I worked on a super yacht years ago. Ww regularly sailed through the Suez Canal to the Maldives. Ship owners pay very large sums of money for insurance agsinst pirates. Then we also joined a navy convoy to ptotect us. I dont know the cost to join this convoy but its not cheap. Here is the thing. The worlds Navies could obliterate these pirates but why dont they. I reckon they rather support them "under cover" to keep the threat perpetual. Similar story right?
Well said. Have been thinking the same thing for the past four years, at least. But not just MRNA vaccines, all vaccines, are a protection racket. It is not the job of medicine to ''protect'' healthy people from anything. Their job is so cure the sick. As long as people are healthy then they have no need of any doctors or any medicine. Vaccination is a smart way to convert the healthy into the sick and profit by it endlessly - just like a protection racket. A smart way to get doctors, and hangers on, constantly pushing and profiting from drugs.
1)The Medical Industry scamming of the populace began even with the Small Pox Vax, graduated to the "Spanish Flu", Measles vax, Cancer research, Aids.
Proper hygiene and effective public sanitation are never discussed.
2)Climate: a full global moratorium on Climate Geo-Engineering. I am always amazed at watching Climate Bots go vicious with their certainty when I bring this up.
3) I tell my former acquaintances that are moneyed that government prefers you over working classes. So in not supporting the government and its now toxic institutions I will not support them until they understand that they do not deserve all their cash, even though they may have prostituted beyond the pale to enjoy their "just rewards".
ALL public institutions in the West are bought out by the Asset Management BORG.
I might need a gun to stop the vaccinazis from trying to inject their poisons into me. Think about the last fake pandemic, that of covid, as it was possible for the murdering anti-human scum to inject billions with possibly poison mRNA crap. No way will guns accomplish that as far as murder goes.
Protection rackets are the sweet spots for the government where honesty is never required to garner mountains of power and control.
The mafia could only dream of such a deal- "legal" protection, blackmail, and murder, enabled by bought-and-paid-for US legislators. A racket run through the US Dept. of Defense and Intel agencies.
Michael Corleone was right! The conversation he has in Godfather II with the Senator is incredible. Our government bros are the baddest badasses on the planet. I'm not sure it's not necessary in the world we live in. Was Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men also right? Understanding the money flows, where the money went, and whose coffers have to be topped off or else all hell breaks loose, is partly what Epstein was doing, apparently. It's a dark and powerful world out there on the high seas with a lot of collateral damage, to say the least.
For those who are interested in the German RKI-leak and cannot follow the inadequate, machine generated subtitles on the video here is our improved English transcript.
I hadn't put it in those terms before, although yes, of course, thanks for the clarity. I noticed that RFK Jr, Casey Means, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy and Tucker Carlson have each made this point about pharma advertising recently. Amazingly, even defense companies occasionally place tv ads, Fox Kennedy said, despite the fact that no individual can purchase what they sell. Yes, obviously this is protection money to the media companies, although I imagine there is also a tremendous mind control effect from hearing constantly about drugs that cause horrific disease and death ("side effects") and being told they are "medicine".
Get a gun...shoot your t.v. Or if you can't do that...get a dvd machine and only watch wonderful old movies that portray a human world....life as it was before the attack of the c*vid zombies and the victims of the great VAX WARS.
I love old movies. Also read. I never look at "news" shows...they are all liars. I have some blogs I check regularly like COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE, THE BREGGINS, truthcomestolight.com
Denis Rancourt doesn't write much...but when he does he blows everyone else out of the water. Whenever I am trying to convince people that YES...WE DID EXPERIENCE AN ATTACK BY GLOBAL POWER VAMPIRES...I show them the graphs that Denis made of excess death etc. We actually do live in "interesting times".
Yup, agreed. Glad you know the same. Haven’t had a television for twenty years and haven’t consulted mainstream news for “facts” for thirty or so years. As a truth seeker, I do take in an insane amount of information though… it would be nice to watch more fun stuff ;) although I just rely on nature for my joy. Long walks in South Africa is my current gift of Life.
