on youtube for important things on 2020, before the summer the king george floyd psyop.

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“They have done their crime and it’s over.” No, I beg to differ. I read a substack yesterday about mandated vaccinations in Russia. I will verify that source and post it. I further argue that the lack of acceptance/understanding by so many people of the covid-related crimes committed has left a huge vacuum in their ability to discern the difference between good and evil, whether it be in the context of gender, transhumanism, CBDC, politics, etc etc. I was so sure the walls would come tumbling down as the truth was revealed, but they didn’t. I now understand why. No one knows what is true. No one wants to talk about it. They still gaslight me.

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This is it 1000%. Rancourt may well be part of it, as well, just as the new cronies who are sidling up to Trump are, as well, continuing to stroke his ego that 'Warp Speed' was some sort of huge success.

For God's sake they are still selling the crap on TV 100 times an hour. The real danger is that the 'safe and effective' narrative becomes accepted as true, that "mistakes were made" is the height of the admission, that no severe punishment takes place and the lazy dumb-asses like SCOTUS can continue supporting the horrendous Jacobson decision. This will lead us right back where we are now, only worse, in less than a decade.

People who think they are being scientific and meticulous and "fair" and reasonable about this mass murder for profit are part of that dumb-ass club.

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'Warp Speed' was of course a complete failure as far as being beneficial to health but then all vaccines ever have been a failure, although big pharma don't want the world to know this.

It was however a success in that in woke many up to the deceit. Even the CDC says vaccines take 10-15 years of trials so it should have been self-evident that something was seriously wrong and people were being subject to a worldwide trail.

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Exactly. If you haven't seen the video of Russel Brand talking to a lawyer who has sued on behalf of vaccine-injured people I cannot recommend it enough. He uses the government's own documents and the package inserts of vaccines to show just how little care is given for the safety of the products. Even the normally rambling Brand is struck silent as the data is shown.

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I haven't seen. Tried to find quickly but can't, if you wish to attach a link that would help.

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Thank you very much. By the way i found a video from Russell Brand about Trumps' interview with Kristen Welker. It is quite interesting. If I haven't said before I say Trump is playing a long game on all this, giving people enough rope to hang themselves as they say.


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I think Denis is describing the specific crime of the scamdemic. He pointed out the trauma induced on a massive scale and that he sees the “deep state’s” program going forward as planned, so he made it clear that it’s not truly “over”.

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I agree with you.

Project Blue Beam has begun just as scheduled, see JW Tv on YouTube for the best info on that or uploads of his videos on Bitchute, Drones videos looking like something is being sprayed ,the DEFUSE proposal to DARPA, see John Fleetwood for that one, the staging for another lockdown, probably before the end of next month, livestock poisoned with mRNA and the ongoing Bio Digital Convergence, FactsOverFear2022 on bitchute, Genomic Surveillance, Trump's Entry Exit Passport, think about what that could mean, and why E Musk and Peter Thiel were nominated.

I have three groups and my 40 thousand public post's on MeWe, to voice my opposition because silence is consent!

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Please take this the right way: I do not want someone who believes every Q Anon-sounding conspiracy theory agreeing with me. This is an aspect of information management people rarely think about. It works like this: Find someone who makes any good, oppositional point(s) that calls attention to what is really going on and then throw a bunch of unrelated, hysterical nonsense as agreement to that person to try and wall them off and taint them as just some conspiracy nut.

Stay off of my side with that nonsense. If you really are into how actual government psychological and social manipulation works you would know better.

As an aside, here is what people need to really understand with regards to ALL vaccines: The drug companies have complete immunity. When you combine total immunity with the lack of adequate testing (testing done by the manufacturer, mind you, not independent labs and not for the 5 years minimum that is the gold standard), and then mix in the Jacobson decision what you have is ZERO incentive by drug companies to make the drugs safe and ZERO resistance by the courts to stop the government from issuing mandatory, forced injections if they want to unless SCOTUS overthrows Jacobson. The did undo Chevron so it is possible but I'm not holding my breath.

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I do as I will.

I reject your negativity.

I reject your implications.

If you have any plans you need to read my Declaration of Freedom and Removal of Consent; filed as public record, so you know what they will cost you.

Have a nice day.

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I didn't read her suggestions/criticisms as "negativity", just a warning to not believe everything (or even anything!) that Qanon and other conspiracy channels have to say. She's pointing out that one of the ways those in power get the sheep to continue believing the lies is that they label anyone who tells the truth a "conspiracy theorist" and they point out some of the ridiculous claims made by Qanon and other groups like that as "proof" that these people are believing nonsense. By grouping those who challenge the covid narrative, especially the safe and effective "vaccines", with Qanon, it's easier for the people who still believe all the covid lies to dismiss those who don't.

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This is exactly my point. However, I will backtrack and apologize to Greg on one point having just read Jessica Rose's Substack on the documented plans proposed to DARPA to spray cities at night with God knows what. The evidence that a cabal of people wanted to do this - during the middle of the first Trump administration, no less, and without his knowledge - is overwhelming.

