Paul Craig Roberts (chairman of The Institute for Political Economy) says my this article is "the most important article available about Covid".

He saw the reprint at Global Research: https://www.unz.com/proberts/the-covid-pandemic-was-an-orchestration/

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Did you get a seasonal (not yearly) signal of excess deaths in those over 65?

If it was a weak signal, it would be diluted if you take the whole population, right?

Do you agree with this?: There was a real pandemic of a novel coronavirus, but it was not an emergency of international concern, since it only affected the elderly and those with comorbidities, who sooner or later would die anyway of the flu or something else, and it was definitely not a justification for lockdowns, swabs, distancing, masks, vax passes and experimental haccination.

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Please find one pure culture of corona virus anywhere in the world

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Could anyone please comment the following assertions? Thank you!

1. COVID symptoms were real in 2020 (after 2020, the new variants together with the injections caused different symptoms and disease evolution). Thermometers, oximeters, bilateral pneumonia X-rays, ICU occupation rate and corpses don’t lie. It's not just bilateral pneumonia, it's the lockstep detailed evolution of the new disease. For example, 37.5°Celsius fever, not more (e.g. 37.6), not less (37.4), the near exact number of days for the viral and inflammation phases, loss of taste and/or smell (which could happen with influenza but not after the inflammation or excess mucus is over, and not with the rest of symptoms) and “happy hypoxia”, a term coined to explain low blood oxygen (severe hypoxemia) despite absence of breathing distress (dyspnea), also linked to other lung diseases but not with the rest of symptoms1. Those are real measurable symptoms, unlike asymptomatic false-positive PCRs.

2. There were no contagions in open air in a 10 million cases study. That disproves EMFs, which also cause harm in open air, for example, near cell towers.

3. Nasal sprays were very effective preventing contagion (that shouldn’t happen if it was 4 or 5G).

4. People using early the 30+ early cures, experienced immediate recovery after a few hours. Yet, those treatments did not improve those having EMF-sickness.

5. Treatments that do work for EMF sensible people didn’t work for COVID. EMF-sensitive patients are still showing EMF-disease symptoms, which are completely different to COVID.

6. People living in zero cellphone signal areas (e.g. wilderness) got COVID symptoms (so it’s not 4G).

7. Nations without 5G back then got the symptoms (so it’s not 5G).

8. Those symptoms are not seen today anywhere in the world, even with more antennas (4/5/6Gs), radars and satellites!

9. In 2020, together with excess deaths, the hospital COVID ICU admission rate and ICU capacity rate are proxies of the real COVID waves. Those waves are not correlated to steady or increasing electrosmog. Those waves were not completely related to killing protocols, since they were observed in different countries, using different protocols. For example, Remdesivir was not used in underdeveloped countries; intubation was no recommended in some areas, etc.

Similar objections are applicable to the other arguments like endotoxins, poisoning, chemtrails, etc. For example, those blaming trojan Flu shots can’t explain the COVID symptoms in those without flu-shots.

Where did the flu go, though? In a majority of PCR false positives! But still there were true positives of the COVID sick.

That doesn’t mean they didn’t use all available means, including those and more, to kill as many people as possible, always trying to hide their tracks by a delayed effect that wouldn’t be immediately tied with the assassination method, which would trigger a massive counter-reaction by the people.

Virus or novel-virus denialists are incapable of providing at least one rational answer, which would explain the change in symptoms before and after 2020, by their alleged cause.

For example, they can’t explain long COVID in 2020, unrelated to any other factor in prior years and being present even in the post-2020 unvaxxed (even without contact with the vax-spreaders).

How would they explain the REAL COVID timeline?





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Since you used the pejorative "Virus or novel-virus denialists" you won't like what I have to say and will probably ignore me. Nevertheless, I'm compelled to answer because these types of arguments drive me crazy.

