Stefan Homberg was, if I recall correctly, the speaker immediately before me at the event organised by Alternative fur Deutschland. I was heard & apparently well received. But later, some people senior in the party insisted that my speech be struck from their recordings.
They never released the recording to me either. A somewhat similar speech was given in Croatia, but was also censored on the day, but was released by the organisers later (I know the lead, Andrija Klaric).
Thank-you for sharing your video. I have been in the process of trying to find some truth and accuracy in this information. I am Canadian. I have huge problems with the information that Health Canada and the federal government has issued. I am also aware that this is a huge issue in so many countries. I saw the covid numbers being skewed. I saw vaccine side effect information not being widely released. I heard of doctors and researchers being discredited for questioning the narrative. I also see little discussion of excess deaths except for people considered fringe or conspiracy theorists
With censorship of medical information . I appreciate Dr. Rancourt and yourself still sharing your research. I am concerned with what 2024 will bring to scientific fact and honest debate.
Thank-you for the resources. I am aware of both Dr. Trozzi and the National Citizen's Inquiry. I was unaware of the Inquiry until they were about ready to do their interviews for the testimonies. I am tired of the censorship. I want more people to be brave and their truth in 2024. With numbers, the truth will come out.
I found the testimonies I heard to be powerful and impactful. Unfortunately, this information would never be considered in parliament. The federal government sticks to the charade of potentially dangerous virus that is treated with a safe and effective vaccine. The whole thing is troubling.
People will go to preferably before the UN subsidiary WHO DEADLINE January 27, 2024, which the WG-WHO has already stated that it will NOT be able to meet. AND the Americans will STOP talking TREATY & realize that the WHO-IHR Amendments will clear fraudulently in MAY 28, 2024 - just as the MAY 28, 2022 Amendments to IHR were Fraudulently Passed - WITHOUT A OFFICIAL VOTE, therefore NULL & VOID. scroll down for Congress/Senate Bills explanations to remove the US from the UN & ALL its subsidiary departments via a defunding mechanism. ShineON* Katie
Can’t heart this but I so appreciate you sir!!! Love your heart! Knew it was vastly propaganda at first and wholly a bit later. Im a PCP adult-geriatric NP and see so much demise. Deeply grieving ppl and the profession.
A lot of people in the movement lack the ability to see the truth.
I was watching the last American vagabond last night. He went into the high tech bio stuff that's scary.
One thing was such a farce: that Baric was working on a corona virus that causes myocarditis.
The host Ryan has regularly explained that covid doesn't cause myocarditis, but the shots do.
Also, he knows that covid was the flu rebadged...
And yet he was explaining how this so called evil genius did some sort of gain of function on the Corona virus.
He also regularly goes into the gain of function sci fi fantasy story.
In his case, I think he forgets the basics when looking at the issue from other angles. You would think that they would realize that the pandemic was invented to get people to take the shots and want to hear that they were lied to. But they can't connect the dots, much like the AfD.
I see those people as intelligent but still stuck when it comes to common sense.
They focus on details, not the big picture like you do.
I think it is more plausible that they needed the fear and bad genetic therapy shots. The "gain of function" was the CCP release of a genomic sequence to the USA. Debilitate the population and demoralize. Recall that even Fauci whose money help fund research at Wuhan in his Congressional testimony said it wasn't really gain of function anymore that they were doing something else and that wasn't fully explained either.
For those among us who can't hear a few of you truth tellers enough places there's also the speech along with Jay Couey commentary. It's a tough choice for favorites between Mr Sparkle solo and with JJ analysis but luckily I can choose both!! <3
I have been following you from the beginning of this global scam; I have watched the progression of your ideas over time. It didn't take me long to figure out that the jab was a bio-weapon;; consequently, if it's a bio-weapon and the "cabal" is mandating mass "vaccination", then they must be engineering a global genocide.
You are banned because you are one of the few people brave enough to say that it is planned and deliberate genocide by the globalists masquerading as national governments.
What politician sitting in a parliament or senate wants to hear one of hts citizens tell him that his "government" has intentionally tried to kill him. It's much safer to talk about toxic spike proteins, lock-downs, the dangers of masks, censorship, etc.
You know the old saying, "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck". Consequently, it if looks like a genocide and smells like a genocide, it must be a genocide.
“What politician sitting in a parliament or senate wants to hear one of hts citizens tell him that his "government" has intentionally tried to kill him. It's much safer to talk about toxic spike proteins, lock-downs, the dangers of masks, censorship, etc.”
