Your output of late has been simply outstanding, sir. Thank you for all you are doing. You are made of quite stern stuff, so refreshing in an era of much vacuous over-intellectualising. Which is why I know you are shrugging off the shrill flak you get from the fanatical fringes of an otherwise reasonable community who rationally question much about pathogens, contagion and disease. You and Mike Yeadon - an admirer of yours and fellow straight shooter - should join forces.

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watched Tucker and compared the president to the resident. What a difference. The president has a full knowledge of history, a way of summarizing it so we could all grasp it, danced carefully around the sore toes, and made a lot of sense (even though as a politician we have to take a cup of salt). The resident does not remember when he was vice president, that he left boxes of top secret documents in the garage of the house where his drug addict, paid by China son lives, and stumbles over a bag of sand....

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there are at least two interesting sources for "things Russian", one light (poetry, the arts) - https://russiandiary.substack.com/ and one more political - https://johnhelmer.org/ (just scrolling down will give you an idea what Helmer writes about). even though I don't like Tucker much (I get nervous by his reactions to the answers of some of his guests), Putin stole the show (as we say in my language). it's good the interview was done!

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Tucker’s face when Putin tells him the Cabal is already genetically engineering super soldiers, athletes and scientists.


"Mankind is currently facing many threats due to the genetic research. It is now possible to create a super human, a specialized human being, a genetically engineered athlete, scientist, military man." - President Putin (1:49:00)

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you are right about Tucker, and it seems it is getting worse now he is on his own. He seems like a giggling old girl LOL. Thanks for the links, I will check them out. I know a couple of poems in translation as I do not know any Russian (but I might learn it if I can)

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I watched the Putin interview. One of the things that struck me was the comment about Boris Johnson scuttling the Turkey negotiations. Johnson's reaction was not to deny that, but to go on a rant about how Russia would be defeated in Ukraine. This reaction is almost as good as admitting to the accusation by Putin. What is it with these guys? Sometimes it sounds like they are in bed with the military industrial complex and sometimes it sounds like they are adolescents overwhelmed by emotion provoking hormones and lack of cognitive formation and spouting, posturing, talking like 12 year olds in adult bodies. They are all doing it.

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they might be suffering from a serious developmental disorder, accentuated by their unshakeable, but dysfunctional belief in their superiority and worsened by their OxBridge education (read: brain washing). it's why they all revere Churchill, great role model.

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They are suffering from centuries of in breeding. God made a special kill switch for that.

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may be both. or drugged to the max, raping underage girls, drunk on the floor

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There are off-world powers involved: some are benevolent and some are malevolent -- although the predators are unwittingly helping to push Terrans through the ascension window.

It's important to grasp the full scope and implications of the Luciferian Brotherhood, the secret space program, Project Phoenix, Project Omega, the Federation of Free German Worlds (Nacht Waffen Regir), the Draco Empire, the Orion group, Nibiru, etc. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/history-of-the-human-race/

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Wow. Thank you for posting that link. I saved it to my home screen for further researching.

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Great to come across someone privy to the Johnson/Ukraine discussions. Do tell us more.

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they're either bought off or being extorted or some combination thereof

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Tucker’s face when President Putin reminds him that he (Tucker) tried to join the CIA “back in the day.” "A very serious organization," Putin said calmly, making the understatement of the year.


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William Burroughs also tried to join the CIA. The interviewer and he did not take to each other !

The irony is that the CIA was in the long run, the only one to have taken his ideas seriously.

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The real director of the CIA is the Luciferian Brotherhood, which took its mission very seriously. Although we don't have many details, I have a theory that the Luciferians genetically engineered Earth's ruling class in Sumer so they wouldn't have to torture people and debauch society themselves.

"As evidence for this theory, the Enuma Elish refers to 'black-heads', which means that the Anunnaki made distinctions among racial groups. Furthermore, there was another race created in Sumer: a master race. Maybe it was the creation of this race that gave the gods rest: after all, being an evil ruler is hard work." - "The Anunnaki, the Luciferians and slavery" https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/the-anunnaki-the-luciferians-and

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Sorry to butt in on your response here(Looks like we have the same line of thought on our history) anyways, I'm curious to your thoughts on alien abductions. I came across some info about a year ago that really has me still to this day thinking, it was about how abductions are part of CIA mind control. It really clicked with me. What are your thoughts on that? I do believe in aliens/spirits/demons other worldly entities whatever you want to call them, I'm convinced that our government is working with them involved in abductions. If you have any links, I'm very interested in more info and your thoughts!

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But in response to your question, in my latest Substack post, John Whitberg says that 2 million children have disappeared since WWII and of those, he estimates 300,000 were killed. These were milabs -- military abductions. However, I believe the military gave the public the impression that they were alien abductions -- which have also happened, but are an entirely different phenomenon. https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/john-whitberg-video-marathon

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Nice! Gonna read that link. Human trafficking has a lot to do with it too, I believe. Blackmailing and sacrifices.