Been doing this for years now. I saw the way TV was headed years ago and began collecting classic TV and movies. I don't subscribe to any kind of cable or streaming. Another benefit of having my own library is I don't *ever* see any of the foul advertising for anything (shots, pills, junk food, garbage!). The only bad thing for people who are aware of what's going on in the world, is that in a *lot* of the older TVs and Movies, you can see the predictive programming. They've been working on us for decades!!!
Oh, yes, now that you mention advertising, I recall that was my primary issue in the early days. I refused to watch it and did everything to get around it. (When TV was on in my house when married cuz husband liked having it on, I always turned sound down so he could look over at sports but dang, I couldn't handle the ads.) Early days of internet had a lot of that, too, as magazines just moved their content online and brought flashing ads with it - maybe they still do, but i've long worked things so I can get directly to info with minimal ad interference. And, wow, interesting point about the early predictive programming - hadn't thought about that but yeah, of course. As a whole, we were so naive back in the day - yikes.
And don't forget the Health Canada-GSK secret deal for a pre-pandemic bird flu (H5N1) vaccine that has been in the works since last June, as I have recently exposed:
- Health Canada’s deal for a Bird Flu Vaccine with Big Pharma Giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is so Secret, they don’t want you to know about it.
Thoughts on the possible purpose of medically induced harm : The acquisition of further opportunities for blackmail.
When the robbery of the economies of the Western countries is combined with the loss of demand for the US dollar, the purpose of the plandemic can be better understood. We are dealing with several levels of fraudulent manipulation. As I write this, I am thinking of one of the possible purposes of the mass murder and the damage to health caused by the bioweapon disguised as vaccines. The willing puppets of the perpetrators, who lacked the imagination to understand the general plandemic situation, will now be able to be blackmailed directly by the perpetrators (via the corrupt judicial system that protected them until now) in order to be protected from the revenge of the citizens. They will find themselves in a predicament and will be forced to follow the perpetrators' further orders. The perpetrators may have various reasons for committing the mass murder. But one, perhaps the most important of these, may be to provide themselves with a good opportunity to blackmail the government members of many countries even more: protection from the anger of the citizens in exchange for 100% obedience. In this way, the installation of absolute power can be easier and successful in the long term. In this context, it would be possible to explain, for example, why freedom of expression is still possible on Telegram and Substack. The mass murder is supposed to slowly leak out to the public, but only at the pace desired by the perpetrators.
I am putting forward this idea in the form of a hypothesis, because only the perpetrators have the script. If I am right, a good solution for the politicians responsible would be to come clean as quickly as possible. Before they are forced to carry out further deadly orders and enable the perpetrators to continue to rob public goods, some of them may be able to plead their medical incompetence and naivety. In any case, this requires courage and the will to prevent something worse from happening. This is probably just wishful thinking on my part, but it seems to me to be the best possible option for many of those in charge.
I hope that this afterword will make Dr Yeadon's "TOXIC BY DESIGN" narrative appear in a credible light. A plausible and somewhat profitable reason for the perpetrators to commit mass murder and cause massive health damage will hopefully make it much easier to understand the situation. The other possible reasons for this criminal act seem less convincing to me.
Thanks for these thoughts. I feel very sympathetic toward people in authority who were gulled into thinking we were in an existential emergency that necessitated drastic measures. In order to reconcile themselves to the truth they must put themselves into a tortured state of mind, and the more conscientious and pro-social they are the more tortured they will become. Being able to blackmail these people hadn’t occurred to me. This is a plausible but very ugly possibility.
True enough and why tax payers didn't get to see the invoices.
I worked on a super yacht years ago. Ww regularly sailed through the Suez Canal to the Maldives. Ship owners pay very large sums of money for insurance agsinst pirates. Then we also joined a navy convoy to ptotect us. I dont know the cost to join this convoy but its not cheap. Here is the thing. The worlds Navies could obliterate these pirates but why dont they. I reckon they rather support them "under cover" to keep the threat perpetual. Similar story right?
The "pirates" are the Big Navies and they cannot submit the Houthi's, who have shut down the Red sea to the Collective Waste shipping.
The superyacht you were on was on the wrong side, hence you had some protection.
Africans can see "floating $$$" in a superyacht.