I believe your former positions in drug creation, coupled with a tremendous ability to speak in English rather than scientific terms to a peer group has been understood by power-over to possess the ability to - educate the masses, alert the masses, and to unite the masses of a global population to apply pressure both at the bottom (local level) and at the top as in supported by Leslyn Lewis, still open with 76,671 signatures. The global populations that you are able to speak to must be informed to understand that fixing the democratic process by a change in leadership alone ( as in e-4701 that closed with almost 400 thousand signatures) only has value if the people understand where the rapine of civilization is being fomented. E.g. They need to read the response to e-4401 (Health Ministry) that closed with less than 20,000 signatures also supported by Leslyn Lewis. The people need to quit with their political party affiliations, start to reassess their involvement with the process, and to vote individually for their individual reps. Most importantly to be a truth seeker - to look it up for oneself, to possess sufficient self-respect to make one's own judgement. Shine ON* Katie
just more criminal the known murderers. They definitely did NOT want to hear this truth from the very horses mouth so to speak. So what specifically was the information that caused Dr. Yeadon to be censured in this way? I have ideas...but would like verification in scientific language...
The correct response is "Mistakes were made?" that's a lovely passive voice construction designed to avoid both responsibility and culpability, which means those of us who've been around the block smell an attempt to avoid the cold light of day. Let's get a little more concrete: who made the mistakes? Which mistakes were they? Were they accidents or intentional?
Denis stated in the clip that it was basically the CIA & the U.S. Military. Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt (both women on SubStack) have made extensive presentations supporting Denis assertion of culprits. Catherine Austin Fitts ( also reached the same conclusions.
And one could also say the toxicity of the shots WAS intentional. This became plain when Kevin McKernan tested & found DNA plasmids & SV-40 in the “vaccines”. Big Pharma knew these contaminants were in their products & profusely so yet when they submitted their info. to the regulators they withheld this info. You can research interviews with Kevin McKernan & hear the facts straight from him.
Yes, you’re right I forgot about this. It was spoken about in the 5 hr podcast which included Kevin McKernan Jessica Rose, Mark Tozzi, etc. The good ole’ bait and switch! Mother F’ers!
I am keeping this video, along with a select few to bolster my mental fortitude. Got sacked from a good job for stating similar views! Mike Yeadon and Denis Rancourt are the actual definition of integrity. May we all be strong for the inevitable struggle ahead 🙏
It seems no amount of data moves people who have been captured by this nefarious regime. I wonder what the cognative dissonance is about ? Maybe how to break that kind of thinking is required ? People around me seem to be sick frequently and can't clear their symptoms like they formerly could ; certainly no connecting dots . I am passionate about the National Citizens Inquiry and have been sending clips to many people because it's peppered with fabulous posts . I was thrilled to see you there Dr Rancourt . So much information and so many fights to fight for what seems like the years to come . Thank you .
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
Rob , you obviously have great brain for thinking and reading - something I greatly admire . In my old age and maybe 3 remaining brain cells , what I do have is a highly honed BS detector , some wisdom , and a touch of honey badger . I find myself wondering what were the qualities of those of us who didn't succumb to the narrative - at the loss of family members, long time friends, and basically being shunned ? It didn't take me long to both see and hear what I considered horrific side effects that I felt need to be shared and talked about . I keep challenging anyone who says they made mistakes and didn't know .
The BS detection is natural. But many are disconnected from their senses. They live in their heads. Many people think in words, language limits their perception. Nietzsche said that words take away from the reality. They help us categorize things.
So in a funny way, having more education in our systems makes one less connected to their natural senses, which inform without needing words leading to intuition, like you have.
Here's another quote that helps understand people and their cognitive blindness 😂
It's about the professional class but you can apply it to people who base their identity on a belief system, group, religion, sports game, etc
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
Love the great Sasha and so glad she came out of retirement to fight and, as a journey woman in the arts , I appreciate her ability to use both sides of her brain .
I too, am just an ole lady gardener...who knew immediately not to get anywhere near the "vaccines" was so obvious to me. I am thunderstruck at how many much much better minds than my own-- fell for this con so "they could keep their jobs"....
I remember these words from the scripture: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul"...The soulless ones cannot discern between what is true and what is false. I said to people...if this is such a big "pandemic" how come no one I know has this? No one could answer that question....I heard things like well,
"My second cousin who lives in California has this" stuff like that. Nobody I was close to got "covid"...but we were all locked up...I told everyone everything I knew about the reasons not to get "vaccinated" one listened. I even got a book:
CORONA FALSE ALARM by Sucharith Bhakdi a famous didn't matter.