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My web site, History of Humanity (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/history-of-the-human-race/), is a compilation of information, including about Montauk, which was a mind-control and time-travel program that used children abducted from many countries.

I haven't added new articles, but my Substack has several about the Sirians being the ones who both terraformed Earth and bred humanity. The Sirians have some relationship to YHVH which isn't clear to me. https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/the-creation-of-mankind

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I took a screenshot of that book, Forgotten Genesis. Just skimming through your site, that book grabbed my attention. I'm aware of the Kasarien(spelling??) Mafia and that history, it looks like the Siren goes back even further which is right up my alley. I love B.C history especially what happened before the Younger Dryes(10,500 B.C) and especially all the megalithic structures in Egypt, Peru and all around. So yeah, I'm gonna buy that book lol. Thx again!

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Sadly Tucker did not ask Putin about Russian:

-covid lockdowns and restrictions

-dangerous Sputnik V jabs and mandates in certain regions

-CBDCs and digital IDs being pushed in Russia today.


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My view is that Carlson was seriously underprepared and petulant. He could've pushed on the details of the Minsk agreement but didn't. He laughs like a hyena, very odd behaviour and high pitched voice. Definitely outclassed by Putin who has a world view versus Carlson's USA centric approach. And why stop the interview at 2 hours when Putin was happy to continue talking? Ego?

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Yeah exactly, it didn't remind me of the Tucker Carlson that made me think he was waking up.

Remember, this guy never questioned 911, and then in a flash did... But somehow he didn't learn about the game these Globocap aholes play?

It means Tucker is still working for someone else but he pretends like he's so rich he doesn't have to.

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1. Dr. Rancourt! I literally just finished writing this article about you and Kirsh! Interested in your thoughts if you ever get a second: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

2. Totally agree with your comments on hypoxia. As a clinician, seeing the bad medical literature was what made me write this note here about masks: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-i-dont-wear-a-mask

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Thank you.....I feel like saying this to you is just not enough these days..... on another note, I have been sharing JJ Couey's study hall of your interview with Kirsch and I have not had a lot of love back....take a look at what Meryl Nass said to me about it......not surprised, really....

StellaMaris 14 hrs ago

YES!!!! Listen to Denis Rancourt and JJ Couey....this is how it ends. ladies and gentlemen......but only if you want and can handle the truth..... twitch.tv/videos/2050569254


author Meryl Nass 3 hrs ago

Two very smart guys, nice guys, neither of whom has any training in infectious diseases, both of whom are excellent theoretitians but ignore the data that don't fit.


StellaMaris 2 mins ago

Which data is that.....I am respectfully asking..... from listening to both it appears they do have data...... especially Rancourt.....he spoke at a summit recently with a lot of the freedom fighters, right? Why was his data and presentation not debunked or at least questioned there?

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Sorry, I should have shared the substack where I commented, too..... https://merylnass.substack.com/p/very-important-short-video-of-rfk

ALSO, I posted this on another of her substack about the WHO Treaty and she got snarky but didn't follow up with my comment....

StellaMaris Jan 31

I heard from more than one person, most recently JJ Couey, that we can end this WHO stuff quite quickly by 1. strike the Prep Act by using the 7th amendment violation and/or also remove the 1986 Vaccine Act ...why haven't these two things been considered...or have they..... here he is at 1:55mins talking about this very thing.... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2035921756


Meryl Nass Jan 31 Author

That will only stop a small fraction of what is contained in the WHO documents. I agree with getting rid of both 1986 Act and PREP Act but only a start


StellaMaris Jan 31

Well, then why aren't we doing this first? Wouldn't this buy us much needed time? We should be doing all of this.... small fraction is better than nothing.....


author Meryl Nass Jan 31

Do it!


StellaMaris Jan 31

I would if I had the means, ability, and team behind me.....I was hoping that you and your team or other people in a position to do so to lead the charge.... is there no one in the Freedom Movement that is not motivated or knowledgeable about this? Oh, and also, I am not American....


She tells ME To "DO IT"....can you believe her snark....as you can see, the two times she got uppity was when I mentioned JJ in my comments to her......

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Check out Citizen UK 🙏

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Hi, do you have a link? There are various organisations but none that seem appropriate. Many thanks.

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Sorry, should have shared before 🙏

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Thank you very much 😊

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YES, I will...🙏

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even the best intentioned human can get caught up by their ego...

Being on the "A" list must lead to a episodes of conceit periodically unless one were very careful

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Feb 11, 2024
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Yes....I sent the same question to Roguski, twice, and have yet to hear back from him....I will check it out, thanks!