As an experienced molecular biologist/biochemist having read the original "scientific" papers on the "virus" I can say that I am 100% certain that there was no novel virus. The proper laboratory work was not performed, PERIOD. A corollary to this is that it is dishonest to label positive PCR test results as true/false positives. Since there's no virus, the PCR is scientifically meaningless, however politically valuable.

Ancillary to the above, I must point out that you're incorrect that there were novel symptoms showing a novel pathogen. The symptoms of this fake disease are no different from the flu. The flu didn't disappear, it was renamed. In my experience, even though those with college degrees can't figure this out, every blue collar guy I know knew it right away. Go figure.

DR has dealt with these points in his research, as have many others. You need to do your reading...

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I am a blue collar guy ... and I agree with you that it was simply the flu-renamed.

I distinctly remember (without remembering the source) reading a piece very early on that stated that the normal flu season had not arrived as expected and had been overshadowed by some new ailment. (paraphrased)

To this day, I am still perplexed with the mystery of: where in hell did the regular flu run off to? poof.

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Welcome to Substack Denis!!

You have inspired so much of my recent work.




You are a most important mind and voice. Please keep going!

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Wow. I had no idea people actually read my work! That's great. Thanks.

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I've also read most of your COVID work, too. And watched many of your interviews, the most fun are where you get a little pushback, like w/RFK Jr. & Matt Ehret. I'm an old school Duesberg'ian AIDS dissident & am always on the lookout for brilliant scientists who challenge the orthodoxy. Thanks for your work!

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Yes, HIV is nothing retroviruses do not exist the French Virologist on his deathbed admitted as much. So-called AIDS is all kinds of stuff in the United States mainly caused by drug use poppers, Azt or chemicals like it bad diet illicit drug use and alcohol abuse stage four cancer. In Africa, come on don’t feed a man for 30 days and you will see full-blown AIDS

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AZT was Fauci's first crime.

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That we know of...

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I doubt it was first

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Tom, have you read Antoine Bechamp "Blood and it's Third Element"? If I understand his work, they do, but they are

1. naturally generated within living beings as a result of cell "evolution"

2.not transmissible between people or other beings

3. not the cause of any disease just the result of normal cell development and spontaneous changes

It is a worthwhile read but a bit tricky because of the language being technical and also older before name changes came in.

As for what people are being sold these boogieman viruses are straight out of a Hollywood movie. In that you are absolutely correct.

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Yes . I've had Beauchamp's booklet about Blood and It's Third Element. Beauchamp was/is the better scientist and the terrain theory beats out the simplistic germ theory, but it is a money maker and the allopathic system is the basis of probaly the biggest money making machine we have.

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They're just psychosomatic imagination; right!

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They do exist but are all manmade.

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Hey Chris, you're on Team Super-Reality.

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Thank you, just feeling a little bit frisky tonight for some reason 😁

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When Morpheus offered me the red pill I grabbed the bottle and swallowed the whole damn thing

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The only caveat to that is AIDSa misnomer as it implies we have an immune system we do not we have detoxification systems There is nothing to be immune from

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We do have a detoxifivation system it is called the liver, just don't make it work to hard, it is flat out getting rid of toxins we breath in everyday never mind injest willingly.

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Much more than that : the kidneys , the skin these are all detoxification systems through Which poisons are excreted. The alleged mRNA injections apparently prevent the human body from detoxifying

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So if we are exposed to a disease and have symptoms and illness and we are exposed to that same disease later on, we are free of toxins that we had the firstl time we were exposed? As we age, we are cleaner of toxins? Hmmm

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Our liver is being attacked like crazy, with all the toxins we breathe, eat, drink, these days!! Dr. Ed Group says if he had to pick organ to detox, it would be the liver!

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Yes and tests will often show it is health when it is not. I highly recommend The Liver Rescue book by Anthony Willliams the Medical Medium, and amazing read about how wonderful our liver is in looking after us and we should treat it with much more respect.