I think people loved the "we're all in this together" drama type hype. It made them all feel like we had a "common purpose"
Although, not a religious person , I did and do trust my instincts . From my perspective here in Canada , I think our language and its use is being captured and we are slowly ( maybe rapidly?) being indoctrinated into communist "thought speak " for the "good of us all " and keeping a "social distance " maybe as some examples. We are saturated here politically by unelected officials and pretty sure that won't be revealed to most by their usual sources of information that have been well paid for by this current government.
“The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth.”
I know these truth bombs are making a difference, even those who have been in denial are having a hard time keeping their heads in the sand in regards to covid truth, but dang it’s taken soo much longer than I thought it would. With every truth bomb, I thought ‘this is it...’ but our (Canadian) government is STILL trying to gaslight and deceive.
So true. But I wanna take a big bucket of truth, and forcibly pour it down the proverbial horse’s throat! (I know I know...he’d just puke it back up cuz it wouldn’t sit well..)
Yes , do Dr. Rancourt. Embarrass them and throw all the dead "vaccine" recipients in their faces. Young adults, teenagers, children....They know no shame.... And they killed millions of babies still in their mothers wombs...A holocaust happened right in front of us....and many just want to close that chapter and move on. No...we need trials and denunciations...most of all we need the facts...understandable and available as you have made them A million thanks.
Absolutely brilliant and clear speech articulated by Denis Rancourt confirming what a bunch of us knew from pretty soon into it: there was no flippin’ pandemic. ✨
HA ! I also need to mention dr. Mattias Desmet Phd. explain very well why the frozen brains are refusing the direct numbers, the raw DATA, the truth. Even my own family are escaping reality with their heads in the sand. Denis here is shooting out the hard stuff. enough BS and semi-grey articles with billions of graph and numbers. People need to get educated on this Mass murder theater. Denis has the courage to spit out the hard stuff, the real stuff, ZERO nuance. Its like your DEAD or your ALIVE ! thats- it. tx Denis ! keep the good work ......
" ...also need to mention dr. Mattias Desmet Phd. explain very well why the frozen brains are refusing the direct numbers, the raw DATA, the truth. " I would very much like to hear about the "frozen brains." It seems like cowardice in the extreme, and massive groupthink.
I agree... a big fancy word to cover their shame. I saw the truth immediately. And many others did as well...Their brains weren't "frozen"-- they are cowards and were afraid to differ with what "authorities" were demanding.
Fifth generation warfare is a war on thought/mind/thinking.
It's been in play since, at least, 2001 with the twin towers - you can show people the puffs of smoke shooting out below the collapsing floors, you can show them the eye witness testimony from fire fighters saying it sounds like bombs going off, you can show them the controlled demolition of building 7, and nothing will make them budge.
The work done during MK Ultra (and others, which are known operations) would explain how they are able to brainwash so many people.
Great speech. My concern is that people are not given accurate information. Their ideas are based on faulty science or opinions that are based on agendas. What can we do to prevent chaos in 2024?
There's nothing, in my estimation, more important than taking down the grid, all of it.
For more than a hundred years, the greatest single source of pollution on this planet, .....other than the creatures who create these poisons and those who support and pay for them, all of us basically.....Is electromagnetic pollution.
Electric current, electromagnetism and it's associated plasma fields and filaments are the stuff life is made of, that which it manifests from.
What they are doing with this imitative technology is brutal.
If the child keeps using the toy horse to tear up the sofa, take the toy away. End of story.
Excellent 9 minute summary Denis 👍 I watched most of the event and all speakers are true heroes, warriors of truth and soldiers of God 🙏. I wish I was there
I sympathize...mostly I became a persona non they say at this time-- as I refused to "mask" in stores etc I became banned PERMANENTLY from a local food coop I helped to start 30 years ago. I pretended to eat continually on airplanes so as not to have mask on etc etc ....I was "blocked" and excluded from this gathering and that. But I did not take these injections. My husband did...and now he shakes all the is called Guillain Barre syndrome...anyway, my relatives just pass it off as "due to aging"...that's possible...but it wasn't happening before--
from what I can see, the people who took the injections are terrified. I can see why. As some writer said once..."oh...the horror..." (Joseph Conrad?) and the makers of this "horror" now do not have to take any responsibility for the devastating results, the turbo cancer, the heart attacks, the blood clots, the miscarriages--the list is endless.... As they have legally(?) excused themselves...
