- Wasn't China part of it?

- Isn't China run or cooperating with the same globalist forces that run the USA?

- Why did China also impose measures and vaccination?

I discuss these questions in terms of the underlying geopolitics in several of my interviews:


For example, this transcript: "COVID19 is a War Measure for Population Control in Shadow of US-China Conflict (transcript, Geopolitics & Empire)" - https://denisrancourt.ca/uploads_entries/1642863538923_Denis%20Rancourt%20COVID19%20is%20a%20War%20Measure%20for%20Population%20Control%20in%20Shadow%20of%20US-China%20Conflict--3d.pdf

Maybe start at page 7...?

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Quoting from page 8: "[T]his is a war that is massive and everyone domestically has to apply these war measures because everyone has to be concerned about domestic terrorism and domestic resistance and internal strife that would take away from the ability to respond in war-like conditions. [...] They can't have freedom on their side because this would make them too vulnerable, way too vulnerable"

So, in the midst of the WW2 Blitz, the Brits decided to have their public cultural life open.

In the midst of the nightly air raids over German cities, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau gave impromptu concerts in the basements.

In the midst of the siege of Leningrad, the Soviets decided to hold public concerts.

But now, it has become impossible?!

The devil's in the details, so let's be a little more detailed:

Obligatory face-masking of ordinary citizens made the jobs of the Chinese and Russian security agencies - easier? ... Would please say how could that be?

Masking in Russian and Chinese schools; electronic measuring of children's temperature; massive push for digitalisation of the Russian schooling system ... how was that helpful for the national defence?

The Sputnik vaccine: the pressure for employees in many places to take it; the loss of lives; how could that advance rather than hinder the national security cause?

Back to the public life in WW2: then, the British (not just Churchill, his statement was just a reiteration of a point made in public by someone else) thought that the way to secure the national public life is - to continue having it. That is similar as with diseases, where we fortify our health by continuing our social life. But, when it comes to China and Russia, they were right to close down all?

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You really hit the nail on head with this statement "The global socio-economic context is that the United Nations, influenced by global finance tied to large pharmaceutical interests, has installed a coordinated and institutionalized pandemic-phobia response structure, always eager to detect and disproportionately respond to each purported nucleus of a new lethal flu pandemic". I pray the masses open their eyes soon, too many dead and the killers roam free. I don't want vengeance but I want justice, take every dime from these criminals and give it to the victims and their families.

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That is a moral mission for all of us:

The government which allowed this atrocity to occur is bankrupt!. Canada cannot afford to pay "restitution" to all the people harmed by their crimes.

Therefore, the only reasonable thing to do, is to be extra helpful to the people who lost businesses and employment.

Also, we need to financially support those "Courageous Few" who are reporting and fighting for our collective Liberty! "E Transfers" or cash are our preferred way of doing this. If 'Tax exemptions make any difference to you(?), then you can afford the money.

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Glad to see you in the speaking circuit these days. You were the first, to my knowledge to call out the hoax with your June 2020 paper: All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response. Everyone else has been playing catch-up since.

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I wonder why China went along with the COVID scamdemic if they were being used.

I thought they were fooled but they were still doing big lockdowns after we stopped.

Russia was also in on the action with their regional mandates and their own clot shots....

I contend that we already have a global new world order much like Orwell's 1984, with artificial divisions to keep people thinking that there's a good guy and a bad guy.

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Russia and China had their own (Home made) Vaccines....

I think they were both based on "Proven" vaccine formulations?

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Not really. Sputnik V has similar issues. It's based on similar "tech" as Astra zeneca and Johnson shots used. Here's a guy I follow who lives in Russia: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/

Not sure about China's shot though as news and data from there is sparse.

But then, seeing how China was doing lockdowns later than us, it seems their shot doesn't work or perhaps induced more illnesses.

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I see. That is disappointing! I had heard that Russia's "Sputnik" was based on an attenuated adenovirus? Were the Russian and Chinese 'jabs' licensed through Big Pharma?

Re China's Lock-downs: I suspect they were trade/economy manipulations. We are seeing more overt forms of that now with the Export bans on Rare Earths and the cancellation of orders for imports from the US and Europe.

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Thank you, Denis, for possessing the discernment to see through the propaganda, the presence of mind to remain calm, and the courage to call out the lies as they were occurring in real-time.