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But we get measles when we are young but don't usually contract them again. This is because we are less toxic as we get older? That's quite a feat. To become more free of toxins as we age.

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Wow, that’s a great point. 👏🏽 Language is everything.

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Get out of San Francisco while you can !😁

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Hmm, so many people say that to me and I have thought about it for over 3 years now. However some of us feel we have a mission here and think we can do some good. Please wish those of us who stay luck and courage instead!

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If we have no immunity system, why do we contract disease then not contract it when we are exposed after having it?

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Since 2020, I have followed you. You were one of the first scientists I heard talk sense about the nonsense. Thank you ✨🙏🏽✨

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Have to comment that I love your user name!

Being a SF native

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Monk (tv show) suggests "Canned Franciscan" as another

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Not radical at all just true the Earth’s death Rate didn’t go up until after initiation of the injection program. That is because it is a purpose driven chemical weapon to de populate the human race. And viruses simply do not exist, there is no such thing as COVID-19 and that has been proven without a shadow of a doubt we need to move on from this nonsense and deal with the real agenda of the worlds elites , attempting to main cripple and kill as many people on the Earth as they can to meet their 2030 agenda

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Yes, globalist evil means to incinerate most of the earths population and who has ever left will be incarcerated Within 15 minute cities ( ghettos ). Now is the time down your red pill S Stop the theoretical bullshit viruses this virus that there is no virus stand up and fight or we are all dead and our children are dead

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Ha ha ... brilliant AND modest ... such a good combination! Thanks for stepping into the breech so early on ... well done, patriot, well done ...

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Since I listened to your podcast with RFK Jr. I have been sharing it and your work far and wide. Thank you for your work.

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I was reading your work from 2020 on Research Gate, and spread it around as best I could and knew how then. Glad to have found you here.

Thank you for your uncompromising voice.

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I found you in 2020 because I was looking at excess mortality. Seemed the reasonable thing to do. It didn’t line up with what we were being told. The (NYC) hospital ship left because it was empty and the tents were dismantled. Diamond Princess ... It didn’t add up.

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Yeah, it's kinda funny many of us humans just want the truth.

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OMG we are desperate for it! We are drinking it in!

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Your humility is so refreshing. It is, in part, the reason I trust your work. Thank you.

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Your humility is very refreshing in a veritable sea of humans clamoring to be seen and ‘followed’ these days.

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We do and thank you from the USA.

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Professor Rancourt, you're inaugural Substack is what would be called in American baseball, a grand slam.

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The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system.

The "timely" arrival of the Covid-19 “emergency” provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed.

The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

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Financial collapses are deliberately engineered by the banks.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

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Nowadays they can do so with literally the push of a button.

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Put more succinctly, when the Federal Reserve wishes to cause an economic recession, they raise the commercial interbank lending rate that gets passed along to borrowers and consumers, because 97% of all US money is created as compound interest bearing debt. This increases bank profits and increases the rate of inflation of the currency.

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I don't think this is a genuine quotation. It doesn't sound like 18th century writing or oratory. Have you actually read the source material? See this link


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Empirical evidence supports my conclusions.

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No doubt and I agree. But I think it may not be wise to spread fake quotations to make your point. You clearly are intelligent and can use your own writing. ;-)

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I do not consider the quotation by Thomas Jefferson to be fake

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I queried Grok2 (Musk AI)

is this quote from thomas jefferson? "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies"

Yes, that quote is attributed to Thomas Jefferson. It originates from a letter he wrote to John Taylor on May 28, 1816, where he expressed concerns about the power of banking institutions. Here's the full context of the quote from Jefferson:

"I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

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Hi Allen, hope you are well.

Indeed. I think the financial aspect of the last 3 years is the least understood issue within the awake community.



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C.A. Fitts does great reporting on the whole system and it's relationship with the plandemic op.