Dr. Mike Yeadon said any experienced biochemist would have known...these "vaccines" were made to create illness, disease and disability--yet they were brought to market anyway
So this was officially "intent to do grievous harm"....This does include murder.
It is my personal opinion that "the horror" has barely begun.
tragic...and happening daughter lost a baby at 5 months into the pregnancy. I have read these shots cause sterility as well as spontaneous abortions....sad to say it but they say this "vaccine" concentrates in ovaries and testes. It is possible that an entire generation has been sterilized...
So much truth here, especially about untreated pneumonia causing the 2020 Covid deaths. My husband was one of these people, dying in fall of 2020. This happened to us as middle class Americans with health insurance. It was not just low income persons. We went to walk-in clinic, they said it's probably Covid - no treatment - come back when you can't breathe. I call 911 when he couldn't breathe. Rescue squad administers oxygen. His oxygen goes way up. They take him to the hospital where he is put on the protocol of Remdesivir and then a respiratory until he's dies alone 3 weeks later.
a horrifying story. I am so sorry for this. I have heard remdesivir causes liver and kidney failure...why was this ever a "protocol?"
Kidney disorders as serious adverse drug reactions of remdesivir in ...
Remdesivir was discontinued early after kidney disorder onset, with a median treatment duration of 3 (interquartile range, 1-4) days. In the vast majority of cases (316 [96.6%]), no other drug was suspected in the onset of kidney disorders. Reactions were serious in 301 (92.0%) cases, with a fatal outcome for 15 (4.6%) patients.
Widows suing Inland Empire hospitals for COVID-19 treatments involving ...
Oct 25, 2022October 24, 2022 / 10:55 PM PDT / KCAL News Two widows in the Inland Empire are suing Kaiser Permanente and Redlands Community Hospital for using Remdesivir to treat their husbands' COVID-19...
Remdesivir was the protocol because of Anthony Mengele Fauci, the butcher of DC. Let's look it up. Turns out that: "A related purine nucleotide prodrug, remdesivir, was developed by Gilead to treat Ebola virus infections, though not very successfully, and is currently being considered for repositioning to treat the 2019-nCoV outbreak." Does that sound familiar? Hmmm. Let me think... What was that cancer drug that was so toxic they wouldn't use it for cancer chemo, so they, ah FAUCI, decided to use it for every AIDS patient, that ended up killing them? Oh, yeah, that's right, AZT, that nucleotide analogue that terminates DNA synthesis. History doesn't repeat exactly, but it certainly rhymes.
Horrific! These people are satanic! I am truly sorry for your loss. I lost my husband last year - not at all similar circumstances - but the “care” was appalling. It’s as though many people have lost their humanity.
Thank you Denis Rancourt for the wonderful work you and your team are doing! It is very encouraging to know that there exist real scientists who also have the requisite courage to stand up against the lying authorities.
Stefan Homberg was, if I recall correctly, the speaker immediately before me at the event organised by Alternative fur Deutschland. I was heard & apparently well received. But later, some people senior in the party insisted that my speech be struck from their recordings.
They never released the recording to me either. A somewhat similar speech was given in Croatia, but was also censored on the day, but was released by the organisers later (I know the lead, Andrija Klaric).
Thank-you for sharing your video. I have been in the process of trying to find some truth and accuracy in this information. I am Canadian. I have huge problems with the information that Health Canada and the federal government has issued. I am also aware that this is a huge issue in so many countries. I saw the covid numbers being skewed. I saw vaccine side effect information not being widely released. I heard of doctors and researchers being discredited for questioning the narrative. I also see little discussion of excess deaths except for people considered fringe or conspiracy theorists
With censorship of medical information . I appreciate Dr. Rancourt and yourself still sharing your research. I am concerned with what 2024 will bring to scientific fact and honest debate.
Follow Dr Mark Trozzi's webpage? National citizen's inquiry Canada? Sure you'll know of these 🙏
Thank-you for the resources. I am aware of both Dr. Trozzi and the National Citizen's Inquiry. I was unaware of the Inquiry until they were about ready to do their interviews for the testimonies. I am tired of the censorship. I want more people to be brave and their truth in 2024. With numbers, the truth will come out.
Yes. I listened to several of the interviews. And the recent presentation of the findings was excellent.
I found the testimonies I heard to be powerful and impactful. Unfortunately, this information would never be considered in parliament. The federal government sticks to the charade of potentially dangerous virus that is treated with a safe and effective vaccine. The whole thing is troubling.