Getting damn hard to tell the conspiracies from the truth, unfortunately. So, again, in all fairness to Greg the conspiracy identifiers are about 35-2 over the past decade. Sadly, one of the two wasn't that Pelosi et al weren't in Guantanamo Bay.

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Don’t forget that part of the immunity deal was that adverse reactions be tracked and a funding mechanism created to compensate those injured. It wasn’t pure immunity alone. I understand the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) is a failure. Think that’s the fundamental problem. Its failure is intentional to hide the damage caused by the vaccines. I’m an anti-vaxxer. I’m open minded. If they ever prove a vaccine is safe and effective, I may change my mind. Anyone, like RFK, Jr and Del Bigtree, who say, “No vaccine has been proven safe and effective, but I’m not an anti-vaxxer” can’t be trusted.

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Dr Jessica Rose just posted on the DEFUSE drone information release. As she is at the cutting edge of researching the this scandal, she is a rigorous scientist and has 5 post doctorates and believes this to be a true information release from DARPA, you don’t have to be a Qanon conspiracy theorist to take note of what is occurring.

Sometimes I find myself closed off to absurd sounding theories - eg wifi radiation - due to feeling they’re too illogical or conspiratorial.

But if one takes the time to read/listen to the ration, coherent expert perspective of irrationally sounding theories, one may discover the unlikely sounding ideas being likely true - if not, actual true.

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More noise.

J Rose has virtually all of the fundamentals of the Covid Con WRONG.

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"No one knows what is true. No one wants to talk about it."

That's completely true for most, partially true for a minority, and not at all true for a handful. But that handful and that minority are growing and it will get to a tipping point and then sanity will begin to return, like a person recovering after an assault or abuse. It will take time for that, but it will happen if the attacks are stopped. The media is the key, and its getting to the point where the samizdat is more believable than the official media, just like in the USSR just before it collapsed.

Another way to look at the still-driving-while-masked ones is that in a way they are thinking independently by doing what the abusive state wants for the time it takes to put on the mask but then ignoring the abusive state for the rest of the day. Its a coping strategy of the abused. Of course they are relying on others to get the abuse stopped, but they don't see that as their job. They also don't understand it as abuse, they just consider that they are powerless in relation to "science" and they're waiting for "science" to give them the all clear. Its a nasty attitude, but it doesn't mean they're crazy in all other ways.

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The most vulnerable are being boosted in Ireland.99% of the elderly living in long term care facilities are boosted.Yet less than 10% of healthcare staff have taken the latest booster.

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Thanks for this. Informative throughout.

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uk medicall agency 89% fundedby pharma

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Thank you. Love from Limerick, Ireland - under siege by the globalists and their scams and our homegrown traitors.

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Re: Excess mortality among the elderly

There was an increase in excess mortality in the banana republic where I lived during convid; it's well documented (https://csu.gov.cz/produkty/obypz_cr).

What I observed is that (elderly) people who lived a large part of their lives under totalitarian bolshevism, then experienced the joy of seeing the regime collapse and succumbed to a fukuyamesque vision of the of history and eternal paradise, saw totalitarianism creep back in the novel form of medical tyranny. Combined with how politics, society, and the public discourse had been degenerating for years, they must have said, fuck it, and packed it in, especially if they were in poor health, which many must have been, considering age.

That dovetails perfectly with what you're positing.

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Thank you

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Highly interesting conversation and congratulations to the presenter for inviting such a knowledgeable and courageous scientist, Denis Rancourt, who touched on many subjects including geopolitics and the VITAL control of the EURASIAN 'World Island and Heartland' without which those pulling their influential strings in their Web of Sin will not be able to control in a 'Full Spectrum Dominance' way, the WORLD.

Here are a few quotes to enable the vast majority who're unfamiliar with geopolitics to finally better understand why there are STILL so many bloody wars and destabilisations of Energy-Rich nations especially in the Heartland👀🕵️‍♀️!!

'The nation that controls the Heartland (EURASIA) will control the world.' Halford John Mackinder.

'No United States of America rival will be tolerated in Eurasia.' Zbigniew Brzezinski

'The American Way of Life is not negociable.' Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Yes, there's a Plan to overthrow Russia (geographically positioned in the heart of Eurasia) and to break it up into smaller parts in order to better control and exploit it.

Russia's natural resources are estimated to be worth the equivalent of the GDP of this planet💲💲🚀.

China's Bridge And Road Intiative/Silk Road project that crosses Eurasia to connect with Europe where I've always lived and the BRICS integration must be weakened and eliminated regardless of the costs in human lives😩🤬!!

This plan is being orchestrated by the Straussien US State Department neoconservatives and those in top positions at the Pentagon, even though these two entities don't always share the exact same objectives; the former represents more Israel's interests and its the Zionists' Oded Yinon Greater Middle-East Project.

I invite Denis Rancourt to familiarise himself with the book, 'Pentagon's New Maps' which offers us a glimpse of what the Pentagon WarHawks have in store for the world.

Alas, many more eggs will have to be broken to prepare and make this particular omelette:((

Syria being the latest casualty in the Middle-East.

At 1h35, I was happy to see Peter C. Goezsche's eye-opening book being highlighted.