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I was also watching the financial markets (interest rates) in 2019-2020 and thinking this is not going to end well. Them like magic along comes a “timely pandemic”. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

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Yes perfectly planned, timing to get rid of Trump who stopped funding to WHO too. The countries that agreed to this plandemic received their PCR tests well before it was declared.

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When a society has been plundered by corrupt political actors and elites over centuries, financial systems and states are on the edge of collapse, how can that be covered up, people be distracted from the facts and at the same time a new system be secretly installed to organize future management and control of all highly indepted ressources and a shift of all properties upwards to the operators without the resistence of the populace that will happyly own nothing?

A window of opportunity is needed.

The new social credit system, bound to cbdc's, can only work If every single participant is identifiable. Footprint for privilege.

What could be the utmost "initiative" that brings everyone to subscribe to this system more or less voluntaryly? What is a promising strategic, a perfect trojan horse?

Maybe a product to combat a health crisis that allegedly affects everyone? If mandated or under threat of exclusion and disadvantage would a sufficient high number of people follow to form a stable ground for the new normal? Would there be a world population in lockstep?

If the virus and transmission lie wasn't already invented, now would be the perfect timing for such a move.

We've been "trained" for this event for decades, if not centuries. Like the Pavlovian dog.

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5 star comment.

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Thank you. Maybe I pass on one star to Klaus Schwab. His literary gush was an "inspiration" for my little summary.

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How do we stop it? These bullshit inquiries and the slow bleed out of the truth abounds now, same old playbook to appease the normies who are slowly waking up. How do you think we, as the people, can crash their gravy train?

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When I started making sense of the nonsense, I found the data on the banking collapse and then things started to really make sense for me. It is/was a criminal conspiracy.

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An interview with Greg Hunter on Rumble discusses same with Catherine Fitz Austin (Austin Fitz?). I wasn't aware of the fact that more mortgages were written than holders of, thus there was huge scam going on until Catherine put that out there. I'm quite willing to believe huge sums have been fleeced and the Great Taking is now happening and will accelerate to faster and faster as time goes by. I am not willing to say we are done for, and yet all signs are very grim. Even Russia is infected with these financial type scams and with the vax poisons and with the 'social control' system. I follow some sub stacks that discuss events there, and it has gone far in Russia. What Russia does NOT have is the tranny movement, the upside down logic being forced on them. I think that is a line too far for the Russians as a people.

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Pity more people had not watch Event 201 and noted the parallels.

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Thank you Denis! Some sanity in a clown World.

🎯Hopefully, the World and Canadians wake up in droves!

Everything is based on lies.

Great testimony, I watched it a few times.


We just need to wake people up about the Virology fraud!

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Looking forward to reading it.

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Simply outstanding post, thank you. On the subject of the 1918 pandemic I also like to point out that the first influenza virus wasn't even discovered until 1933, which begs the question of how we can be sure that an influenza virus was the initial pathogenic agent.

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In a paper from 1997, they wrote that they sequenced autopsy samples preserved from 1918 (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeffery-Taubenberger/publication/200029242_Initial_Genetic_Characterization_of_the_1918_Spanish_Influenza_Virus/links/09e415138fc6cc908d000000/Initial-Genetic-Characterization-of-the-1918-Spanish-Influenza-Virus.pdf):

> Analysis of survivor antibody titers from the late 1930s and historical projection of phylogenetic analyses suggest that the 1918 strain was an H1N1-subtype virus, probably closely related to what is now known as classic swine influenza virus (10, 11), which may have emerged from an avian reservoir before the 1918 outbreak.