Lisa....I feel your pain....I have been following the covid project from the beginning. From an Canadian engineer's perspective, have a look at Chart of the Day (CotD) related to Canada : and On adverse events : plus
Go to Courageous Discourse substack with Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake...
good information there and of course, Children's Health Defense with Robert Kennedy jr
Also cancer specialist Dr. William Makis, a well known oncologist in Canada...
People will go to preferably before the UN subsidiary WHO DEADLINE January 27, 2024, which the WG-WHO has already stated that it will NOT be able to meet. AND the Americans will STOP talking TREATY & realize that the WHO-IHR Amendments will clear fraudulently in MAY 28, 2024 - just as the MAY 28, 2022 Amendments to IHR were Fraudulently Passed - WITHOUT A OFFICIAL VOTE, therefore NULL & VOID. scroll down for Congress/Senate Bills explanations to remove the US from the UN & ALL its subsidiary departments via a defunding mechanism. ShineON* Katie
Can’t heart this but I so appreciate you sir!!! Love your heart! Knew it was vastly propaganda at first and wholly a bit later. Im a PCP adult-geriatric NP and see so much demise. Deeply grieving ppl and the profession.
A lot of people in the movement lack the ability to see the truth.
I was watching the last American vagabond last night. He went into the high tech bio stuff that's scary.
One thing was such a farce: that Baric was working on a corona virus that causes myocarditis.
The host Ryan has regularly explained that covid doesn't cause myocarditis, but the shots do.
Also, he knows that covid was the flu rebadged...
And yet he was explaining how this so called evil genius did some sort of gain of function on the Corona virus.
He also regularly goes into the gain of function sci fi fantasy story.
In his case, I think he forgets the basics when looking at the issue from other angles. You would think that they would realize that the pandemic was invented to get people to take the shots and want to hear that they were lied to. But they can't connect the dots, much like the AfD.
I see those people as intelligent but still stuck when it comes to common sense.
They focus on details, not the big picture like you do.
I think it is more plausible that they needed the fear and bad genetic therapy shots. The "gain of function" was the CCP release of a genomic sequence to the USA. Debilitate the population and demoralize. Recall that even Fauci whose money help fund research at Wuhan in his Congressional testimony said it wasn't really gain of function anymore that they were doing something else and that wasn't fully explained either.
For those among us who can't hear a few of you truth tellers enough places there's also the speech along with Jay Couey commentary. It's a tough choice for favorites between Mr Sparkle solo and with JJ analysis but luckily I can choose both!! <3
Thank you Dr. Mike Yeadon for telling it like it is -- a planned global genocide
Afraid so.
Sincerely want to be wrong, but I don’t think I am!
I have been following you from the beginning of this global scam; I have watched the progression of your ideas over time. It didn't take me long to figure out that the jab was a bio-weapon;; consequently, if it's a bio-weapon and the "cabal" is mandating mass "vaccination", then they must be engineering a global genocide.
You are banned because you are one of the few people brave enough to say that it is planned and deliberate genocide by the globalists masquerading as national governments.
What politician sitting in a parliament or senate wants to hear one of hts citizens tell him that his "government" has intentionally tried to kill him. It's much safer to talk about toxic spike proteins, lock-downs, the dangers of masks, censorship, etc.
You know the old saying, "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck". Consequently, it if looks like a genocide and smells like a genocide, it must be a genocide.
“What politician sitting in a parliament or senate wants to hear one of hts citizens tell him that his "government" has intentionally tried to kill him. It's much safer to talk about toxic spike proteins, lock-downs, the dangers of masks, censorship, etc.”
I believe your former positions in drug creation, coupled with a tremendous ability to speak in English rather than scientific terms to a peer group has been understood by power-over to possess the ability to - educate the masses, alert the masses, and to unite the masses of a global population to apply pressure both at the bottom (local level) and at the top as in supported by Leslyn Lewis, still open with 76,671 signatures. The global populations that you are able to speak to must be informed to understand that fixing the democratic process by a change in leadership alone ( as in e-4701 that closed with almost 400 thousand signatures) only has value if the people understand where the rapine of civilization is being fomented. E.g. They need to read the response to e-4401 (Health Ministry) that closed with less than 20,000 signatures also supported by Leslyn Lewis. The people need to quit with their political party affiliations, start to reassess their involvement with the process, and to vote individually for their individual reps. Most importantly to be a truth seeker - to look it up for oneself, to possess sufficient self-respect to make one's own judgement. Shine ON* Katie
just more criminal the known murderers. They definitely did NOT want to hear this truth from the very horses mouth so to speak. So what specifically was the information that caused Dr. Yeadon to be censured in this way? I have ideas...but would like verification in scientific language...$/download/infersonic_Sound_Wave_Weapon_Found_In_Leave_The_World_Behind_Movie__Obomas_Brain_Initiative_Targeting_YOU_/e99df82d19f521ad303bc39f9b18f24214e6803f
I second this a million times...blessings on you Dr. Yeadon. I am a big fan...You are in my prayers daily. Wisdom combined with courage rare.
