Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Denis Rancourt

Hi Denis, see recent first hand accounts from the UK COVID inquiry.


You should mention Scottish COVID inquiry more to help support your findings. The WORLD'S ONLY official COVID inquiry to reveal what REALLY happened during lockdown.


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Yeah, bunch of murderers. I'm for full-scale mass boycot of all of imedical, - every bit - and stop taking my taxes to pre-pay these whores. Apologies for insulting whores.

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Sep 14Liked by Denis Rancourt

Good luck with this. I am astonished by the extent to which mainstream media in this country have failed utterly to even whisper about the whole story. It is like they are all afraid that lightning will strike them down if they even think about questioning their lord and master...whoever that is.

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Yes. We all know the web is NOT neutral and any multi-million/billion-dollar platform has it's own precise agenda. But until you just see it as a big STONE WALL year after year, you don't truly "know' it.

This is why Kennedy had to withdraw and join forces with someone who has some inkling of what is on the brink of lost. I googled him repeatedly over the last 12 months and would hit every other kennedy on earth, but not the US presidential candidate. I would use filters and narrow down to videos released in the last week, and every week someone would put up a video of the JFK that died 50 years ago.

"They" truly control information flow w emotional manipulation of the masses. Add to it the long game psyops manipulation in creating the I-think-of myself-as superior-and-a-1%e mentality, and most of those Do-Nothing-Good-People will literally die in their Kameleon-Joyful- bubblle of denial regarding our society diving for totalitarianism.

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Eugenicist clique. Media part of the web.

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Excellent. I have cross-posted to my 2 Substacks and have suggested that people bookmark this. So often I don't have evidence handy, when asked for it. Thank you for all you have done and are doing.

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Sep 16Liked by Denis Rancourt

Thanks to you and your team for the brilliant and inspirational work, and to you for speaking out so clearly and courageously ever since this whole global shitshow first kicked off.

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Remain grateful

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Sep 14Liked by Denis Rancourt

Wish you and JJ Couey could collaborate...... this would end sooner than we think...

Where are we right now? -- (12 Sept 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief


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Sep 15Liked by Denis Rancourt

I would like to note that many of the real sci-prostitutes use lots of words and beautiful diagrams as well. The critical difference is validation of the raw/robust data and a squeaky clean crisp transparent methodology - also actually appropriately reflecting /interpretingsaid data in detail and consistently. And well repeatability.

SO GRATEFUL for the resumes of the Correlation team and their commitment to integrity.

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Sep 14Liked by Denis Rancourt

Fantastic! Thanks for the alert.

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Sep 14Liked by Denis Rancourt

Thank you, Denis...I can't wait!!! :)

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I hope there will be a good summary. It seems that the media has an attention span of a gnat nowadays.

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You really have to wonder as there is definitely a spiritual wickedness at work here.

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I didnt get that Couey could handle reality....it would take his "status" away by implicating the evil role of academics. (Same ol same ol psy-op)

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Sep 15Liked by Denis Rancourt

He is explaining how academia works.....and if it's evil then that's not his fault...he is reporting the facts as a past academic....don't shoot the messenger....none of these so call freedom fighters have lost anything during the pandemic....as a matter of fact, they have risen to more fame, money and they have not really been censored.... he has lost a lot and it's hard for his message to get out....he is the closest I've heard to Denis' explanation and rationale and that is why I would like others to listen to him....you are entitled to your opinion but people should be able to go check him out for themselves w/o being discouraged .... he has a plan and is not part of the psy-op..... if you listen to all of his streams, you would know this.....he is fighting for our kids and grandkids and that is a noble plan.....I have no heroes but his message is clear, concise and easy to get behind....if something happens that makes me not want to support his message then I will leave just like I left all the others......

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Sep 15Liked by Denis Rancourt


Many people are angry at each other and not the system they live in.

It is a form of projection at the wrong target.

Blaming the players instead of questioning the game is how the system stays undefeated.

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Ok, good to hear. Maybe I dropped him too soon. Wasn't trying to discourage.

I have to agree that if one has "lost a lot" then you are probably doing the moral thing. I've personally heard many a professional "critic" that is simultaneously facilitating what's going. To pay the mortgage, or because they are actually retired and think it's important to uphold the clearly capitulated they were once amongst.