> The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C., has autopsy material consisting of formalin-fixed paraffinembedded tissue and hematoxylinand eosin-stained sections from U.S. servicemen killed in the 1918 pandemic. We randomly selected 28 cases for pathological review. Of these, the majority died of acute bacterial pneumonia, one of the most common sequelae of the pandemic (12). Sections in these cases demonstrated acute lobar pneumonia with massive neutrophilic infiltrates. As influenza virus replication peaks within 2 days in the respiratory tract, with little virus being shed after 6 days (13, 14), we judged it unlikely that these cases would retain influenza virus. Several other cases, in which the victim died within 1 week after initial symptoms, demonstrated a distinct histology noted by pathologists performing autopsies in 1918 (15, 16). These cases often showed massive pulmonary edema and alveolar hemorrhage with acute bronchopneumonia. On the assumption that virus may still have been present in these cases, we chose 14 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens representing seven such individuals for further analysis. The pathologic diagnoses noted in these cases were alveolar hemorrhage and bronchopneumonia (three cases), bronchopneumonia (three cases), and one case showing asynchrony between the disease manifestations in the left and right lungs. This case (1918 case 1) showed acute bacterial lobar pneumonia in the left lung but focal acute bronchiolitis and alveolitis in the right lung, which is indicative of a primary viral pneumonia. This was the only case among the 28 examined in which the histologic features of early viral pneumonia were conclusively present.

> Control amplification of reverse-transcribed fragments by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for β-actin was positive in 11 of 14 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples examined. However, RNA templates larger than 200 nucleotides were not amplifiable. We therefore designed nine degenerate, consensus RT-PCR primer sets to amplify small (under 200 nucleotides) fragments of the genes encoding hemagglutinin (four fragments), neuraminidase, nucleoprotein (two fragments), matrix protein 1, and matrix protein 2. Two influenza strains - one avian [A/Duck/Alberta/35/76 (H1N1)] and one human [A/PR/8/34 (H1N1)] - were used as positive controls for each gene segment to demonstrate that the primers could detect a wide range of influenza strains. No other influenza strains have ever been used in this laboratory. We were able to amplify and sequence all nine fragments of influenza virus RNA from 1918 case 1. Replicate RT-PCR reactions with different tissue blocks from the same case gave identical sequence results. None of the other cases selected by histologic criteria and examined by RT-PCR for influenza virus RNA were positive. The sequence (in the messenger sense orientation) between the primers for each gene fragment is shown in Table 1. For all fragments, the sequence generated from 1918 case 1 was distinct from those of the control strains.

From the NCBI's influenza virus database, you can download hundreds of thousands of influenza A sequences: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/FLU/Database/nph-select.cgi. I set sequence type to nucleotide, host to human, segment to HA, subtype to H1N1, and selected "full-length plus". Then I clicked "Add query", clicked "Collapse identical sequences", clicked "Customize FASTA defline", set the format to `>{accession} {strain}:{country}:{year}`, and clicked "Download results". Then I ran this code:

curl https://pastebin.com/raw/pDwYNf1r >pid.cpp;g++ pid.cpp -O3 -o pid # calculate percentage identity

brew install seqkit coreutils mafft

seqkit fx2tab Downloads/FASTA.fa|awk -F\\t '$2!~/N/'|gshuf|awk -F'[:\t]' '++a[$3]<=10&&$3!="unknown"&&$2!=""&&$3!=""'|seqkit tab2fx|mafft --thread 4 --reorder -|tee >(./pid>flu.pid)>flu.fa

curl https://pastebin.com/raw/KdSSUjNY>fluxy.R;Rscript fluxy.R

The HA protein is the equivalent of spike protein in H1N1, so that it codes for spike-like protrusions that are inserted into the lipid membrane, it evolves rapidly because it is exposed to the immune system, and it is the most commonly analyzed protein in influenza viruses. However the NCBI's influenza virus database only has two complete sequences of the HA protein of 1918 Spanish flu samples. In the plot generated by the script, the y-axis shows the distance to the other Spanish flu sample and the x-axis shows the distance to a Russian flu sample from 1977: https://i.ibb.co/zPyXTMx/h1n1-russian-flu-vs-spanish-flu-distance.png. I included at most 10 samples per year to reduce clutter. You can see that from the 1930s until the early 1950s, the H1N1 samples gradually evolved further from the 1918 samples and closer to the 1977 Russian flu strain. And then from 1977 to 2008, most human samples of H1N1 were part of strains which developed out of the 1977 Russian flu strain and which gradually moved further from the 1977 strain over the decades.