Well said. Have been thinking the same thing for the past four years, at least. But not just MRNA vaccines, all vaccines, are a protection racket. It is not the job of medicine to ''protect'' healthy people from anything. Their job is so cure the sick. As long as people are healthy then they have no need of any doctors or any medicine. Vaccination is a smart way to convert the healthy into the sick and profit by it endlessly - just like a protection racket. A smart way to get doctors, and hangers on, constantly pushing and profiting from drugs.
Neshewat please don’t ignore the elephant in the room
Goes hand in hand with "Slaughterbots"!
Yes and....
Thank you.
When I try to click on your link, substack makes it disappear!
I have to leave the comments and come back again to see the link, the again I click and it disappears... as if you didn't write anything.
Substack is part of the system :/
I have heard this from others. I believe that it is censorship via personalized algorithms. Try again.
It's the same: All your text collapses up. Only your name remains.
But I know Whitney's site and read it on and off so it was easy to find her piece.
Thank you 🙏
Agree Denis - Climate and Covid are the two greatest scams of our Age.
THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae
"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."
Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull
Fifty Years of False Fears
The New Dark Age
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
1)The Medical Industry scamming of the populace began even with the Small Pox Vax, graduated to the "Spanish Flu", Measles vax, Cancer research, Aids.
Proper hygiene and effective public sanitation are never discussed.
2)Climate: a full global moratorium on Climate Geo-Engineering. I am always amazed at watching Climate Bots go vicious with their certainty when I bring this up.
3) I tell my former acquaintances that are moneyed that government prefers you over working classes. So in not supporting the government and its now toxic institutions I will not support them until they understand that they do not deserve all their cash, even though they may have prostituted beyond the pale to enjoy their "just rewards".
ALL public institutions in the West are bought out by the Asset Management BORG.
Dialogue will set you free.
Ask Bill Ghate$ about protection rackets.
He ran/runs a great one at MS.
Great point. Internet protection from the miners of our online lives.
I might need a gun to stop the vaccinazis from trying to inject their poisons into me. Think about the last fake pandemic, that of covid, as it was possible for the murdering anti-human scum to inject billions with possibly poison mRNA crap. No way will guns accomplish that as far as murder goes.
Protection rackets are the sweet spots for the government where honesty is never required to garner mountains of power and control.
The mafia could only dream of such a deal- "legal" protection, blackmail, and murder, enabled by bought-and-paid-for US legislators. A racket run through the US Dept. of Defense and Intel agencies.
Not to mention the ability to *force* people to buy/take their products! It's unreal!
2023 DOD Budget: $816 billion
2023 HHS Budget: $1.7 trillion
And that's only part of it for each.
The entire US military expenditures exceed $1.3 trillion. The entire US "health management system " is currently a bit over $4 trillion.
All vaccines have ever been nothing but a racket and a disturbing form of eugenics.
Michael Corleone was right! The conversation he has in Godfather II with the Senator is incredible. Our government bros are the baddest badasses on the planet. I'm not sure it's not necessary in the world we live in. Was Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men also right? Understanding the money flows, where the money went, and whose coffers have to be topped off or else all hell breaks loose, is partly what Epstein was doing, apparently. It's a dark and powerful world out there on the high seas with a lot of collateral damage, to say the least.
For those who are interested in the German RKI-leak and cannot follow the inadequate, machine generated subtitles on the video here is our improved English transcript.
I hadn't put it in those terms before, although yes, of course, thanks for the clarity. I noticed that RFK Jr, Casey Means, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy and Tucker Carlson have each made this point about pharma advertising recently. Amazingly, even defense companies occasionally place tv ads, Fox Kennedy said, despite the fact that no individual can purchase what they sell. Yes, obviously this is protection money to the media companies, although I imagine there is also a tremendous mind control effect from hearing constantly about drugs that cause horrific disease and death ("side effects") and being told they are "medicine".
Get a gun...shoot your t.v. Or if you can't do that...get a dvd machine and only watch wonderful old movies that portray a human world....life as it was before the attack of the c*vid zombies and the victims of the great VAX WARS.
I love old movies. Also read. I never look at "news" shows...they are all liars. I have some blogs I check regularly like COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE, THE BREGGINS, truthcomestolight.com
Denis Rancourt doesn't write much...but when he does he blows everyone else out of the water. Whenever I am trying to convince people that YES...WE DID EXPERIENCE AN ATTACK BY GLOBAL POWER VAMPIRES...I show them the graphs that Denis made of excess death etc. We actually do live in "interesting times".