This confirms that one of this globe's most horrible MAFIAS is BigPharma which represents one of the many-tentacled HYDRA that maintains the RULES BASED INTERNATIONAL ORDER which needs CRISES to be able to maintain its powerful 'Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove' global grip👹!

The brilliant english researcher, David A. Hughes, reveals, in his learned opinion, the reasons WHY this latest C-19 'Catalysing Event' had to be imposed on the world👀🕵️‍♀️.

Here in France, the statistician, Pierre Chaillot, has come to many of the same conclusions as Denis Rancourt concerning the so-called non-pandemic and the catastrophic lockdowns and CULLING ill-health measures INSANELY forced upon us by authorities and governments by analysing official DATA.

Bonne continuation😊

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Reading all or mostly all of the comments this morning I see that Rancourt's long-ranging study of the past 4+ years wherein he finds that not only is there no evidence of a pathogen spread, i.e. no pandemic at all, but that his "all cause mortality" studies of the many "pandemics" listed on the CDC website are bogus as well has not really landed on those who still maintain a) the existence of the invisible, never isolated virus and b) the failed contagion studies of the past 130 years all documented in Daniel Royta's recent book, CAN YOU CATCH A COLD?

Since I see no mention of the most prominent researchers and authors on the subject of the fraud of virology, here are some of those brave folks: Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Amandha Vollmer, Drs Sam and Mark Bailey, Dr Barre Lando, Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Jordan Grant, Researcher Mike Stone (www.viroliegy.com), Researcher Christine Massey and the creators of the 90 presentations called THE END OF COVID SUMMIT which examined in great detail every aspect of the covid "pandemic" in an effort to bring to light the underlying and hidden fraud of the germ theory of disease orchestrated and created by the Rockefeller/Carnegie Foundations in the early 1900s and presented as The Flexner Report.

For those of you who have the desire to dive a little deeper, I submit this information for your perusal.

P.S. Let me add Eric Coppolino and Stefan Scoglio. And this interview that Dr Rancourt did with Robert F Kenned Jr is, perhaps, the most telling example of how those who landed on the prepared tarmac of the "gain of function virus bioweapon" to create a false dichotomy view the result of even examining the data and science. Here is the link to that conversation.


Have a great day!

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As a related point to this here is a comment I made a year ago concerning the interview RFK did with Denis Rancourt.

While this does not speak to the discussions around virology it does speak to the discussions around the false notion that there was a "pandemic" and the over all tenor of these discussions.

If you listen to this interview with Denis Rancourt you will see multiple examples that illustrate RFK's inherent contradictions and assorted logical fallacies as he discusses and attempts to defend the notion that there was a viral pandemic.

RFK is THE guy who sits atop the mountain of the "health freedom movement" yet on this most basic and important of questions he seems unable to discuss this with any degree of intellectual rigor. He simply doesn't know much about it- openly admits he doesn't- yet not only forms (and has) a firm hypothesis (which defies all logic and biological and medical history) but has the audacity to state that his cock-eyed theory is what EVERYONE should hold to be true.

Because he is seen as THE sacred cow virtually everyone who hears the words out of RFK's mouth will believe this patently absurd theory EVEN AS he openly admits he doesn't know much about one of the lynch pins of his theory.

That's nuts man, and I can guarantee that if it were the other way around people would skewer Rancourt but RFK gets a pass here cause it might "hurt the cause" or "create division?

The snippet below is not unique it is indicative.

BTW Tuscany is in western Italy, west of the Apennines, south and west of the actual region which appeared to be heavily impacted. RFK didn't even get the location right and knows little to nothing about what has been happening in N Italy for the last 15 years- hint: it ain't a virus.

Here is the interview:


In this instance RFK was in way over his head. He sidestepped many of Rancourt's points which illustrated via concrete evidence there was no pandemic.

Here is a snippet from the transcript. At this point in the interview Kennedy is responding to Rancourt's evidence that viral transmission could not be possible for excess mortality as it has been stated. Note that RFK postulates a theory as to how the viral spread occurred in N Italy AND "most people" would recommend this:


RFK: "Okay, so let me push back on you. Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning. I'd love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that's where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn't have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so something was killing people."

The conversation returns to Italy and after Rancourt suggests the deaths there were mainly in hospitals RFK says the following:


RFK: "My impression I don't know much about Italy either than the news reports and having been over there and people having the impression..."

Read that again- RFK freely admits he doesn't know much about what happened in Italy but just 23 minutes earlier he used N Italy as an example for his "hypothesis."

There are multiple other examples of RFK's lack of coherence. He simply can't or won't come to terms with the fact that there was no pandemic it was administrative slaughter by the Bio-Security State used to instill fear, force lockdowns, roll out mRNA's and smash the economic order for the Going Direct Great Reset as decided upon by the G7 nations in 2019 at Jackson Hole.

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You da man, man!

Brilliant analysis. It has been my conviction all along that from the medical standpoint, convid was a psychosomatic event combined with medical malfeasance, and your conclusions essentially confirm that in a scientific fashion.

As a side note, considering how the Canadian government came down hard on people and how so many Canadians turned on one another, glad to see that the best analysis to date of the convidian madness is coming from a fellow canuck.

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