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The epidemic was a fact:the courageous doctors who treated correctly the patients with hyroxychloroquine or ivermectine and antibiotic,were witnesses of a different clinical entity, plus the tests…..but the majority of patients were not treated or criminally treated….the statistics of pr. Rancourt are ,unfortunately,true

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But wait a minute, if all these recorded excess deaths can be accounted for by a combination of the toxic measures and the toxic injections (as the analysis has indicated), does that not mean there would have been no excess deaths if these inappropriate and deadly responses had not been enacted by governments? That does not sound like an epidemic to me because nobody would have noticed anything unusual. Surely, one cannot have an epidemic of any consequence without associated excess deaths.

I live in Germany and nothing unusual happened there in 2020 during the first lockdown. No hospitals were overloaded, lockdowns were not especially strictly enforced. I think there was even an under excess deaths level during the ‘first wave’. But even before this, when the ‘pandemic’ arrived in N Italy my wife and I found the official government statistics, all available in English, and everything including age related mortality was neatly summarised on one page. We could immediately see that predominantly very old people were dying. Nothing unusual at all as this happens every winter season in N Italy where there is bad air pollution in the alpine valleys around Bergamo. But dramatic staged images out of Bergamo helped create fear in the rest of the European population. Once they started mass PCR testing everything changed because using that completely inappropriate test which cannot evidence ‘infection’ but creates many false positives, they could create the illusion of spreading contagion, perfect to ensure high demand for the toxic injections. The rest we all know.

I hope Denis’ report will travel far and wide like the fake pandemic never did.

Only the truth can set people free and ensure this catastrophic & criminal nonsense never happens ever again.

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Add fresh pineapple (bromelain) or other proteases to destroy the spike protein, though ivermectin seems to also do that. Ingested bromelain does seem to get absorbed; not all of it is digested.

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Knock ‘em dead.🙏😇

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Sep 15Liked by Denis Rancourt

God bless you and the Correlation team Dr Rancourt ! Thank you again and SO much for bringing all your skills to bear on these crimes.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Denis Rancourt

I immediately bought tickets for the presentation and after party then realized I cannot attend due to other plans. Very disappointing, the first INJ of Truth was great, this will be great too. Sorry to miss you.

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24 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs agoLiked by Denis Rancourt

Thank you for this outstanding work - and for getting the message out.

Just read the summary for "Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering - Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines." Very compelling!

re. the 'pandemic' in the context of US military-led geopolitical agenda (involving the Five Eyes nations), this recent post looks at a little-known 'pandemic simulation exercise' conducted in December 2019 which factored 2020 US presidential election and Brexit into scenario!!


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I b there in spirit, Denis. The Truth must be spread, asap. Watch your 6. The waclos abhor a truthseeker.

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This is a great summary. I have done what I think is exhaustive research which strongly suggests to me that it's very possible/likely a novel new virus WAS spreading months before official Covid. Significantly, this apparent virus - which made tens of millions of citizens around the world "sick" with "Covid symptoms" - did NOT cause a noticeable spike in all-cause deaths. My take-away would be that this virus was NOT "deadly," ... thus there was no need for lockdowns or new experimental mRNA vaccines. I also think evidence of this increase in ILI has been covered up and certainly not honestly or credibly investigated.

I used weekly ILI Surveillance Reports (from the CDC and State Health Agencies) plus contemporaneous press reports to reach this conclusion. Also, the number of school closings "due to illness" were at an all-time high between November 2019 and early February 2020 in the USA.

Is it just a "coincidence" that millions of "extra" people happened to get sick with "Covid symptoms" a few months or weeks before "official" Covid began to spread (in the Spring)? I acknowledge this could be simply a coincidence, but, then again, maybe it's not. To me, this is an odd coincidence and one that has received almost no MSM or public health attention.

I always try to highlight those things that should be investigated ... but haven't been. "Early Spread" is one of those topics.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Can you show us proof of this "novel new virus"? Epidemiology is not proof.

"Covid began to spread"

What is "covid" and what was spreading exactly?



1. The symptoms are non-specific

2. The symptoms are neither necessary nor sufficient for a diagnosis

3. The specificity and sensitivity of the assays (PCR/NAAT and Antigen) is unknown because they have never been validated against the gold standard (the virus)

4. The existence of the virus "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2" (SARS-CoV-2) has never been scientifically proven

If one accepts all of the above then one has no choice but to conclude that disease called "Coronavirus disease 2019" aka "COVID-19" is not real.

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How do you square your assertion that there was no pandemic with the constant drumbeat of the lab leak theory spread by the likes of Rand Paul and RFK Jr? Is there a pathogen out there somewhere, but it simply isn't doing what they say it is?

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There is no evidence of any pathogen. This is war.

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I admire your tenacity Professor Denis Rancourt.

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