St. Michael the Archangel, protect this man from harm.
Well said. Thank you Dr. Rancourt for all your hard work on the Great Frauds: “Climate” “Covid” and “Vaccines”. All the best in 2024!
Denis, you are my hero..... thank you....not sure if you are aware or have ever heard about these tapes..... MISTAKES were NOT .... This is all in the playbook....
Thank you for emphasising the most misused word & phrase of 2023: MISTAKES WERE MADE.
As you point to out, MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE.
We can't begin to thank you both for your love, courage and truth-telling. ❤
Hear! Hear!
The correct response is "Mistakes were made?" that's a lovely passive voice construction designed to avoid both responsibility and culpability, which means those of us who've been around the block smell an attempt to avoid the cold light of day. Let's get a little more concrete: who made the mistakes? Which mistakes were they? Were they accidents or intentional?
You definitely could try that!
I’d be interested to learn if it makes any difference.
Denis stated in the clip that it was basically the CIA & the U.S. Military. Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt (both women on SubStack) have made extensive presentations supporting Denis assertion of culprits. Catherine Austin Fitts ( also reached the same conclusions.
And one could also say the toxicity of the shots WAS intentional. This became plain when Kevin McKernan tested & found DNA plasmids & SV-40 in the “vaccines”. Big Pharma knew these contaminants were in their products & profusely so yet when they submitted their info. to the regulators they withheld this info. You can research interviews with Kevin McKernan & hear the facts straight from him.
👏👏and Naomi Wolf indicated in the Pfizer documents they did a “bait and switch”
Batch 1 was supposed to be distributed but they switched to Batch 2. Regulators didn’t know? Hogwash I would say. They can’t be this stupid!
Yes, you’re right I forgot about this. It was spoken about in the 5 hr podcast which included Kevin McKernan Jessica Rose, Mark Tozzi, etc. The good ole’ bait and switch! Mother F’ers!
Big Pharma didn't have to know squat. They were "in the army", simply following the dictates of the military Big Daddy.
Mistakes were made? Do chickens have lips?
I have hope for humanity with people like you....hope I can meet and thank you personally one day..... hope your travels take you to BC, soon... 🌞 and Dr Yeadon....they don't make them like the two of you.... we are all so blessed even with all the evils we are enduring.... ❤
I am keeping this video, along with a select few to bolster my mental fortitude. Got sacked from a good job for stating similar views! Mike Yeadon and Denis Rancourt are the actual definition of integrity. May we all be strong for the inevitable struggle ahead 🙏
It seems no amount of data moves people who have been captured by this nefarious regime. I wonder what the cognative dissonance is about ? Maybe how to break that kind of thinking is required ? People around me seem to be sick frequently and can't clear their symptoms like they formerly could ; certainly no connecting dots . I am passionate about the National Citizens Inquiry and have been sending clips to many people because it's peppered with fabulous posts . I was thrilled to see you there Dr Rancourt . So much information and so many fights to fight for what seems like the years to come . Thank you .
There's definitely a brain dead reaction...
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
(From )
Rob , you obviously have great brain for thinking and reading - something I greatly admire . In my old age and maybe 3 remaining brain cells , what I do have is a highly honed BS detector , some wisdom , and a touch of honey badger . I find myself wondering what were the qualities of those of us who didn't succumb to the narrative - at the loss of family members, long time friends, and basically being shunned ? It didn't take me long to both see and hear what I considered horrific side effects that I felt need to be shared and talked about . I keep challenging anyone who says they made mistakes and didn't know .
The BS detection is natural. But many are disconnected from their senses. They live in their heads. Many people think in words, language limits their perception. Nietzsche said that words take away from the reality. They help us categorize things.
So in a funny way, having more education in our systems makes one less connected to their natural senses, which inform without needing words leading to intuition, like you have.