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There's a club imo, groupies being flown round the world and cross-praising each other. I don't doubt they work hard and genuine but no other view or approach is allowed. They are the new Messiahs, their way or the highway 🙏 whereas we're the practical healers trying to make life better for all

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I am liking your style. Thanks for the JJ link, his analysis will be very important. “Denis meets Kirsch” has inadvertently forced a few masks to slip, not least Kirsch’s. I have long considered Nass a player on Team NWO. My guess is the Mossad-CIA-HIAS-Kabbalah orbit - the red bracelet crowd, along with Carlson etc. There are so many competing Pied Piper and cultist factions along the freedom-tyranny spectrum forever trying to outdo each other by infiltration, gatekeeping, narrative seeding, misdirection, follower-herding, funding, gaslighting etc. With such high stakes, there should be. My dread is that it is the esoteric, fantasist, narcissistic, numerology- and symbology-loving woo-woo “batshit drunk on their own delusions of grandeur” wing who are gaining most traction.

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Thank you, Brian....I am working hard to highlight Dr Rancourt and JJ because it's the least I can do.....I am on those stacks, such as Kirsch's, Nass, etc. so I can continue sharing and if they engage so be it.....I am not confrontational because I don't want to be banned but I push back enough that I hope someone looks into the links and the people I highlight....I am not delusional that I will change the authors' minds.....also, I know that those snarky remarks by Nass will rub some the wrong way or just not sit well with the readers...we need not just to tell the truth but expose those collaborating with this, at the same time.....

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May I applaud your summary assessment of life on planet Earth today. Since 2019, it’s been like standing on a high mountain watching Satan destroy humanity.

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I've been watching Satan destroy our little matrix reality since 1959, and it has not been fun. But it has served a purpose, since we are right now in an ascension window.

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Great Substack, and very valuable. The fact you can articulate complex issues so concisely is a sign of true expertise.

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Randy Newman put an album out some years back, Harps and Angels, where he says, “end of an empire, messy at best, this empire’s ending like all the rest.” You can’t escape Political Science! It’s science!

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Thanks for the great quotation! Adding now into my "Red Pill" library:

> BeyondC19.org

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Just want to add my thank you, you and your team are, indeed, doing much of the heavy lifting these days. Please know it is very very appreciated by many of us.

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No, you’re not missing anything- spot on

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I don't believe you missed anything.

Agree with all your points.

I watched the entire Putin interview on Thursday evening...

What impressed me, is that Putin did not wish to participate in an "interview", American style...

If a hockey fan, "time of puck possession" is an important metric.

In this interview, it was probably close to 85/15, Putin over Carlson.

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The USA predator class is bringing in all these migrants . It's called "replacement migration". In reality it's just bringing in a new slave class to replace the old slave class whose members are wising up to the fact that their predator class is trying to kill them.

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As a "member of the very old slave class", I say to the "new slave class" -- "come and take it it, but just remember that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. What will happen when the money printing press runs dry? Ah, "paradise lost!"

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Quote 3. “There is always found an entire community of pathogens acting simultaneously, in all cases objectively examined.”

I agree there is no single specific pathogen causing respiratory illness…. and that what is generally called disease is multi factorial, however where and how did you come to the conclusion that there is an ‘entire community of pathogens’?

Are you talking about bacteria? If bacteria were pathogenic then they themselves would cease to exist as they would be killing their host.

It might be worthwhile looking at an alternate definition of illness/disease - the process of expelling toxins/waste and returning the body back to homeostasis; with symptoms being the body’s alarm system to let someone know that you have an imbalance. No pathogens required.

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Oxygen saturation finger clips are ripe for a good assessment. 3.5 years ago, very elderly mother, walking, talking, eating, felt ok all normal but something just not right. O2 at 96% and falling, even with some walking round the house. But dropping off to sleep over breakfast? Hmm. A care home would miss this, assume she was just elderly. Off to A+E ignoring all the mask stupidity. Eye contact with a young medic, 'something's really not right'... fascinating watching her switch into gear and do a thorough check! The incompetent GP had failed to act on the urine test from 2 weeks previously. It was in her notes! Hospital acquired anti-biotic resistant infection while in having surgery for a broken arm. Only sign was O2 saturation level and dozing off at the wrong times. 🙏

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Well done. GP's are incompetent, they didn't understand cause of my facial palsy which I had to eventually work out myself.

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Ah, that afflicted a friend some years ago. Took a long time to 'recover', years in fact. Included strange loss of some teeth too, not surprising considering nerve involvement, odd muscle function and then chewing. Worked on many levels to sort it. A cause is Elf's Arrow. Yep, for real if you are caught up in a battle on the etheric level and accidentally shot by one of those protecting you cos you got in the way. 🙏

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Elf's Arrow? I had to look that up! At first I thought it was the arrows of the Notional Elf Sir Vice. :)

After all I have had to suffer the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' - the fortune being the money big phama make at our expense...

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