Yup, agreed. Glad you know the same. Haven’t had a television for twenty years and haven’t consulted mainstream news for “facts” for thirty or so years. As a truth seeker, I do take in an insane amount of information though… it would be nice to watch more fun stuff ;) although I just rely on nature for my joy. Long walks in South Africa is my current gift of Life.
Been doing this for years now. I saw the way TV was headed years ago and began collecting classic TV and movies. I don't subscribe to any kind of cable or streaming. Another benefit of having my own library is I don't *ever* see any of the foul advertising for anything (shots, pills, junk food, garbage!). The only bad thing for people who are aware of what's going on in the world, is that in a *lot* of the older TVs and Movies, you can see the predictive programming. They've been working on us for decades!!!
Oh, yes, now that you mention advertising, I recall that was my primary issue in the early days. I refused to watch it and did everything to get around it. (When TV was on in my house when married cuz husband liked having it on, I always turned sound down so he could look over at sports but dang, I couldn't handle the ads.) Early days of internet had a lot of that, too, as magazines just moved their content online and brought flashing ads with it - maybe they still do, but i've long worked things so I can get directly to info with minimal ad interference. And, wow, interesting point about the early predictive programming - hadn't thought about that but yeah, of course. As a whole, we were so naive back in the day - yikes.
And don't forget the Health Canada-GSK secret deal for a pre-pandemic bird flu (H5N1) vaccine that has been in the works since last June, as I have recently exposed:
- Health Canada’s deal for a Bird Flu Vaccine with Big Pharma Giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is so Secret, they don’t want you to know about it.
Also covered by Liberty Talk Canada just yesterday:
- Why Was Canada's Fed Trying To Make Deals For Bird Flu "Pandemic" Vax Back in May?
CoronaPrank was a textbook Racketeering Event.
This is an afterword from the following article :
Thoughts on the possible purpose of medically induced harm : The acquisition of further opportunities for blackmail.
When the robbery of the economies of the Western countries is combined with the loss of demand for the US dollar, the purpose of the plandemic can be better understood. We are dealing with several levels of fraudulent manipulation. As I write this, I am thinking of one of the possible purposes of the mass murder and the damage to health caused by the bioweapon disguised as vaccines. The willing puppets of the perpetrators, who lacked the imagination to understand the general plandemic situation, will now be able to be blackmailed directly by the perpetrators (via the corrupt judicial system that protected them until now) in order to be protected from the revenge of the citizens. They will find themselves in a predicament and will be forced to follow the perpetrators' further orders. The perpetrators may have various reasons for committing the mass murder. But one, perhaps the most important of these, may be to provide themselves with a good opportunity to blackmail the government members of many countries even more: protection from the anger of the citizens in exchange for 100% obedience. In this way, the installation of absolute power can be easier and successful in the long term. In this context, it would be possible to explain, for example, why freedom of expression is still possible on Telegram and Substack. The mass murder is supposed to slowly leak out to the public, but only at the pace desired by the perpetrators.
I am putting forward this idea in the form of a hypothesis, because only the perpetrators have the script. If I am right, a good solution for the politicians responsible would be to come clean as quickly as possible. Before they are forced to carry out further deadly orders and enable the perpetrators to continue to rob public goods, some of them may be able to plead their medical incompetence and naivety. In any case, this requires courage and the will to prevent something worse from happening. This is probably just wishful thinking on my part, but it seems to me to be the best possible option for many of those in charge.
I hope that this afterword will make Dr Yeadon's "TOXIC BY DESIGN" narrative appear in a credible light. A plausible and somewhat profitable reason for the perpetrators to commit mass murder and cause massive health damage will hopefully make it much easier to understand the situation. The other possible reasons for this criminal act seem less convincing to me.
Thanks for these thoughts. I feel very sympathetic toward people in authority who were gulled into thinking we were in an existential emergency that necessitated drastic measures. In order to reconcile themselves to the truth they must put themselves into a tortured state of mind, and the more conscientious and pro-social they are the more tortured they will become. Being able to blackmail these people hadn’t occurred to me. This is a plausible but very ugly possibility.