I wonder if you watched the April 22, 2020, press conference by Bakersfield doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi (https://odysee.com/@kareldonk:8/Full-Press-Conference-Dr-Dan-Erickson-Dr-Artin-Massihi:e?&sunset=lbrytv) when it was first broadcast and if so, what your thoughts were.

As I shared in my Corona Investigative Committee presentation (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation), I remember feeling such a profound sense of relief at finally hearing someone willing to break the gaslighting spell and calmly counteract the blatant deceptions with evidence-based information. Unfortunately, their voices were drowned out by yet more thought-terminating clichés and menticidal programming, but their example showed me how important it was to speak out against the tidal wave of propaganda.

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Looks like you were definitely on the right track in 2020 - though the past flu pandemics, as you’ve now pointed out weren’t actually viral lethal pandemics after all. They have been lying to us for over 100 years!

Not sure about your China theory though - just feels like those running this show are all in on it together, remember many countries if not all moved together in sync with this Covid scam. This event was planned for 50 years, previous viruses (HIV, H1N1 etc) were just test runs, education systems, world leaders, medical systems and the media were all taken ready for this event. China, in my opinion is one of them.

This was planned like an elaborate chess game - all pieces were placed on the board ready for a check mate.

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See my pinned comment.

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Th UN is infested with globalists and terrorists and fiends. I struggle to understand why the Governments of the world have subscribed to this bunch of unelected scoundrels. IMO they have no credibility and I would suggest that we fight to get rid of this alliance.

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See my pinned comment.

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The many National Governments (Specially the heavily indebted ones) are co-dependent through the IMF and World bank. Step out of line on the "Great reset", and you will be bankrupt!

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In Bergamo province, by March 11, 2020, daily all-cause deaths had increased from ~30 deaths a day to 182 deaths, en route to a peak of 336 deaths on March 19, 2020. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/three-cities-same-virus

Same timeline for ACM in the Lombardy region, FYI.

IIRC, Madrid's and Iran's respective events began before the pandemic declaration as well.

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Yes, not all jurisdiction waited until after exactly 11 March 2020 to freak out and apply aggressive medical responses. March 11 is the declaration date but the UN ramped up the talk prior to the actual declaration.

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Other local disturbances (domestic or foreign) are also possible.

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I contend it was not a "freak out" and that government officials were not panicking.

Some levels of government may have been, but in general, we witnessed implementation/execution of plans.

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As for Iran: I noted early on that the specific mortality in that country looked more like a Political Purge? I think there was an ideologic murder campaign happening.

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A bit of backstory:

"Patient Zero" in Iran, was supposedly a female cabinet minister, who after meeting with the Pope in the Vatican, the went on a 'ski vacation' in the Alps and returned to Iran. Where she 'infected the parliament'. Subsequent to that (if memory serves) 34 Members of Parliament "Died from Covid"????

There have been a lot of anomalies in the Iranian government.

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Also???: The average age of people who died of 'Covid' in Iran was much lower. About 55 rather than the 82 found in other places??

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Kudos Dennis,

You were ‘out of the gate’ headed in the right direction from the start. Your guidelines are provenly confirmed in bold face these past several years. What do the deeper realms tell you?

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Yes, "The rest is history", however to find the actual goings on, we will have to paw through the refractions of how the media reported on it, the pharmaceutical companies' contaminated studies, redacted material for countless FOIA requests, the stains left by the silently affected, the correlations with unconfirmable cause, and all the accurate information, and try to figure out what happened. Without a time-machine and some rather intrusive omnipresent behavior, the task is nigh impossible. But, it is necessary that it be attempted if we're to recognize it before it descends upon us next.

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"the current coronavirus has caused a few hundred deaths"

What makes you say that?

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Total deaths in 2020 was very close to past years in most nations.

(In the USA 2020 total deaths were different because although total deaths were in line up to the end of December, in January they dumped another 200k or so deaths on top, claiming "late reporting". )

Also the average age of covid death was a bit above life expectancy.

Statistically, that means very few deaths were caused by COVID and were really deaths that would have happened, COVID or not.

That's why Denis focused on total deaths, because it's a clean data point that isn't influenced by interpretation of death as "with COVID" as hospitals had incentives to treat COVID over other conditions.

2021 and 2022 have increased total deaths due to the jabs, with the establishment labeling them as COVID deaths "breakthrough infections". These are not covid deaths but side effects of the shots.

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Hint: the time of writing: February 01. 2020(!)

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