We need to schedule your booster and lobotomy for the fall cold and flu season.... no vaccine hesitancy now, right? Come on, we won the Nobel Prize...yes, that Nobel Prize..... https://joomi.substack.com/p/nobel-prize-history-from-lobotomies?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email

..a bit of humour above(or a bit of truth, too)......but on a serious not, please, know how lucky we are to have you on our side..... I could listen to you for hours.....

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This "Nobel Prize" may yet prove the most costly that any "Recipients" ever experienced?

Perhaps they had not been following the news?

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I further hope that 'The five days of fame' sour very quickly!

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Thank you for telling the truth about the actual numbers. 🙏🏾

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I'm sure it saved billions and billions of lives! As the non particularly virulent pathogen ravaged the planet with the ferocity of a hang-nail.

I've taken the time to review all the independent randomized, double-blind, control safety studies. Imagine how much time that took?

The system of Western Medicine has collapsed. We know that all pandemics have been propagandized.

Millions are now awake to the Virology pseudoscience. Being polite!


I know the great composition by Gino Triggiani echoes my sentiment!

Enjoy his hit song. "Murderers"


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Thanks from me also. Your testimony for the Canadian NCI, months ago gave me hope and verification.

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As always, thanks a lot Denise and Team. Hard good and VERY IMPORTANT job done.

It is clear that they insist without any reason (and they know it) in a lie: repeating and repeating it, they were told (I guess for their PR councellors, welll paid specialists, of course) that it will become "real" in the mind of the unaware public. It is all they have: a hudge propaganda aparatus.

You hold the fire and light of true: they will be vanished as the vampires they are.

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That huge propaganda apparatus is wielded by Intelligence:


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I think so too.

Thanks for the link!

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God bless you, Dr. Rancourt. Thank you a million times over. Will send this to Andrew Bridgen MP, who has finally got a date (October 20, 2023) for a debate in UK Parliament on the excess deaths in UK.

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In 1968 there was a "Hong Kong flu" that had estimated a death total of 7 to 8 million globally, compared to a global popn of 1,9 billion.

Translated to the CoronaPrank, that would mean 28 to 32 million deaths based on the present global popn of 8 billion.

They were not getting the death count to come close to 1968 in 2020, so why the wholesale lockdown tyranny? Even after 3 years of the Prank the total # of deaths isn'y even close.

It wasn't for public health: it was for global racketeering using nations tax bases for pimping the Global organized crime Racket. Now the Collective Waste suffers from inflation by greed.

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Thank you for sanity, Denis and expansive investigation skills.

Thanks StellaMaris for the comparison of Nobel absurdities.

Really? A lobotomy?!

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I believe many Nobel Prize winners may have had them. :)

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The charade continues, this is going to be a long and painful journey to the truth, with no end in sight. Humans are really quite pitiful, and embarrassing that they must create their fantasy world for so many insane needs.

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Brilliant demonstration of the truth!

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And of course their vaccines worked so well that the recipients still had to wear (useless) surgical masks... or perhaps the masks indicated they were bandits? 🤔 Bravo Denis and thank you for being a beacon of rationality in clown world.

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The masks are the indications of stupidity or as I might call the the Masks of the Beast!

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Most elegantly done, good Sir!

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As a companion to this top-down look at whether the lives-saved number of 20 million comports with real death data from around the world, Bhaskaran Raman has a good post at Brownstone which examines the foundations of the Lancet model itself, and finds it is built on sand:


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Dr. Rancourt; Is there an option for transferring funds directly to your group? I appreciate your work. However, we don't require tax receipts and never subscribe or sign-up for ongoing transfers.

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Thanks! Used to full capacity!

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thank you for this irrefutable fact check on how corrupt and insane all these monsters are.. i cant stand ppl who still believe in the vaccine

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I'm working through the argument you have presented so I can repeat it to others. Questions related to the following from your post: "In general, in mathematical terms, the number of deaths averted (the outcome) is a convolution in time between vaccine administration (the intervention) and vaccine efficiency (including population susceptibility to infection) (the response)."

1. Do you mean real mathematical convolution? Convolution to me means, in digital calculus, having two functions. Taking one value in the first function and multiplying it by each value in a second function and adding all those results together for 1 value in the result; repeat for the next value in the first function. Sometimes the result is normalized.

2. Vaccine efficiency? This term needs comparison to efficacy. What doe efficiency mean? How fast the vaccine can be made? Or is it what it should mean: When given, and when infected, it will prevent death. So the calculation would involve an infection rate as a function of time at a place AND the "kill rate" given an infection (and, if fair, the cofactors).

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1. yes.

2. yes, what it should mean.

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