Here's another quote that helps understand people and their cognitive blindness 😂
It's about the professional class but you can apply it to people who base their identity on a belief system, group, religion, sports game, etc
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
Love the great Sasha and so glad she came out of retirement to fight and, as a journey woman in the arts , I appreciate her ability to use both sides of her brain .
I too, am just an ole lady gardener...who knew immediately not to get anywhere near the "vaccines" was so obvious to me. I am thunderstruck at how many much much better minds than my own-- fell for this con so "they could keep their jobs"....
I remember these words from the scripture: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul"...The soulless ones cannot discern between what is true and what is false. I said to people...if this is such a big "pandemic" how come no one I know has this? No one could answer that question....I heard things like well,
"My second cousin who lives in California has this" stuff like that. Nobody I was close to got "covid"...but we were all locked up...I told everyone everything I knew about the reasons not to get "vaccinated" one listened. I even got a book:
CORONA FALSE ALARM by Sucharith Bhakdi a famous didn't matter.
I think people loved the "we're all in this together" drama type hype. It made them all feel like we had a "common purpose"
Thank You Kathleen.
Although, not a religious person , I did and do trust my instincts . From my perspective here in Canada , I think our language and its use is being captured and we are slowly ( maybe rapidly?) being indoctrinated into communist "thought speak " for the "good of us all " and keeping a "social distance " maybe as some examples. We are saturated here politically by unelected officials and pretty sure that won't be revealed to most by their usual sources of information that have been well paid for by this current government.
So true. They are so alone in their minds. So lonely. So separated each into their own bought nuclear shells, designed to self-destruct.
“To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
So true!
“The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth.”
Excellently said!
This is authentic science. Thank you!
I know these truth bombs are making a difference, even those who have been in denial are having a hard time keeping their heads in the sand in regards to covid truth, but dang it’s taken soo much longer than I thought it would. With every truth bomb, I thought ‘this is it...’ but our (Canadian) government is STILL trying to gaslight and deceive.
You can lead a horse to water....but....
So true. But I wanna take a big bucket of truth, and forcibly pour it down the proverbial horse’s throat! (I know I know...he’d just puke it back up cuz it wouldn’t sit well..)
Please, embarrass, embarrass and embarrass more. Sooner or later real scientists need to, as they used to say, "man up." Well done Denis.
Yes , do Dr. Rancourt. Embarrass them and throw all the dead "vaccine" recipients in their faces. Young adults, teenagers, children....They know no shame.... And they killed millions of babies still in their mothers wombs...A holocaust happened right in front of us....and many just want to close that chapter and move on. No...we need trials and denunciations...most of all we need the facts...understandable and available as you have made them A million thanks.
Absolutely brilliant and clear speech articulated by Denis Rancourt confirming what a bunch of us knew from pretty soon into it: there was no flippin’ pandemic. ✨
HA ! I also need to mention dr. Mattias Desmet Phd. explain very well why the frozen brains are refusing the direct numbers, the raw DATA, the truth. Even my own family are escaping reality with their heads in the sand. Denis here is shooting out the hard stuff. enough BS and semi-grey articles with billions of graph and numbers. People need to get educated on this Mass murder theater. Denis has the courage to spit out the hard stuff, the real stuff, ZERO nuance. Its like your DEAD or your ALIVE ! thats- it. tx Denis ! keep the good work ......
" ...also need to mention dr. Mattias Desmet Phd. explain very well why the frozen brains are refusing the direct numbers, the raw DATA, the truth. " I would very much like to hear about the "frozen brains." It seems like cowardice in the extreme, and massive groupthink.
I agree... a big fancy word to cover their shame. I saw the truth immediately. And many others did as well...Their brains weren't "frozen"-- they are cowards and were afraid to differ with what "authorities" were demanding.
Fifth generation warfare is a war on thought/mind/thinking.
It's been in play since, at least, 2001 with the twin towers - you can show people the puffs of smoke shooting out below the collapsing floors, you can show them the eye witness testimony from fire fighters saying it sounds like bombs going off, you can show them the controlled demolition of building 7, and nothing will make them budge.
The work done during MK Ultra (and others, which are known operations) would explain how they are able to brainwash so many people.
Great speech. My concern is that people are not given accurate information. Their ideas are based on faulty science or opinions that are based on agendas. What can we do to prevent chaos in 2024?
"A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest."
I would agree.
There's nothing, in my estimation, more important than taking down the grid, all of it.
For more than a hundred years, the greatest single source of pollution on this planet, .....other than the creatures who create these poisons and those who support and pay for them, all of us basically.....Is electromagnetic pollution.