Or here's another plot which shows the distance to the other 1918 sample on the y-axis and the year on the x-axis, and which also includes animal samples: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1093243194231246934/1111652729497079818/spanishfludistanimal.png. You can also see how over the decades, H1N1 strains have evolved further from the 1918 strain. Even though there's a couple of anomalous cases, like one Canadian swine sample from 1990 which has zero nucleotide changes in the CDS of the HA protein compared to an American swine sample from 1930 (U11703 or A/swine/St-Hyacinthe/148/1990) (https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/jgv/10.1099/0022-1317-76-10-2539).

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That's quite a long read, but thanks for the info. It sounds like they only found H1N1 in one of the 28 samples they tested, which at least confirms the existence of the virus in 1918 but not how widespread it was during the epidemic.

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There's also antibody studies (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature07231):

> We took advantage of the 1918 virus sequencing and the resultant production of recombinant 1918 haemagglutinin (HA) protein antigen to characterize at the clonal level neutralizing antibodies induced by natural exposure of survivors to the 1918 pandemic virus. Here we show that of the 32 individuals tested that were born in or before 1915, each showed seroreactivity with the 1918 virus, nearly 90 years after the pandemic. Seven of the eight donor samples tested had circulating B cells that secreted antibodies that bound the 1918 HA. We isolated B cells from subjects and generated five monoclonal antibodies that showed potent neutralizing activity against 1918 virus from three separate donors. These antibodies also cross-reacted with the genetically similar HA of a 1930 swine H1N1 influenza strain, but did not cross-react with HAs of more contemporary human influenza viruses. The antibody genes had an unusually high degree of somatic mutation. The antibodies bound to the 1918 HA protein with high affinity, had exceptional virus-neutralizing potency and protected mice from lethal infection. Isolation of viruses that escaped inhibition suggested that the antibodies recognize classical antigenic sites on the HA surface.

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Jul 8, 2023
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i think likely, especially since there a-bouts is when they moved the bioweapons/ gain of function dept out there from Maryland. Sadly

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Aug 7, 2023
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Despite warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

-Woodrow Wilson

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I checked Grok2:

is this quote correct? Despite warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

-Woodrow Wilson

6 posts

15 web pages

The quote you've provided, which is often attributed to Woodrow Wilson expressing regret over signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, is largely incorrect in terms of its authenticity. Here's a breakdown based on available information:

Authenticity of Parts of the Quote:

The portions starting from "A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit..." to the end are indeed from Woodrow Wilson but are taken from his book "The New Freedom" published in 1913. This book was a compilation of speeches Wilson made during his 1912 presidential campaign, before the Federal Reserve Act was even passed. These parts of the quote do not directly relate to the Federal Reserve Act because at the time the speeches were given, the Federal Reserve Act had not yet been considered or enacted.

The Opening Lines:

The beginning of the quote, "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country," cannot be reliably sourced to anything Woodrow Wilson wrote or said. This part is considered a fabrication or at best, a misattribution.

Context and Misrepresentation:

The full quote as presented is a combination of authentic Wilson text (from different contexts and times) and an unverified, dramatic opening line. This amalgamation does not reflect Wilson's actual views or statements regarding the Federal Reserve Act specifically.

Historical Context:

It's also worth noting that while Wilson did sign the Federal Reserve Act into law in December 1913, there's no credible evidence that he later expressed such explicit regret. Historians have noted that Wilson was not known to have regretted this action, contrary to the sentiment in the quote.