Electric current, electromagnetism and it's associated plasma fields and filaments are the stuff life is made of, that which it manifests from.
What they are doing with this imitative technology is brutal.
If the child keeps using the toy horse to tear up the sofa, take the toy away. End of story.
Thanks Prof Denis.
I wish you a happy new year for 2024.
God be with you.
Excellent 9 minute summary Denis 👍 I watched most of the event and all speakers are true heroes, warriors of truth and soldiers of God 🙏. I wish I was there
I sympathize...mostly I became a persona non they say at this time-- as I refused to "mask" in stores etc I became banned PERMANENTLY from a local food coop I helped to start 30 years ago. I pretended to eat continually on airplanes so as not to have mask on etc etc ....I was "blocked" and excluded from this gathering and that. But I did not take these injections. My husband did...and now he shakes all the is called Guillain Barre syndrome...anyway, my relatives just pass it off as "due to aging"...that's possible...but it wasn't happening before--
from what I can see, the people who took the injections are terrified. I can see why. As some writer said once..."oh...the horror..." (Joseph Conrad?) and the makers of this "horror" now do not have to take any responsibility for the devastating results, the turbo cancer, the heart attacks, the blood clots, the miscarriages--the list is endless.... As they have legally(?) excused themselves...
Dr. Mike Yeadon said any experienced biochemist would have known...these "vaccines" were made to create illness, disease and disability--yet they were brought to market anyway
So this was officially "intent to do grievous harm"....This does include murder.
It is my personal opinion that "the horror" has barely begun.
"Pfizered up...back on my assistance from the global elite..."
tragic...and happening daughter lost a baby at 5 months into the pregnancy. I have read these shots cause sterility as well as spontaneous abortions....sad to say it but they say this "vaccine" concentrates in ovaries and testes. It is possible that an entire generation has been sterilized...
So much truth here, especially about untreated pneumonia causing the 2020 Covid deaths. My husband was one of these people, dying in fall of 2020. This happened to us as middle class Americans with health insurance. It was not just low income persons. We went to walk-in clinic, they said it's probably Covid - no treatment - come back when you can't breathe. I call 911 when he couldn't breathe. Rescue squad administers oxygen. His oxygen goes way up. They take him to the hospital where he is put on the protocol of Remdesivir and then a respiratory until he's dies alone 3 weeks later.
I was not allowed in. My daughter was after he was effectively dead - unconscious and being taken off the ventilator.
a horrifying story. I am so sorry for this. I have heard remdesivir causes liver and kidney failure...why was this ever a "protocol?"
Kidney disorders as serious adverse drug reactions of remdesivir in ...
Remdesivir was discontinued early after kidney disorder onset, with a median treatment duration of 3 (interquartile range, 1-4) days. In the vast majority of cases (316 [96.6%]), no other drug was suspected in the onset of kidney disorders. Reactions were serious in 301 (92.0%) cases, with a fatal outcome for 15 (4.6%) patients. › losangeles › news › widows-suing-inland-empire-hospitals-for-covid-19-treatments-involving-remdesivir
Widows suing Inland Empire hospitals for COVID-19 treatments involving ...
Oct 25, 2022October 24, 2022 / 10:55 PM PDT / KCAL News Two widows in the Inland Empire are suing Kaiser Permanente and Redlands Community Hospital for using Remdesivir to treat their husbands' COVID-19...
Remdesivir was the protocol because of Anthony Mengele Fauci, the butcher of DC. Let's look it up. Turns out that: "A related purine nucleotide prodrug, remdesivir, was developed by Gilead to treat Ebola virus infections, though not very successfully, and is currently being considered for repositioning to treat the 2019-nCoV outbreak." Does that sound familiar? Hmmm. Let me think... What was that cancer drug that was so toxic they wouldn't use it for cancer chemo, so they, ah FAUCI, decided to use it for every AIDS patient, that ended up killing them? Oh, yeah, that's right, AZT, that nucleotide analogue that terminates DNA synthesis. History doesn't repeat exactly, but it certainly rhymes.
Horrific! These people are satanic! I am truly sorry for your loss. I lost my husband last year - not at all similar circumstances - but the “care” was appalling. It’s as though many people have lost their humanity.
Thank you Denis Rancourt for the wonderful work you and your team are doing! It is very encouraging to know that there exist real scientists who also have the requisite courage to stand up against the lying authorities.
In 2020 there were no vaxx deaths to speak of, but there was a "pandemic" of lockdown deaths.