In summary, while some parts of the quote are indeed from Woodrow Wilson, the entire quote as presented, particularly with the opening statement, is not accurate or authentic in relation to his thoughts on the Federal Reserve Act. It's a case of quote mining where parts from different contexts are pieced together to create a new, misleading narrative.

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Welcome to Substack. Fast becoming the last bastion of free speech for writers.

It was all a bad case of the flu. And yet, millions of parents allowed the government to experiment on their children with mRNA injections. Once they knew they could convince parents to offer up their children on the altar of Big Pharma, they knew they could make them do anything. Moderna and Pfizer are now setting up mRNA factories all over the world. It's just the beginning.

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This has to be one of the best analyses of the whole "COVID" kit and caboodle that I've read anywhere.

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Great that you made it on here. You are practicing science the way it should be. You start at square one, not accepting assumptions as fact. NO ONE is asking the questions that you are. Even when the facts are all around people they still may not register them when there is a strong social narrative, particularly a fearful one.

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Damn. I feel understood in this moment. :)

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That square one comment has to be one of the most damning contributions to the serial lie that was hosted by our collective governments. If there was independent national research being done it was not perceptible. All nations followed pretty well lock step with CDC pronouncements and few varied. Seems science is cheaper to buy than beer.

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"The Science" and computer models can be bought, but not "real science" supported by empirical evidence.

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Thank you so much is a great and fantastic summary, the problem is that if I argue these arguments to my doctor, he will write me off as a kook. So most doctors cannot be told the truth, and I have no respect for the medical profession after this debacle.

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100% nailed it!

I would like to add -- where were all the people dying at home from COVID-19/SARS-COV-2? They weren't dying at home, they were dying in the hospital. The very same hospitals that were never over capacity.

It's the government response that caused the majority of the damage. Which makes sense because the locality, and severity of the "pandemic" was entirely manageable, and predictable.

I believe that The COVID Pandemic will go down in history as the largest *purposeful* government instituted loss of life.

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Ok, wow. Just wow! This essay, supported as it is by Professor Rancourt's meticulous and detailed research, is the most cogent and accurate summary of the covid non-pandemic I have read anywhere. It is no wonder that other bright minds such as Mike Yeadon refer so often to this body of work. How you have managed to avoid the long reach of deep state apparatchiks is beyond me. But as the Aussies say, "good on ya, mate"!

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Thanks for all your so important work to bring light into this mess-information spread for manipulation and control, to denigrate humans amd enslave them/us into this gigantic scam. You and your team are making a difference!

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In early 2023, Dr. Denis Rancourt et al and I 100% independently calculated the same numbers based on the increase in total death after the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” were deployed - 13 million Covid-19 vax deaths to end 2022. Rancourt used Israeli and Australian total death data as his sample; I used Alberta total deaths.

I had never heard of Rancourt until after I published my results. We also independently agreed that there was NO REAL PANDEMIC. The IFR (Infection Fatailty Rate) was much like other seasonal flu's.

None of the extraordinary measures to fight Covid-19 were justified, as I strongly advised in writing - NO harmful Lockdowns (published 21Mar2020 on a prominent USA website) and NO high-risk/low-reward "Vaccines" (my letter sent 8Jan2021 to all Alberta MLA's, other politicians and "mostly bought" media).

Denis estimated 17 million C-19 vax-deaths to end 2023. I estimated 19 million C-19 vax-deaths for the same parameter, but mine was a crude estimate. I defer to Denis' 17 million.

I continue to read the excellent work by Denis and his team, and have no material disagreements with his methodology or his conclusions.

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"the military capacity to massively, and repeatedly, rollout individual injections, which are physical vectors for whichever substances the regime wishes to selectively inject into chosen populations"

This is why vaccine mandates should NEVER have been tolerated by anybody. They are a massive violation of individual human rights, and no government should have the power to inject what they want into whomever they want. That's inviting genocide by criminal politicians and the specific targeting of individuals and groups for injury and death by corrupt governments.

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“When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.” Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Thank you for your voice.

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